Scrape Instagram Emails 📧 (Scrapebox version) 🤖 and Boost your Reach 📈

Advanced Growth Hackers use Scrapebox. This Growth Hack will allow you to scrape leads from Instagram

Scrape Instagram Emails 📧 (Scrapebox version) 🤖 and Boost your Reach 📈

How to do this Growth Hack and what can it do for you?

Let's go back to our previous example on Instagram Web Scraping that you did with Chrome Extensions.

To review the Growth Hack and the Google Dorks from the previous Instagram Growth Hack, here is the link: Scrape Instagram emails (Chrome extension version)

What results should you expect from this Growth hack?

  • Growth Hack Type: Instagram scraping
  • Expected results: Obtaining emails from prospects on Instagram

Why use this Growth Hack?

For this Growth Hack, we need to turn to Scrapebox and use Google dorks.

Again, if you don't know what Google Dorks are, here's one of my posts:

READ MORE: How do I find leads for free with Google? (Google Docks)

This Growth Hack is one of the most effective ones I've ever used for Instagram. It will allow you to multiply the points of contact with your prospects for multi-channel approaches.

How do you do this Growth Hack?

Find emails from Google

I'm not going to go through the whole full explanation of the Google Dorks approach seen in the previous hack, but you're just recalling the search query:

cat food @gmail .com OR @yahoo .com OR @ymail .com OR .com OR @live .com OR .com OR @hotmail .com OR @outlook @aol .com OR OR OR .com OR .com any site: @zoho @mail @icloud

In less than a second, I found nearly 2,000 emails from Instagram profiles that have emails and that are in the niche I just targeted.

Extract emails from ScrapeBox

We have in hand a Google search that allows us to find emails but as you may have already guessed, we are not going to extract them by hand (unless you really have time in front of you...)

Now let's launch Scrapebox, add the search above, press Scrape, and let the tool fetch all the URLs that contain the emails:

The final step is to use Scrapebox's “Grab email” function and extract all the emails from the URLs we got.

Latest Growth Hacker Tip

What more can you do with these emails?

In addition to reaching out to your prospects, you can also use these emails to create “similar” profiles for your Facebook ads.

This trick works great and the way search engines are built means that this trick will remain possible for years to come.

photo stephen mesnildrey
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