Timothy Ferriss, Tools of Titans : Their Keys to Success

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Thanks to the success of the 4-hour work week, the books that followed, and his podcast, Tim Ferris has met and interviewed numerous “greats” or titans, as he calls them. Tim Ferris is an experimenter and a passionate thirst for knowledge. He also took notes religiously. This book is a collection of the tactics, routines, and habits of world-class billionaires, icons, and artists, drawn from his interviews and interactions with over 200 people over the years.

Tools of Titans is divided into three sections: Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise. Then each chapter in the section highlights her discussions with someone listed in that section. In fact, each person is healthy, rich, and wise at the same time because they excel in their field.

Another theme common to the book is that each of these great people recognized their weaknesses and maximized their strengths. They all have shortcomings, but have focused on their strengths.