Understand the color code (HEX, RGB, etc.) with a color selector

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Choosing colors is an important part of any project, whether it's a website, an image file, or a painting.

It makes it possible to make a difference in creating a design that is attractive or not.

Couleur de la palette

Using a color picker can be helpful in finding the right shade or combination with graphic design software.

Let's take a look at why you should use it and how to go about it.

What is a color picker?

generateur couleur html

A color selection tool is software that allows users to select their custom colors and combinations, easily create palettes from an image file or from existing templates.

Benefits of using a color picker

Quickly choose the right shade

The advantage of a color selection tool is that it makes it easy to choose the perfect shades for their projects without worrying about the technical aspects of colors.

Not having to understand RGB, HEX, etc. code values

Fonctionnalités d'un curseur de sélection

Users can quickly and accurately generate desired results without understanding concepts like the HEX, CMYK, HTML, or RGB code.

Click on the desired area to find a color from the image and retrieve the desired color from the selector.

color picker

Additional features

Many features come preloaded with templates and palettes to save time and find color from an image, text, or a simple pixel.

Most of the functions are relatively inexpensive compared to traditional software, or even completely free.

Start with a color picker

sélecteur de couleur Microsoft

There are several factors you need to consider:

  • the cost,
  • the interface,
  • functions,
  • the support,
  • compatibility with other tools.

Some programs offer tutorials for those who want to become familiar with color selection principles.

Examples of color code palettes

Palettes couleur

Pallet generator


Coolors.co is a generator that makes it easy to create, save, and share palettes.

The site offers various options like generating random colors, locking, extracting from an image, a line, a line, a point, a pixel, a text, etc.

One of the best for finding the color code of images.


Is it possible to convert even HEX, HTML, RGB, or other values?

Des online converters exist to make your life easier that you can use with your computer's online browser.

Next to it are online tools in your graphics palette that will allow you to find color data for an image (color hex code, HTML).

How do I find a color in an image?

A pipette is a useful tool for finding the color of an image with your online browser.

It can be used to create a consistent color palette and achieve even more visually appealing results.

To use this tool, simply select the pipette icon next to it and click on the desired color that appears on the screen.

The RGB or HTML data of the chosen color will appear in the pipette menu at the bottom of your screen.


Choosing the right number of colors for any project can be daunting, but using a color selection tool will make the process easier!

This type of software allows them to find the perfect color for their projects and to obtain functions such as palette templates to choose complementary colors.

By taking the time to research the various options available, you can get started with confidence on your next project.

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