Bundle your content into an eBook and sell it

If creating content is an important part of your customer acquisition strategy, is there a good chance you're writing about different topics that are part of a larger segment?

How to do this Growth Hack and what can it do for you?

Expected results of this Growth Hack

  • Type of marketing tactic: Medium to high volume;
  • Expected result: Increase in traffic;

Why do this Growth Hack?

If creating content is an important part of your customer acquisition strategy, is there a good chance you're writing about different topics that are part of a larger segment?

How do you do this Growth Hack?

  1. Let's say you're an accountant who publishes articles on tax returns, annual report preparation, and billing.
  2. Chances are that only accountants are considering reading your articles. But if you put them together in an e-book and call it “Accounting for Dummies,” you could suddenly be targeting a much larger group of people.
  3. Group your articles together, find out what customer segment would be interested in reading these articles, and sell the content.
  4. Publish it (find out if you can get it paid or use it as a tool to get emails).
  5. Amazon Kindle is a great publishing tool. And here it is 20 other tools of publication.
TIP: If you want to multiply your sources of income, you can add affiliate links or other content from your website in the Ebook
photo stephen mesnildrey
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