Legal notices


This site is the property of Sales Hacking, a Simplified Joint Stock Company, with a capital of €1000, registered under number 793 687 781 00013 with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register, whose head office is located at 34 rue de Pologne, 78100 in Saint-Germain en Laye.

The director of the publication is Stephen MESNILDREY.

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Intellectual Property

As soon as there is creation, there is ownership. The intellectual property code applies to all forms of intellectual creation such as photos, articles, illustrations, etc.

If you want to use content that does not belong to you, ask the author for permission and/or pay the corresponding copyright and related rights.
For any creation, the rights are transferred for a use specified at the beginning. For a new use, for example on another medium, you will need to make a new request.

However, you can use free content. These are creations protected by copyright, but freely distributed by the will of their authors.

Confidentiality Policy

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Respect for the right to the image

Everyone, regardless of their reputation, has an exclusive right to their image and the use that is made of it. It can therefore oppose its reproduction and distribution.

Because the image of a person is personal data, the principles of the “Informatique et Libertés” law apply.

The distribution from a website, for example, of a person's image or video must be carried out in accordance with the protective principles of the amended law of 6 January 1978. These principles are in line with the guarantees derived from image rights. (CNIL)