How to start a blog in 2024: Ultimate step-by-step guide

Learn the ten steps to start a blog and earn money. You can start building a profitable blog in 10 minutes or less.
hero image blog

Starting a blog is the perfect way to share your passion, express your creativity, and develop your online presence.

Whether you want to share your expertise, tell your stories, or promote your business, a blog offers you a flexible and powerful platform to reach your audience.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you step-by-step through the process of creating your blog.

We will discuss the choice of the subject, the selection of the ideal platform, the choice of domain name, of a web hosting provider, creating engaging content, and promotional strategies to attract readers and generate revenue through blogging.

So without further ado, let's get started.

Step-by-Step Detailed Guide

1. Choosing the perfect topic for your blog

Choosing the topic is a crucial step in creating your blog. It must be in line with your passions, your expertise and the expectations of your target audience. A well-chosen topic will allow you to regularly produce quality content, attract engaged readers, and stand out in an increasingly competitive online space.

Identify a promising subject

To find a compelling topic that will allow you to thrive as a blogger while attracting a loyal audience, follow these steps:

  1. Analyze search trends : use tools like Google Trends to identify hot topics and anticipate future trends in your field.
évolution de l'intérêt pour un sujet au fil du temps sur google. trends
  1. Identify frequently asked questions : Browse forums, Facebook groups, and online communities related to your topic to discover the recurring questions and needs of your target audience.
  2. Evaluate the competition : Analyze existing blogs on your topic to identify opportunities for differentiation and untapped angles that you could address.

The SEMrush tool is particularly useful for estimating the traffic and monetization potential of a topic based on associated keywords and the definition of existing competition.

capture d'écran de SEMrush montrant le volume de recherche et la difficulté d'un mot-clé lié à un sujet de blo

Popular blog topics

Some themes have proven their popularity among bloggers and readers. Here are a few of them:

  • Lifestyle : blogs covering topics such as food, travel, fashion or beauty attract a large audience looking for inspiration and practical advice.
  • Business and entrepreneurship : business-oriented blogs are becoming increasingly successful, driven by the growing interest in entrepreneurship and financial independence.
  • Personal development : blogs dealing with topics such as productivity, mindfulness or positive psychology respond to a strong demand for tools and strategies to thrive in your personal and professional life.
  • High-tech and new technologies : blogs specializing in gadgets, applications or technological innovations are popular with a passionate audience eager for new things.
exemples de blogs populaires dans chaque thématique mentionnée

The main thing is to choose a subject that you are passionate about and on which you can produce quality content on a regular basis. Your enthusiasm and expertise will be reflected in your articles and will allow you to retain your audience.

Finding inspiration

If you're having trouble finding the perfect topic for your blog, here are some tips to get inspired:

  1. Explore your passions and interests : Make a list of your hobbies, topics that fascinate you, and skills you would like to share with others.
  2. Identify problems you can solve : think about the challenges you've overcome and what solutions you could bring to your audience.
  3. Follow your curiosity : Every time you ask yourself a question or hear something intriguing, write it down. These questions can become excellent topics for articles.
  4. Communicate with those around you : Discuss your blog ideas with friends, family, or colleagues. Their feedback and suggestions can help you refine your topic.

Don't be afraid to combine multiple related topics to create a single theme.

Evaluate monetization potential

Before you start, it's a good idea to make sure that your subject offers real monetization opportunities. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are there any relevant affiliated products or services that you could promote to your audience?
  • Will you be able to develop your own products, like an ebook or a online courses, to generate additional income?
  • Would advertisers be interested to promote their offer to your targeted audience?

Tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs will allow you to estimate the potential monetization reach of your keywords by analyzing the competition, search volume and cost per click of associated ads.

capture d'écran d'Ahrefs montrant le potentiel de monétisation d'un mot-clé lié à un sujet de blog

By choosing a topic that you are passionate about, that meets the needs of your target audience and that offers monetization potential, you will lay the foundations for creating a successful blog in the long term.

Now that you've found the perfect topic for your blog, it's time to choose the platform that will allow you to bring your project to life.

2. Choose the ideal platform

Don't get overwhelmed by the many options available to start a blog. Each platform has strengths and weaknesses.

WordPress: the number one choice for bloggers

I would highly recommend the use of WordPress as a platform for creating a blog. This guide will mainly focus on how to create a free blog with WordPress.

Capture d'écran de la page d'accueil de, mettant en avant ses principales caractéristiques

WordPress is popular with bloggers for several reasons:

  • Its free
  • Its intuitive WYSIWYG editor (what you see is what you get)
  • Its self-hosting and managed hosting options
  • Its vast ecosystem of plugins

WordPress blogs alone represent 96% of the blogosphere, an undeniable proof of its popularity and reliability.

WordPress plugins: a major asset

WordPress plugins are extensions developed by the community that allow you to add new features to your blog without technical skills.

Capture d'écran du répertoire de plugins WordPress, montrant quelques plugins populaires et leurs fonctionnalités]

4. Set up your blog

Now that you've chosen your preferred platform, it's time to move on to setting up your blog. This crucial step will allow you to lay the solid foundations of your online presence, by choosing a reliable web host, a memorable domain name and an attractive theme for your blog.

Choosing the best web host

Choosing a web host is essential to guarantee the performance, security and reliability of your blog. A good hosting provider will offer you:

  • Fast loading speed to provide an optimal experience for your readers
  • Enhanced security to protect your blog from hackers and malware
  • Responsive and competent technical support to help you in case of problems
  • Automatic backup options to prevent data loss
  • Scalability to support the growth of your audience

Among the most recommended hosts for WordPress, we find:

  • Hostinger : great value for money with shared hosting plans starting at €0.99 per month, 24/7 customer support, and a 30-day money-back guarantee.
capture d'écran de la page d'accueil de Hostinger
  • Kinsta : a premium host, officially recommended by WordPress, with shared hosting plans starting at $35 per month, a free SSL certificate and a 1-click WordPress installation.
créer un blog avec Kinsta
  • SiteGround : a premium hosting provider, acclaimed for its performance and quality customer support, with shared hosting plans starting at €3.99 per month, datacenters around the world, and advanced security and optimization features.
capture d'écran de la page d'accueil de SiteGround

Whichever web host you choose, be sure to select a plan that fits your current needs and anticipate the future growth of your blog.

It's always easier to upgrade to a higher plan with the same host than to migrate your blog to a new host later on.

Finding the perfect domain name

Your domain name is the web address that Internet users will access to visit your blog.

It's a key part of your online identity, which should be memorable, easy to spell, and reflect the theme of your blog.

To find the perfect domain name, follow these tips:

  1. Opt for a short and simple name : choose short domain names (less than 15 characters) that are easy to remember and spell. Avoid unclear hyphens, numbers, and abbreviations.
  2. Choose an appropriate domain extension : extension remains the most popular and the most memorable. If your preferred .com is not available, you can opt for alternatives, .blog,
  3. Integrate relevant keywords : if possible, try to include in your domain name one or two keywords related to the theme of your blog, to strengthen your natural referencing and the memorability of your address.
  4. Check availability on social networks : before finalizing your choice, check that the desired domain name (or a similar variant) is also available on the main social networks, in order to create a consistent presence on all platforms.
  5. Protect your brand : if you intend to make your blog a real business project, remember to check that your domain name does not infringe a registered trademark and consider registering your trademark yourself to protect your intellectual property.
capture d'écran d'un outil de recherche de nom de domaine comme Namecheap

Once you've found the perfect domain name, don't delay registering it with a registrar like Namecheap, GoDaddy or Google Domains.

Most hosting providers also offer to register your domain name directly with them, which can simplify the management of your blog.

Install WordPress in a few clicks

If you have chosen to use WordPress and a recommended host such as Hostinger, Bluehost or SiteGround, installing your blog will be done in a few clicks thanks to their simplified installation tools.

Here are the general steps for installing WordPress with most hosting providers:

  1. Log in to your customer area at your hosting provider and access your control panel (often called cPanel).
  2. Look for the WordPress automatic installation tool : it can be called “WordPress Installer”, “Softaculous” or “1-click install”.
  3. Click on “Install” and choose the latest version of WordPress as well as the domain name on which you want to install it.
  4. Choose the name of your blog, create a username and password to access the WordPress administration interface.
  5. Click on “Install” and wait a few moments for the installation to complete.
processus d'installation de WordPress via l'outil Softaculous dans cPanel

Once the installation is complete, you can access the administration interface of your WordPress blog by going to the following address: (replace “” with your own domain name).

Select a WordPress theme

The WordPress theme defines the visual appearance of your blog, but also its functionalities and user experience. There are thousands of free and premium themes available, suitable for all types of blogs and budgets.

To choose the ideal theme for your blog, keep these criteria in mind:

  1. Design and aesthetics : choose a theme whose design matches the personality of your blog, your style and your target audience. Choose themes with a clean, modern design and adapted to your niche.
  2. Responsive and mobile-friendly : your theme must be adaptive (responsive) to offer an optimal experience on all devices (computers, tablets, smartphones).
  3. Performance and loading speed : opt for a lightweight theme that is optimized for speed, in order to guarantee a fast loading of your pages and a good user experience.
  4. Features and customization : choose a theme that offers the features you need (for example, a customizable home page, predefined page templates, compatibility with the main page builders...) and that allows you to easily customize colors, fonts and layout without having to code.
  5. Compatibility and updates : make sure that the theme is compatible with the latest version of WordPress and that it is regularly updated by its developer to correct security holes and possible bugs.

Recommended WordPress themes

Among the most recommended WordPress themes in 2023, we find:

  • Astra : an ultra-fast and customizable free theme, with over a million active installations. Great for blogs, portfolios, and corporate sites.
capture d'écran de la démo du thème Astra pour un blog
  • Divi : a premium theme with an integrated page builder (Divi Builder), hundreds of ready-to-use templates and advanced customization options. Perfect for creative blogs and corporate websites
capture d'écran de la démo du thème Divi pour un blog
  • OceanWP : an elegant and functional free theme, with dozens of ready-to-use demos and native integration with the main page builders. Perfect for lifestyle blogs, portfolios, and online stores.
capture d'écran de la démo du thème OceanWP

How do I install a WordPress theme?

site web d'un blog wordpress

To install a new WordPress theme for your website, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the WordPress admin interface by going to the address (replace”“by your own domain name).
  2. Go to the “Appearance > Themes” section in the left menu.
  3. Click on “Add” to search for a new theme.
  4. Search for the desired theme by using the search bar or by filtering the results by popularity, date, or features.
  5. Hover over the desired theme and click “Install”, then click “Activate” to apply the new theme to your blog.
capture d'écran du processus d'installation d'un nouveau thème WordPress depuis l'interface d'administration

If you purchased a premium theme on a platform like ThemeForest or directly from a developer, you will first need to download the file to your computer and then load it manually into WordPress by clicking on”Add > Upload a theme“from the “Appearance > Themes” page.

Once your new theme is installed and activated, take the time to customize it by accessing the “”Appearance > Customize“in the left menu of the administration interface.

This will allow you to change colors, fonts, logo, header and background images, element layout, etc.

capture d'écran de l'interface de personnalisation d'un thème WordPress, montrant les différentes options de personnalisation disponibles]

Your blog is now ready! All you have to do is create your first articles and promote your content to attract your first readers.

5. Create quality content for your blog

Content is the core of your blog. This is what will attract readers, retain them and encourage them to share your blog.

To create quality, engaging, and SEO-optimized content, follow these tips.

Keys to writing good content

  1. Choose catchy titles : an engaging and relevant title will encourage readers to click on your article. Use formulas like “How... “, “X top tips for... “, “Ultimate guide to... “, etc.
  2. Write a compelling introduction : your introduction should capture the reader's attention and encourage them to read the rest of the article. Present the topic clearly and concisely, and highlight how the reader will benefit from your article.
  3. Structure your content : divide your article into logical sections with relevant subtitles (H2, H3...). Use short paragraphs, bullet lists, and images to make your content more digestible and easy to read.
  4. Adopt a tone adapted to your audience : write clearly, concisely, and tailored to your target audience. Use simple, direct language, and feel free to add a touch of humor or emotion to reinforce engagement.
  5. Tell stories : Personal stories and stories help create an emotional connection with your readers and make your content more memorable.
  6. Provide practical advice and concrete examples : your content should bring real added value to readers. Share tips, recommendations, and examples from your experience to help them solve their problems.
  7. Encourage interaction : Encourage your readers to react to your content by asking questions at the end of your articles, inviting them to leave a comment or share their experience.

Understanding search intentions

To create content that meets the needs of your audience, it's essential to understand their search intentions.

Internet users use search engines for three main purposes:

  1. Navigational : find a specific website or page that they already know exists.
  2. Informational : get information on a topic, learn how to do something, or find an answer to a question.
  3. Transactional : perform an action such as a purchase, download, or registration.

By understanding these intentions, you will be able to adapt your content to respond to them in an optimal way.

For example:

  • For informational intent, create “how to” articles, how-to guides, advice lists, etc.
  • For transactional intent, write product reviews, comparisons, case studies, etc.

Optimize your content for SEO

For your content to be visible in search engine results and attract organic traffic, it is important to optimize it for SEO. Here are some best practices to follow:

  1. Do keyword research : Identify keywords that are relevant to your topic using tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush. Integrate these keywords naturally into your content (title, subtitles, paragraphs, image alt tags...).
  2. Optimize your title and meta description tags : these elements are essential to encourage Internet users to click on your article in the search results. Include your main keywords and write them in a catchy way.
  3. Use title tags (H1, H2, H3...) : structure your content with a hierarchy of titles and subtitles that are relevant and include your keywords.
  4. Create quality and in-depth content : Google favors rich, unique content that brings real added value to Internet users. Aim for a minimum of 1000 to 1500 words per article.
  5. Integrate internal and external links : link your articles to each other and to quality external sources to improve navigation on your blog and strengthen your authority.
  6. Optimize your images : reduce the weight of your images, give them descriptive file names, and add relevant alt tags to improve their SEO.

Find article topics

Staying creative and constantly finding new topics for blog posts can be a real challenge for bloggers. Here are a few tips to never run out of inspiration:

  1. Follow the news and trends in your niche : Use Google Alerts, Google Trends, social networks, and competing blogs to identify hot topics and concerns for your audience.
  2. Explore frequently asked questions : Use tools like Answer the Public or the Google search box (start typing your keyword and look at the suggestions) to find out what your audience is asking.
  3. Take up and deepen your old articles : Identify your most popular articles and explore new facets of the topic or update them with new information.
  4. Collaborate with other bloggers : guest blogging and interviews can help you explore new topics and offer varied content to your readers.
  5. Draw on your personal experience : share your successes, your failures, your lessons learned... Your experience is an inexhaustible source of inspiration!
  6. Listen to your audience : encourage comments and feedback from your readers, and don't hesitate to ask them directly what topics they would like you to discuss.
capture d'écran d'un outil comme Answer the Public montrant les questions fréquemment posées autour d'un mot-clé donné]

By following these tips, you will be in a position to create quality, engaging and SEO-optimized content that will allow you to grow your audience and position your blog as a reference in your niche.

6. Monetize your blog

Once your blog starts generating regular traffic, it's time to explore the different strategies to monetize it and generate passive income.

Strategies for making money

There are several ways to monetize a blog, each with its pros and cons. Here are the main strategies:

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing consists of promoting the products or services of other businesses on your blog or website and earning a commission on each sale generated. To be successful in affiliate marketing, it is important to:

  • Choose products that are in line with your niche and your audience
  • Provide honest and detailed reviews of the products you recommend
  • Use unique affiliate links to track your performance with your blog

Here are some popular platforms for finding new affiliate products:

  1. Impact : This all-in-one platform offers a vast catalog of more than 1,600 advertisers in various sectors. Its modern interface and automation tools make it easy to manage affiliate campaigns.
  2. Amazon Associates : The Amazon affiliate program is one of the oldest and most popular. With millions of products available, it's easy to find items that are relevant to your audience.
  3. Clickbank : This platform focuses primarily on digital products like ebooks, online courses, and software. Commissions can reach up to 75% of the sales price.
  4. ShareASale : This network includes more than 4,000 retailers in various categories such as fashion, beauty, travel or home. The interface is intuitive and performance monitoring is accurate.
  5. CJ Affiliate (formerly Commission Junction): This historic platform works with major brands such as Apple, Expedia or Overstock. The opportunities are numerous but the competition is tough.
  6. Rakuten Marketing (formerly Linkshare): This network offers partnerships with more than 1,000 advertisers in 24 countries. There are big names like Walmart, New Balance or Sephora.
  7. eBay Partner Network : If your audience is interested in auctions and bargains, eBay's affiliate program is a smart choice with millions of products available.
  8. Awin (formerly Affiliate Window): This European platform offers more than 13,000 active advertisers in 180 countries. It is appreciated for its advanced tracking tools and excellent support.
  9. JVZoo : This network focuses on digital products in the areas of online marketing, personal development, and software. Commissions are often generous but quality products are sometimes drowned in the mass.
  10. Partnerstack : Formerly GrowSumo, this platform focuses on partnerships with SaaS (software as a service) companies. If your audience is interested in online tools, this is a great choice.

Do not hesitate to register on several of these platforms to multiply your opportunities and find the most suitable products for your audience. However, keep in mind that the key to a successful affiliate strategy lies in the careful selection of products and in the production of authentic and informative content for your audience.

Creating an online store

If you have specific skills or passions, you can create and sell your own products on your blog.

They can be physical products (clothing, accessories, crafts...) or digital products (ebooks, models, resources...). To create an online store, you can use platforms like the WooCommerce platform or Shopify.

stats blog ou site web

Selling online courses

Sharing knowledge is a great way to monetize your expertise.

You can create online courses (videos, tutorials, exercises...) and sell them directly on your blog or on specialized platforms like Udemy or Teachable.

exemple de cours en ligne proposé sur un blo

Advisory services

If you are recognized as an expert in your field, you can offer advice or coaching services to your readers.

These services can take the form of one-on-one consultations, group mentoring, or programs for online coaching.

Take advantage of social networks: promotion

Social networks are a powerful tool for promoting your blog, interacting with your audience and generating traffic. To get the most out of it:

  1. Choose the platforms adapted to your niche : focus on the networks where your audience is the most active and which correspond to the format of your content (for example, Instagram for the visual, Twitter for the news, LinkedIn for the professional...).
  2. Create professional and consistent profiles : Use the same name, profile photo, and description across all of your networks to reinforce your brand identity.
  3. Share your articles regularly : Every time you publish a new article on your blog, share it on your social networks with a catchy message and relevant hashtags.
  4. Interact with your audience : respond to comments and messages from your subscribers, ask questions, launch surveys... Show yourself to be accessible and attentive.
  5. Collaborate with other bloggers and influencers : sharing content, mutual mentions, and partnerships can help you reach new audiences and expand your network.

7. Optimizing your blog for SEO

Natural referencing (SEO) is essential to generate organic traffic to your blog and improve its visibility in search engines.

Here are the fundamental principles to know and the tools to use.

On-page, technical and off-page SEO

  • On-page SEO : optimize the content of your pages (titles, subtitles, subtitles, paragraphs, images...) by integrating your keywords naturally and respecting best practices (tags, structure, etc.).
  • Technical SEO : ensure the technical performance of your blog (loading speed, responsive design, security, URLs...) to offer an optimal user experience and facilitate search engine crawling.
  • Off-page SEO : develop the reputation and authority of your blog by obtaining quality links (backlinks) from other reputable websites in your niche.
infographie résumant les principes clés du SEO on-page, technique et off-page

Take advantage of free SEO tools

Several free tools allow you to analyze and optimize the SEO performance of your blog:

  • Google Search Console : this tool allows you to monitor the indexing of your blog, its organic traffic, its keywords, its most efficient pages, etc. It also alerts you in case of technical problems or sanctions.
capture d'écran de l'interface de Google Search Console
  • Google Analytics : this web analysis tool allows you to monitor in detail the traffic of your blog, the behavior of your visitors, the sources of traffic, conversions, etc. It is essential for measuring the effectiveness of your SEO and marketing actions.

Install and configure an SEO plugin on WordPress

If you use WordPress, there are several plugins that help you easily optimize your blog for SEO.

The most popular ones are:

  • Yoast SEO : this plugin guides you in optimizing your pages and articles, generates your XML sitemaps, manages your meta tags and redirects, etc.
  • All in One SEO : an alternative to Yoast SEO, with similar features and an intuitive interface.

To install an SEO plugin on WordPress:

  1. Connect to the administration interface of your WordPress blog.
  2. Go to the “Extensions > Add Extension” section.
  3. Search for the desired plugin (for example, “Yoast SEO”) and click “Install.”
  4. Once the installation is complete, click “Activate.”
  5. Access the plugin settings to configure it according to your needs.

Create an XML sitemap to facilitate indexing

An XML sitemap is a file listing all the pages of your blog that you want to see indexed by internet search engines.

It allows crawlers to easily discover your content and understand the structure of your site and article.

To create an XML sitemap on a WordPress blog:

  1. Install and activate an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO.
  2. Access the plugin settings and activate the automatic generation of the XML sitemap.
  3. Customize the sitemap settings according to your needs (frequency of updates, types of content to include, etc.).
  4. Submit your sitemap to Google Search Console to speed up indexing.
capture d'écran montrant la configuration d'un sitemap XML avec un plugin SEO sur WordPress

8. Promote your blog and generate traffic

Creating quality content is essential, but it's just as important to actively promote your blog to generate traffic and grow your audience.

Best marketing channels: promotion

There are numerous marketing channels to promote your blog and reach new readers:

  • SEO : optimize your blog for natural referencing in order to attract qualified organic traffic from search engines.
  • Social networks : regularly share your articles on social networks adapted to your niche to reach a larger and engaged audience.
  • Email marketing : build a list of subscribers and regularly send them a newsletter containing your latest articles, exclusive tips, special offers...
  • Guest blogging : write articles for other reputable blogs in your niche in order to make yourself known, gain credibility and get backlinks to your blog.
  • Paid advertising : invest in online advertising campaigns (Google Ads, Facebook Ads...) to precisely target your audience and boost your traffic.
infographie résumant les différents canaux marketing pour promouvoir un blog

Understand the key indicators to measure the effectiveness of your actions

To measure the effectiveness of your marketing actions and optimize your return on investment (ROI), it is essential to follow the right key performance indicators (KPIs):

  • Traffic : follow the evolution of the number of visitors to your blog, their sources (organic, social networks, referrers...), their behavior (pages viewed, time spent, bounce rate...).
  • Conversion rate : measure the percentage of visitors who perform a desired action on your blog (registration, purchase, click...).
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA) : calculate the average cost to acquire a new customer or subscriber via your paid marketing actions.
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) : Evaluate the return on investment of your advertising campaigns by dividing the revenue generated by the cost of the campaign.

Leveraging online advertising to boost your traffic

Online advertising can be a great way to quickly boost traffic to your blog and reach an ultra-targeted audience.

The main advertising platforms are:

  • Google Ads : create sponsored search campaigns to appear at the top of Google results on your target keywords, or display campaigns to show banners on partner sites.
  • Facebook Ads : exploit the targeting power of Facebook to promote your articles to a highly qualified audience based on their interests, behaviors, demographics...
capture d'écran de l'interface de création de campagne Facebook Ads]

To succeed in your online advertising campaigns:

  1. Define clear and measurable goals (traffic, conversions, reputation...).
  2. Precisely target your audience according to your persona and your offer.
  3. Create ads that are engaging and relevant, with a clear message and a call to action.
  4. Optimize your landing pages to promote visitor conversion.
  5. Track your performance and regularly adjust your campaigns based on the results.

By combining these different promotion strategies wisely and by regularly analyzing your performance, you will be in a position to generate qualified and engaged traffic on your blog, and to monetize it effectively.

9. Retain your audience

Generating traffic to your blog is one thing, but retaining these visitors and turning them into loyal readers is another.

The key to retaining your audience is to create an engaged community around your blog, offering a quality user experience and maintaining a special relationship with your readers.

Creating an engaged community

To create an engaged community around your blog, it is essential to:

  1. Publish quality content on a regular basis : stick to a regular publishing rhythm so that your readers always have a reason to come back to your blog. Be sure to maintain a high level of quality and relevance in your articles.
  2. Encourage interactions : invite your readers to leave comments, to share their experience, to ask questions... Respond to each comment in a personalized way to show that you are listening and that you value their engagement.
  3. Create a private group : create a private group on Facebook or a forum on your blog to allow your most engaged readers to exchange with each other and with you in more depth.
  4. Organize events : organize webinars, challenges, online workshops... to strengthen the feeling of belonging to your community and bring even more value to your readers.

Encourage subscriptions and registrations

To retain your readers and encourage them to come back to your blog regularly, set up subscription and registration systems:

newsletter pour ma communauté en ligne de mon blog
  1. Newsletter : invite your visitors to subscribe to your newsletter to receive your latest articles, exclusive content, special offers... Use a tool like Mailchimp or ConvertKit to easily manage your email marketing campaigns.
  2. Push notifications : Allow your visitors to receive push notifications on their browser or mobile every time you publish a new article. Use a tool like OneSignal or PushCrew to set up this system.
  3. RSS feed : make it easy to subscribe to your RSS feed so that your readers can follow your latest publications from their favorite feed aggregator (like Feedly or Flipboard).

Offer exclusive content to your subscribers

To reward your most loyal subscribers and encourage them to stay engaged for the long term, offer them exclusive content:

ebook pour les membres de mon blog gratuit
  1. Premium ebooks and resources : create ebooks, templates, checklists... that your subscribers can download for free or at a preferential rate.
  2. Early access : give your subscribers early access to reading your new articles, products or services.
  3. Member content : reserve some of your content (articles, videos, videos, help, podcasts...) only for members of your community, accessible after registration or paid subscription.
  4. VIP group : create a private group or forum reserved for your VIP subscribers, where they can benefit from personalized support, direct access to you and a network of peers to exchange and help each other.

By retaining your audience and creating an engaged community around your blog, you will gradually transform your readers into brand ambassadors, ready to share your content and recommend your products or services.


Creating a successful blog on the internet requires time, patience and perseverance, but by following the steps and tips presented in this guide, you have all the keys in hand to embark on the blogging adventure and achieve your goals.

Here is a summary of the next steps to understand how to start a blog:

  1. Choose your idea for the topic to create your blog and define your target audience.
  2. Select your blogging platform and set up your blog.
  3. Create your first articles using the tips in this guide.
  4. Optimize your blog for SEO and set up analysis tools.
  5. Start promoting your blog across multiple channels.
  6. Engage with your audience and retain your readers.

Do not wait any longer, start the blogging adventure now and share your passion with the whole world!

profil auteur de stephen MESNILDREY
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