Google Trends: 7 Best Uses for Business SEO (2024)

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What is Google Trends?

Google Trends is an SEO tool that allows you to compare the popularity of search terms and trends. In other words, it allows you to get an overview of the hottest search trends of the moment, as well as the ones that are growing in popularity (rising stars, if you will) over time.

Before taking a detailed look at how to use Google Trends, here are three things to keep in mind:

#1: Google Trends is used primarily for keyword research and content marketing strategy.

#2: Google Trends is not Not the same as Google Keyword Planner :

While Google Trends shows the relative popularity of a search term, Google Keyword Planner only shows overall search volume data as is.

#3: Using Google Trends is FREE.

Now let's take a look at why you should use Google Trends.

Why use Google Trends for SEO?

Are you looking for the best ways to use Google Trends to your advantage as a digital marketer? You are in the right place.

In this article, we cover:

  • What is Google Trends?
  • How to use it as a marketer

Important information about Google Trends:

  • #1: Google Trends is used primarily for keyword research and content marketing strategy.
  • #2: Google Trends N'is Not the same as Google Keyword Planner :
    [While Google Trends shows the relative popularity of a search term, Google Keyword Planner only shows overall search volume data as is.]
  • #3: Using Google Trends is absolutely FREE.

How to use Google Trends

1) Be aware of seasonal trends so you can create and publish the right content at the right time

Is it a good idea to sell umbrellas to people who are cold in their homes? No! So use Google Trends to find out which ideas are popular this season - and target your content accordingly.

Take a look at Google Trends data for the keyword “umbrella” in the United States...

Données Google Trends - saisonnalité
Google Trends data for the keyword “Umbrella” in the United States

You'll notice that there was a significant spike when Rihanna released the song “Umbrella,” but the real data to focus on here is the peak for the search term that occurred in June, representing the start of the rainy season in the United States.

A similar trend can be observed in Australia...

Données de Google Trends - tendance
Google trend data for “rainy season” in Australia

Here, you'll notice that the peak falls in December, which represents the start of the rainy season, when people are most interested in finding and buying umbrellas - so as not to be surprised in the middle of the rain - without being prepared.

So how do you use this data in your overall content marketing strategy?

Create and publish relevant content during their peak periods

If you sell umbrellas and are targeting potential customers in the United States, the best thing to do is produce a “how not to get wet this season” guide and publish it in June.

This makes sense because it coincides with the time when the majority of your target market will be on the lookout for this information.

Optimize existing content just before peak periods

Let's say that the peak period has passed for the American market and December is approaching, when the search keyword “umbrellas” reaches its peak in Australia.

A great strategy would be to start revisiting relevant articles or product pages and retargeting them in the Australian market a few months before December.

2) Look for trending topics to cover

There is so much value in covering current content. Your target audiences are fully informed, engaged, and starting to depend on you to stay in the loop.

So how do you find relevant content that attracts, engages, and converts prospects?

If you're trying to find an interesting topic for your next piece of content, check out Google Trends first before doing anything else. Why? It's a bad idea to create content for topics that are no longer in fashion.

To find hot topics, use Google Trend's “Trending Search” tool to find the most popular search terms used by people in the last 24 hours, down to the category they belong to [for example, Entertainment, Science and Technology, Business], including Top Stories...

sujets tendance à couvrir - Google Trends
A screenshot of search trends in real time in Google Trends

Attention: There are usually a lot of stories around trending topics. To stand out with your content, you may need to approach things from a unique perspective, different from the general opinion, in order to gain the organic traffic that target audiences crave.

3) Verify that popularity spikes don't skew keyword data

Here's what we mean...

Example: In 1985, the average starting salary for geography students at the University of North Carolina was over $100,000. Great, isn't it? Wait a bit...

The missing piece is that Michael Jordan studied geography at the same school before joining the Chicago Bulls and signing a contract for... $1 million a year.

Now, if you remove Jordan from the student list, what do you think was the new annual average? Just around $25,000!

What should you remember?

Popularity spikes can skew keyword data as you've just seen above, which can easily cause your content marketing strategy to fail.

Therefore, keywords that receive a high number of monthly searches should be reviewed to ensure that the trend is stable or increasing over time.

4) Plan your content calendar in advance using Google Trends data


Let's say you're checking Google Trends data for the search term “Oscars.”

The image below shows that the term reaches its peak around the same time over a 5-year period [i.e. at the beginning of March]...

Une capture d'écran de l'intérêt de Google pour les heures supplémentaires
A screenshot of Google's interest in overtime

Why? Well, that's because the Oscars take place every year in March.

So, if your site creates content around hot celebrities, you can make a note on your calendar to publish relevant content on these dates, for maximum exposure and traffic.

5) Determine the demand for your product or service by location

Let's be real: not everyone will like your product or service.

The good news is that you don't need everyone to be successful — just enough would suffice, right? Yes. Often, those who need what you're selling are scattered across certain regions, cities, and metropolitan areas, requiring you to discover them.

If you sell outerwear, a quick search for the popularity of the keyword “winter jackets” in a specific region, city, or metropolitan area over a given period of time will give you valuable insights into which particular audiences to target...

Données sur les tendances Google pour "Vestes d'hiver"
Google Trend Data for “Winter Jackets”

And... once you know where your keyword is much more popular, it's easier to optimize the keywords in your content for specific audiences at peak periods.

6) Use “related queries” to track the search journey of prospects

One of the benefits of Google Trends is that it can reveal other queries that people use when they search for a specific term.

For example, people looking for “sneakers” tend to search for “Nike” and “Adidas”...

Résultats de recherche liés à la tendance Google pour "baskets Nike"
Search results related to the Google trend for “Nike sneakers”

This discovery makes it possible to strengthen your “keyword bank” and to better understand the needs of your potential customers and their search path.

Another smart thing to do is to find searches that are related to related searches. So, by focusing your search on, say, “Nike sneakers,” you get the following results...

Résultats des tendances Google pour les requêtes connexes
Google trend results for related queries

You can also use related queries to spy on your competitors and beat them head on. A quick search for Ahrefs on Google Trends, for example, reveals its competitors...

Requêtes liées à la recherche Ahrefs sur les tendances Google
Ahrefs search queries on Google trends

And... armed with this information, you can research the competition, spy on their strengths and weaknesses, and then create “You vs. Them” content that highlights how your solution beats theirs.

7) Evaluate if your message is better conveyed by video

Sometimes... the drop in popularity of a keyword in web searches doesn't mean you should throw it in the trash.

In fact, it's not uncommon for a keyword that has “lost its face” on the web to gain popularity on YouTube.

Take the keyword “content marketing,” for example. You'll notice on the chart below that its popularity in Google searches has declined over the past year...

Une capture d'écran des résultats de Google Trends pour "Content Marketing"
A screenshot of the Google Trends results for “Content Marketing”

But if you put the same search term into Google Trends for YouTube searches, you can see that its popularity has increased over the past year...

Une capture d'écran des résultats de Google Trends pour "Content Marketing" sur Youtube.
A screenshot of Google Trends results for “Content Marketing” on YouTube.

What to remember? Sometimes keywords don't lose their popularity, they just go from one medium [for example, Google] to another [for example, YouTube].

Local SEO keyword trends

You can see which cities your service is the most popular in by filtering the location a bit.

Below I am looking at the most popular cities around Phoenix, AZ for the term “plumbing.”

Tendances des mots-clés pour le SEO local - Google Trends

Google Trends for ancient times

Google Trends dates back to 2004 and that's great! But what if we want MORE information?

... as a glimpse of all the way back to the 1800s.

Well, you might think that's impossible. No internet at the time, right? That's where books come in.

Google created a tool called Google Ngram Viewer. It's a great tool! Simply enter one or more values and it plots them on the graph for you.

Below is a graph of mentions of “beer brewing” over the past 200 years or so.

Google Trends pour les temps anciens


It is also a useful way to discover literature from the past. If you are working on a research project, it is very useful to see how a subject was perceived in the past.

Use Google Trends as a tool to optimize your local SEO strategy

Another of the most useful features of Google Trends is that it also tells you the subregion, country, and city where a search query is very popular. This, in turn, can help you develop and optimize your local SEO strategy by:

  • Create specific content for your target audience that resides in these regions. When developing your optimized content strategy, you can use location data from Google Trends SEO to develop specific content for the regions of your target audience.
  • Target these specific regions for your PPC strategy. Using this Google Trends SEO data can help you determine which keywords to target for these regions when creating your Google Ads campaigns.

You can also use Google Trends to compare the popularity of keywords or phrases in multiple locations. To do this, click on the three dots for more options and filter by location. Below is an example of the trend for the keyword “core web vitals” over the past 30 days in the United States and the United Kingdom.

optimiser votre stratégie de SEO local - Google Trends

As you can see, the popularity of the search term differs radically between the United States and the United Kingdom. Therefore, the development of content for Core Web Vitals for the American public would have been more effective in late May, early June. On the other hand, for the British public, the optimal time to publish a message on the subject would have been June 8 and June 15 and 16.

If you're a more local business, you can identify where your products and services are needed at a more localized level by filtering your search by state and then “interest by subway station” or “interest by city.”

What is a related topic and a related query in Google Trends?

When you search for a term or topic in Google Trends, you'll also see related topics and queries under the subregion interests map.

Related topics are topics that users also searched for when they viewed the current term/topic. Related queries are search terms that users also searched for when they viewed the current term/topic.

Both will provide you with the most frequent and frequent topics or queries that users looking for your term/subject also searched for. This gives you insight into your audience's interests and areas where you can potentially create new stories, categories, or content pillars.

requête connexe dans Google Trends

The most related topics/terms indicate the most popular terms/topics on a relative scale of 0 to 100. A value of 100 on the scale corresponds to the topic/term most frequently searched, while a value of 50 corresponds to a subject searched half as often.

The most related topics/terms are great keywords for examining the consistency of traffic to content on this topic. Optimize your permanent content for the most popular long-tail terms and create additional articles around the most popular trends. Then, make connections between the topics you're writing about that people are also interested in.

Themes/queries linked to the increase saw the largest increase in search frequency compared to the previous period, expressed as a percentage. If the period is the last 90 days, the search frequency is relative to the period preceding the 90 days. If the related query/topic is marked “broken,” it means that there has been an increase of more than 5,000% in search frequency, often because it is a new query or there have been very few, if any, searches previously.

Topics/questions related to the rise are great keywords for developing timely content. These keywords are growing in popularity because something has happened that makes them interesting. Audience writers can use these topics/questions to discuss articles or explanations that give the most important information to the reader in a timely manner.

How do you effectively filter/compare terms in Google Trends?

How you use Google Trends will depend entirely on your needs and your news SEO strategy. Google Trends lends itself to a multitude of possibilities for improving your strategy and tackling new content ideas.

The aim of Google Trends, overall, is to give you an overview of the keywords/ topics that people are interested in and to determine if they are important enough to justify producing journalism. By comparing terms, we can decide how to approach the journalism we create: should it be a list? A FAQ? A detailed analysis?

Google provides documentation on how to compare conditions. A few pro tips:

  • Choose terms or topics, but don't compare one of each. That would skew the comparison because they are measured differently. Remember that themes include all of the keywords that surround them, which means that they are always of greater interest over time. Choose topics OR terms to compare interest.
  • Play with timing. If you set your date setting to the last 30 days for a keyword around an event that lasts a day, you will be seriously wrong about what is popular for the actual event. On the other hand, if you look at the value of searches one hour after a major event, you'll get a more accurate picture of what people are looking for. On the contrary, if you look at a 12-month period for a Tentpole event, you can also see when you should publish a story. Play. Have fun.
  • Be specific in your location. A popular trend in Canada is definitely not the same as in the United Kingdom, and will be entirely different in Egypt. And what's interesting in Flint, Michigan, won't be of the same interest in San Diego, California. Think about your audience - is it local? Regional? National? International? Filter appropriately.
  • Don't settle for the first term. Look at five, six, seven topics/terms in Google Trends before choosing your keyword. Trends is a tool that helps you understand what people are looking for, but there are probably some keywords/topics you haven't thought of. Take a look at the most common queries for these lesser-known keywords.
  • Use advanced search filters. You can use punctuation in your searches for filter results in Trends. You can also use it to spot spelling mistakes (a common occurrence on the Internet).
  • Double quotes: Queries in quotation marks return results that include the exact expression. For example: “Toronto Maple Leafs” will give results that One contain what it.
  • Plus sign: Combine two or more queries to include searches that contain either word. For example: toronto+leafs will give you results that include the words “Toronto” OR “leafs.”
  • Minus sign: Results include searches that contain the first word, but exclude searches that include the second word. For example: Toronto - leafs will give you results that include the word “Toronto” but NOT “leafs.”

Two additional tools for Google Trends


Get additional data in Google Trends with theChrome extension Glimpse. This tool provides People Also Ask data directly into Trends. Find related search terms, questions, related long-tail keywords, attributes, and related brands, all sorted by search volume, competition, or (and that's the best) growth.

Glimpse 1 - Google Trends

See what issues or related terms are attracting increasing interest. Glimpse also sends personalized recurring alerts based on growth or volume. This feature is ideal if you're updating ongoing content or looking for the most relevant questions to answer in an explanatory document.

Glimpse 2 - Google Trends

Also, check out Glimpse's thematic trend reports.

These reports can be very useful when developing content pillars or considering questions that people are asking.

Google Trends Email

Simon Rogers, along with a team of trend curators, compile a daily email on current topics.

Email provides a human look at the most frequent search terms, the most searched questions.

Google Trends Email

The only downside is that it's American data only (sorry for the non-Americans!). That said, they still provide a wealth of useful information about how people do their research and what types of questions they are likely to ask.

Final verdict - Google Trends

Google Trends is the tool to use when you're doing keyword research or looking to beat the competition with high-quality, high-demand content. It's a fantastic tool that provides you with the most up-to-date and powerful data on what's trending in searches... right now.

Our last tip? Ignore this magic tool at your own risk!

FAQ - Google Trends

How do I use Google Trends for SEO?

You can use Google Trends to find hot topics and create content around them, which helps attract traffic and boost your SEO.

How do you use Google Trends for your market research?

You can go to the “Explore” section and choose the right category based on your needs. You can then set the time period and see trending topics for market research.

How do you use Google Trends for e-commerce?

Using Google Trends for the e-commerce marketing can be very useful because it allows you to know consumer demand in real time.

You can review trending products and market them effectively with quality content.

How does Google Trends use social media marketing?

You can see trending events and topics and create social media content around them. You can also search social media for relevant hashtags in advance to boost engagement.

What are the benefits of Google Trends?

Google Trends can provide businesses with information about how their audiences think, helping to inform business decisions. Businesses have the ability to see what people are looking for in Google over time and in different geographic locations.

Additionally, Google Trends allows businesses to compare keywords side by side to understand the relative search volume of different terms related to their industry.

What are some tips for getting the most out of Google Trends?

Tips for making the most of Google trends:

  • Compare different Google search terms by entering multiple terms into Google Trends.
  • Invite Google Trends into your email and Google will send you an alert when Google searches for a certain term increase or decrease.
  • Comparing Google searches across regions, helping businesses better understand The demographics of Their market. This allows business owners to make more informed decisions about what they offer and how they target their audience.
  • Find out what's trending for a certain category. For example, if you search for “yoga trends,” Google returns the most popular yoga-related searches (you could use this information to help your business target more effectively).

How do you use Google Trends for SEO?

Google Trends can be used for keyword research. When it comes to keywords, businesses should target terms with high search volume to maximize their reach on Google. It is particularly important for the SEO, because Google ranks your website better if it targets more popular keywords.

What is keyword research?

Keyword research is the process of finding Google terms that are related to your business and is an integral part of search engine optimization.

Why do you need keyword research? It's hard for a business website to rank higher on Google if it targets less popular keywords. So businesses need to know what people are looking for in Google so they can target more popular keywords.

How do you interpret Google Trends charts?

Google Trends charts show how Google searches have changed over time and where people search the most in the world (on a map).

You can also see from which countries Google searched for this term most often. You can see how many times a certain term has been searched by Google, which provides information about what people think (which is valuable because it helps you understand your customer base).

What is the future of Google Trends?

Google trends will continue to evolve as Google search changes and Google updates its algorithm. Google is constantly changing the way it ranks websites. Google trends therefore evolve according to the news.

What are the benefits of the Google Trends tool?

This device offers numerous advantages for bloggers and website owners. The reason to create a blog or a website is to make it accessible to a greater number of humans. Because there are humans, the recognition of the weblog will increase.

At the same time, sales may even increase. If you are a blogger and you need your blog to rank quickly and become a successful blogger, then how do you go about doing keyword research in your blog from Google Trends.

How do you use Google Trends to find a niche?

In this blog, I'm going to show you how you can use Google Trends to find your profitable niche in just five minutes.

Google Trends: It's a great free tool to see what people are looking for and if there's something that interests this topic, I would definitely recommend building a perfect business. I wouldn't recommend changing the trend itself, but it could be interesting to create content or to use this trend to gain traction. I'm in the fitness business and I help people lose weight.

so I can start dieting right away and type ok and see if it pops up I have everything related to the word diet not I'm interested in what's on the right that the page belongs The questions are asked below.

As you can see here, I'm going through the various questions and what I'm going to do, I'm actually going to go through these questions and I'm just going to see if that really emerges quickly as you see.

The first thing I see here is that I have a third-party diet, I have no idea what a surface diet is, I also have it here, you look at pagan diets, so let's go to Google and explore different diets, here you can see the pagan diet, as you can see, it's traditionally okay to eat meat or eggs occasionally, here we have something interesting, ok, and then here's what I have and with you have it too.

The third diet, let's see, I also did a quick Google search and as you can see here, the diet of surfers consists of three high-surface green juices, lots of food, and dark chocolate. I don't know what to do, so if that's what I'm going to do now, I'm going to take these ideas and trends and put them on Amazon for me to take a look at.

Right now I'm really looking to see what people are buying. What products are people buying? People buy books, as you can see here.

Now I really like to drop by here to see how to burn fat and activate your slimming genes blah blah blah. So that's all I can do, sift through the reviews and see what people are really looking for when they start the surf food diet and from there I can just use the flip.

I can start a blog and open new ones for my business. So you can see if it's ok for you in under five minutes, as you can see here, in less than three minutes, let's see the time because I was going to explain how to do it too and as you can see, when you use Apex, it doesn't focus on what's running, but it will take you a lot of time.

Now, I can watch time select the category I want to dye play here and let's go over the past five years as you can see the keto diet is a pretty high search volume, so you can try with any Let's get to the extreme on the point, but it's still pretty interesting so let's do something interesting and just do this example in the third diet and see how it compares over the past five years, The Form is just to get new people interested By using the interesting diet of the third food and then bringing them to your main business is really helping people get in shape if you're essentially thinking of ways to build a business around your passion. You want to know more.

How do I use Google Trends for bloggers?

Absolutely, Google Trends can be very useful for a blogger. Because from there, you can get facts about the whole job. And you can realize what topic you need to write a publication on.

A lot of published ideas can be found here. And it will also be recognized that the evaluation of the publication can be done smoothly. So based on this experience, it's by far superb for bloggers.

By using Google Trends, you can search for keywords for the blog and you can also check keyword trends, what are the keyword trends you are writing related articles, as well as you can find your keyword trends by region and subregion.

You can also check that you can compare a keyword with other keywords and by creating good content you can rank your post on the first page, Google Trends is very useful for bloggers, with the help of this we can use keywords for blogging. You can also search and write related posts with this keyword and get your blog ranked.

How do I use Google Trends news?

Have you already understood what Google Trends is? And why should we use Google Trends, now we can give you an explanation of how to use Google Trends? So let's get going without wasting time. It can be very easy to apply, we can try to understand it in a few steps.

Step 1

First of all, you need to visit the authentic Google Trends website. Here you. On the Pinnacle aspect you can get the choice to select your u. s. or you can say that selecting u. s. you owe to the repo.

Step 2

On the same screen, on the opposite side, you can see 3 lines, by clicking on them, you can see some alternatives in front of you. Now you click on Trending Searches

Step 3

After clicking on Trending Searches, a whole new web page opens in front of you, where you can see alternatives, let's realize what you are going to be able to see in these alternatives?

1- Daily search trends

If you appear in Daily Search Trends, then you can realize what humans are looking for the most these days because the date will alternate as you go down, it will be like a step back in time, it may help you to realize that these days the net But what and what subject are humans looking for? You can effortlessly discover key phrases in order to classify your weblog.

2- Real-time search trends:

If you click Real-Time Search Trends, you can also find out what humans are watching on the net right now. I guess every blogger wants to achieve what is most visible to humans these days? This document is updated hour by hour.

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