Create a Website: Step-by-Step Guide (2024)

Learn how to create a successful website with this step-by-step guide. Build your next business or project website with ease and professional results.
hero image blog

In today's digital universe, with nearly 2 billion websites In circulation, simply being present online is no longer enough.

Every corner of the web is a fierce battle to get noticed, and if you want your site to stand out, it needs to be flawless.

stats of number of website per year

This means that it must excel at SEO, offer engaging content, have an attractive design, and function to perfection. The times when simply posting online was enough are over.

Now, to shine and reach the top positions in the SERPS, you need to master the art and science of How to create a site exceptional web.

If you think that this requires specialized development expertise, think again.

With today's technological advances, even a novice can build a site worthy of professionals.

The key? Use the right tools and follow the right steps.

A well-designed website is more than just a storefront; it's your ambassador, sales tool, and information channel all in one. So, ready to embark on this web creation adventure and give life to a site that not only exists, but dominates?

Here is a step-by-step guide if you want to be guided through this activity.

Guide for setting up a website

1. Plan the creation of your website

When it comes to create a website, planning is essential. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said it perfectly: “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

Here's how to guide you through this critical process.

1.1 Preliminary steps to create your site

If you want a site even without coding knowledge, here's how:

- Define the structure : Sketch an outline of the pages you want to include on your site. It will become your navigation map.

- Study the competition : Explore your competitors' websites to get inspired by their content, design, and strategy. This can provide you with a valuable perspective.

- Clear message : Visitors should quickly understand the purpose of your site. A catchy title, an informative subtitle, and an effective call to action on your homepage may suffice.

- Avoid overinformation : Don't overload your home page. Concise but effective communication is key.

Comment créer un site web
How to create a website

1.2 SEO Research: A Crucial Step

- Keyword research : Identify keywords that are relevant to your niche and write them down. These keywords will be essential to generate organic traffic to your site.

- SEO integration : Once you've identified your keywords, think about how to integrate them naturally into your site's content to optimize your SEO.

surfer SEO interface
How to create a website

It is important to remember that any website is a work in constant evolution. Your site can and probably will change over time. Once you have a clear vision and solid planning, you are ready to take the next step in the process of create a website.

2. How to choose and connect your domain name correctly

The first impression that users get about your site often comes from the domain name you choose.

It is the gateway to your site and is an essential element of your brand image.

2.1 Selecting a domain name

Comment créer un site web
How to create a website - choosing a domain name

A domain name is the first thing your visitors will see and remember. Its relevance is crucial for the first impression:

Characteristics of a good domain name:

  • Short and easy to remember.
  • Domain name directly linked to your business or brand image.
  • No numbers or dashes to avoid confusion.

Where to buy it? Platforms like GoDaddy, Namecheap, or Gandi offer domain names. Before buying:

  • Check the availability of the domain name
  • Choose the most relevant extension (.com, .fr, .org, etc.).
  • Activate the automatic renewal of your domain name to avoid unexpected renewals.

2.2 The link with accommodation

Once your domain name has been acquired, it is essential to associate it with a host so that your site is accessible online.

How to choose your host? Popular solutions include Hostinger, GoDaddy, or Namecheamp. Their choice will depend on your specific needs, the bandwidth required, and the types of additional services offered.

web hosting hostinger
Web hosting
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The technical connection

  • DNS: Update the DNS servers in your domain name settings to match those provided by your host.
  • Propagation: This update may take anywhere from a few hours to several days. Be patient and follow the steps indicated by your host.

Making the link between your domain name and your host may seem technical. However, by strictly following the steps and recommendations of your provider, you will ensure a smooth and trouble-free launch of your site.

3. Choose your logo

Creating a website (showcase site or online store) is an exciting challenge.

However, defining your identity with an appropriate domain name and logo is essential to stand out from the crowd. Here are things to consider.

choose a logo on placeit by envato
How to create a website

Your logo is much more than just an image. It's the face of your online business.

  • Design tools : Platforms like Wix offer tools adapted to your needs.
  • Have the rights : Make sure you own all the rights to your logo.
  • Essential characteristics : Your logo should be simple, relevant, memorable, timeless, and versatile.

Here are a few of Characteristics of the best logos :

  • Simplicity - It should be easy to understand and understand.
  • Relevance - The logo should be relevant to your business and the problem you are looking to solve.
  • Memorable - The logo should leave an impact in the minds of customers so that they can identify it on the market.
  • Timelessness - The effectiveness of the logo should not wear off over time. For example, the McDonald's logo has remained unchanged over the years.
  • Versatility - The logo should evoke the same recognition and respect, regardless of its size or medium.

Then, businesses can start to focus on the layout and design of the website.

4. Designing your website

The creation of a website or an online store is a crucial step for any business that needs to brand its online presence. Using a CMS like Wordpress, for example, you get a user-friendly interface that's ideal for beginners and professional creators.

example of a heatmap
Creation of a website

4.1 Appearance and Credibility

Les internet sites, in particular on Wordpress, offer a variety of templates ready to use. The appearance of your site or store is often what the visitors notice at first:

  • Design and credibility : 75% of a site's credibility comes from its design. Thanks to pictures high quality and pages well designed, you can strengthen the trust of your Internet users.
  • User experience : 88% of Internet users may not come back after a bad experience. Thankfully, Wordpress, for example, suggest functionalities And templates optimized for intuitive navigation.

4.2 Accessibility and Customization

A successful site, whether on Wordpress or another publisher, must be both user-friendly and unique:

  • Mobile optimization : 74% of visitors come back to a mobile-friendly site. Thanks to Wordpress, for example, your site automatically adjusts to different types of devices.
  • Personalizing the experience : 66% of Internet users prefer visually appealing content. Wordpress offers a suite of functionalities to personalize each page according to your needs.
Website template on Wix
Wix templates

4.3 Performance and Visual Content

With Wordpress as a CMS solution, users have access to a plethora of options to improve performance:

  • Fast charging : 53% of Internet users leave a site that does not load in 3 seconds. Consider using a voucher hoster to ensure a quick response.
  • Engaging with videos : The visitors spend 88% more time on a site with videos. Integrating videos, blog posts, and other types of content to engage and inform your audience is vital.

4.4 Getting started with Wordpress

If you are a rookie, the design approach with Wordpress is simplified thanks to its ui :

  • Choice of model : Wordpress offers thousands of templates for all types of websites.
  • Customization : With sound publisher intuitive, personalize each page, add pictures, of videos, and even integrate social networks.
  • Publishing : Once your site is ready, use the integrated guide from Wordpress to optimize SEO and attract more visitors.

Of course! Here is a blog post on “The importance of responsive design in creating sites” that you can copy and use:

4.5 Importance of responsive design in site creation

Responsive design refers to the ability of a website to adapt and provide an optimal user experience, regardless of the device used to access it. This means that the content, images, and site structure automatically adjust according to screen size.

Why is it so crucial?
  • Improved user experience: Users don't have to zoom, pinch, or scroll horizontally to access content. A responsive design offers smooth and intuitive navigation.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO): Google favors responsive websites in its search results because they offer a better user experience. Having a responsive site can therefore improve your SEO ranking.
  • Cost savings: Instead of creating multiple versions of your site for different devices, you're just creating one that fits everyone. This reduces development time and costs.
  • Increase in mobile traffic: With the rise of navigation on smartphones and tablets, a responsive design makes it possible to capture a larger audience.
How to make your site responsive?

To create a responsive website, several methods can be adopted, including:

  • Use a framework: Tools like Bootstrap or Foundation offer pre-designed grids to facilitate responsive development.
  • CSS media queries: These instructions allow you to adjust the layout according to the size of the screen.
  • Flexible content: Use relative units like percentages rather than fixed pixels for layout elements.
  • Adaptive images: Make sure images adjust and resize according to the device.

The web world is constantly evolving, and with the constant increase in mobile traffic, the importance of having a responsive site cannot be overlooked. This is not only beneficial for the user experience, but also for the visibility and overall success of your site.

4.6 Development roads: alone or accompanied?

If you know development languages, coding your site will be a natural choice. But if this is not the case, calling on a specialized company may be wise. The financial implications differ:

  • Self-development: Less expensive financially, but potentially time consuming.
  • Specialized company: A greater financial investment to save time and provide a professional result.

If you're just starting out, platforms like OpenClassrooms offer tutorials to guide you. Immerse yourself in learning to quickly master the basics of development.

Coding your site offers you almost limitless flexibility and possibilities, especially in terms of design and functionalities.


  • Complete freedom of design.
  • Unlimited functionality options compared to a site builder


  • Activity that requires web development skills or their acquisition.
  • Significant time investment, greater than a solution like WordPress.
  • Costs associated with accommodation.

5. Choose Essential Pages

For create a website (showcase site or an online store) effective, the structure and choice of pages are essential. Here are the key pages to consider for create your website efficient and adapted to your needs.

5.1 Welcome: the first impression counts

When you want create your website that catches the attention, the home page is your window:

  • Clarity of identity : Quickly define who you are and what you offer.
  • Captivating design : Ensure a modern and attractive visual appearance with your site builder
  • Seamless navigation : Guide users to key sections without complications.
  • Visible information : Logo, company name, and other brand elements should be instantly visible.

A well-designed homepage is the key to retaining your visitors when they are looking to create a website.

5.2 Service/Product: Present your offer

création de site vitrine et e-commerce

When creating a website, setting up a product/service page is essential to:

  • Clarity : Clean URLs, quality images, and detailed descriptions of offers.
  • Confidence : View customer stories, a secure checkout process, and clear information about shipping and returns.
  • Commitment : Add social sharing buttons for better visibility.

To succeed in create your website that converts, your product/service page should be flawless.

5.3 About: Tell your story

Website About Us Page

When you want create a website authentic:

  • Honesty : Talk about the birth of your business, your mission and vision.
  • Personal connection : Use a warm tone and include images of your team.

The “About” page is your opportunity to create an emotional connection with your visitors.

5.4 Contact Form: Open Communication

contact page
Contact form

For create a website customer-focused:

  • Availability : Clearly present your contact details: telephone, email, address and social networks.
  • Responsiveness : Integrate a “live chat” widget for immediate interactions.

Wanting create a website customer-oriented, ease of communication is essential.

5.5 Blog posts: assert your expertise

chatgpt blog post example

For create a website rich in content:

  • Bring solutions : Write articles that help your readers understand or solve problems.
  • Stay active : Post regularly to keep your audience engaged.

An active blog is essential for create your website that stands out and strengthens your authority.

In the end, for create your website successful, careful page planning is essential. Each page should have a specific purpose and serve the user experience.

6. Optimizing Referencing (SEO)

When it comes to create a website, success is not only measured by the beauty of the design or the relevance of the content. Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a key role. Without effective SEO, you risk going unnoticed on the vast web.

To understand the importance of SEO when you decide to create a website, be aware that 75% of Internet users never go beyond the first page of results on Google. Thus, not appearing on this page is tantamount to ignoring a large majority of potential users.

  • Les 75% Internet users are limited to the first page.
  • More than 90% online activities start with a search.

For anyone who wants create a website, it is essential to optimize your site to target the first page of search results.

6.1 Keyword Strategies

compétition SEO mots clés

The choice of keywords is crucial for good SEO. Long-tail keywords, which are specific and detailed phrases, attract more qualified traffic.

  • 70% Search queries are long-tail keywords.
  • They are less competitive and have a better conversion rate.

When looking for create a website, it is essential to incorporate a long-tail keyword strategy to effectively reach your target audience.

6.2 Local SEO

semrush homepage

Local SEO is essential for businesses that want to attract local customers.

  • Creation of a Google My Business listing.
  • Adapt content to local searches.

When creating a website, don't overlook the importance of local SEO to reach nearby customers.

6.3 On-Page SEO

On Page SEO Checker Semrush

On-Page optimization concerns the internal elements of your site.

  • Publish quality content.
  • Ensure a clear structure with relevant titles and subheadings.
  • Priority to mobile compatibility.

For create a website successful, pay special attention to internal optimization.

6.4 Off-page SEO

Off-Page optimization concerns actions carried out outside your site to improve its SEO.

  • Establish links to high authority websites.
  • Use influencer marketing.

When you decide to create a website, consider establishing a solid Off-Page strategy to improve your visibility.

6.5 Technical SEO

The technical efficiency of your site also influences your ranking.

  • Make sure you have a fast charging time.
  • Set up Google Analytics and Search Console properly.

A solid technique is essential for create a website that performs well in SEO.

6.6 Mobile Optimization

With the steady increase in mobile users, having a site that is optimized for these devices is crucial.

  • More than 48% Internet traffic comes from mobile phones.
  • Google favors websites with mobile-first indexing.

Create a website optimized for mobile devices is essential to reach a large audience.

6.7 Image Descriptions

alt text webflow editor

In order to improve your visibility on image searches, each image should have a relevant description.

  • Descriptions help Google understand the content of the image.
  • They can generate additional traffic to your site.

Create a website with well-described images reinforces your SEO.

6.8 Structural Integrity and SEO Tools

A clear and well-organized structure promotes better referencing.

  • Use tools like Wix to ensure a good structure.
  • Take advantage of the built-in SEO features offered by these platforms.

For create a website that performs, rely on an excellent structure and use the appropriate tools.

7. Importance of a professional blog

Adding a professional blog to your site is not just an aesthetic choice or a trend to follow. It is a real growth driver for your online presence. Many entrepreneurs have understood this and are integrating blogging as a strategic tool. Wordpress, one of the most popular CMS, is often chosen for this approach.

7.1 Impact of a blog on your presence

Impact of blogging on monthly traffic

When creating a website, especially on Wordpress, content plays a central role. Here's why a blog is essential:

  • Visibility on search engines: Relevant and quality content is essential for SEO.
  • Engagement with your audience: Valuable content builds trust with your readers.
  • Stand out from the competition: A regular and qualitative publication propels your site ahead of your competitors.

In short, far from being a simple item to check off your list, a blog is a pillar to ensure the performance of your site.

7.2 What constitutes a successful blog

A good blog is not only measured by quantity, but above all by quality. Here's what makes the difference:

  • Actionable content: Direct the reader to a specific action, such as clicking or signing up.
  • Visual appeal: Use appropriate images; our brains process visuals more quickly than text.
  • Practical information: Present guides or tips that meet the concrete needs of your audience.

Never forget that when it comes to creating a website, especially on Wordpress, content is king.

7.3 Guide to setting up a professional blog

Ideal Content length

Starting a blog has never been easier, especially with platforms like Wordpress:

  • Choosing a template: There are a multitude of ready-to-use themes for all sites
  • Customization: Adapt the design to reflect your brand image.
  • Nomination: Find an evocative and unique name for your blog.
  • Hosting: Opt for a reliable hosting solution around an effective domain name
  • Publishing: Write your first article keeping SEO rules in mind.
  • Scheduling: Set up a publishing routine to stay active and visible.

To conclude, if you plan to create your website, integrating a blog is an essential step. Not only does it enrich your content, but it also gives you a powerful weapon to increase your visibility.

So, ready to share your knowledge and passions with the world?

8. Publish and manage your changes

Publishing your site is the final step in creating a website that is visible to your audience. Once designed, it is essential to ensure that your site is accessible by search engines.

Follow these steps for a successful publication, no matter what site creation tool you use.

8.1 Publishing stage

After working hard to create a website, it's time to make it accessible to everyone:

Go to your publisher: Whether it's Wix, WordPress, Squarespace, or any other tool, most platforms have a clearly marked “Publish” button, usually at the top right.

Preview your site: Before publishing, click “Preview” or “View Site.” This gives you an idea of what your site will look like in the end.

Start publishing: If everything seems perfect, click “Publish” or “Finish.”

Every step in creating a website counts, and publishing is the culmination of your hard work.

Webflow CMS Interface

8.2 Flexibility of publishing with an editor

Some website creation tools, like Wix, offer the flexibility to publish specific sections of your site, rather than all of the elements:

Progressive publishing : This feature allows you to publish certain parts of your site, for example, the “About” page, while you are still working on other sections.

Hide and unmask : You also have the option of making certain pages invisible to the public while working on them.

Flexibility in publishing allows you to create a website in line with your needs and your schedule.

8.3 Changes after publication

Once you have succeeded in create a website and to publish it, the update is inevitable:

- Go back to the editor : Most platforms have an “Edit site” option to make adjustments.

- Save regularly : After each change, don't forget to save by clicking on “Save”.

- Republishing : Be sure to republish your site after every major change so that the changes are visible.

- Create a website is an ongoing process. Even after it's online, maintenance and updates are critical to staying relevant.

At the end of the day, no matter what tool you use to create a website, understanding the publishing and updating process is essential to ensure an optimal presence.

9. Optimization of navigation

Creating a site requires special attention to the user experience on Wix, Wordpress or any CMS

Ease of navigation and access to information is essential.

Here's how to optimize these aspects to drive engagement and conversions.

9.1 Navigation: the heart of the user experience

The initial interaction with your site depends largely on its navigation.

  • Simplicity above all: Keep the menu concise, ideally seven pages or less.
  • Mobile responsiveness: Ensure smooth navigation on mobile with a CMS like Wix or Wordpress for example.

9.2 Header and footer: the visual pillars of a site

The header draws attention, while the footer provides additional information.

  • Customizing the header: Use Wix or WordPress tools to make it unique, insert a striking logo, and use features like pinning for continuous navigation.
  • Footer optimization: Integrate essential information, social media icons, and links to detailed sections.

By using a CMS like Wix or Wordpress, you have all the tools at your disposal to offer your visitors a smooth and engaging experience.

Choosing software to create a website

Know How to create a site is a valuable skill today. While there are many tools out there, Wix is often mentioned.

However, other platforms like Weebly, Squarespace, and Webflow also have a lot to offer for those who want to build internet sites of quality.

Let's take a look at it:

1. Webflow

Webflow homepage
Webflow software home

Webflow software is a revolutionary platform offering total freedom of design, combining simplicity and power for a website really unique.


  • Visual page design without the need for coding.
  • Customizable animations and interactions.
  • Integrated CMS for smooth content management on pages
  • Creating tailored interactions for unique user experiences
  • Integrated SEO tools for a better presence on each search engine
  • Reference and tailor-made host
  • Simplified integration of Google Analytics or social networks for your own site
  • Complete tutorial for any type of site


Webflow pricing page
Webflow software price

Site maps

  • Base: $12 per month
  • CMS content management: $16 per month
  • Business: $36 per month
  • Business (customized): Customized pricing

Account Plans

  • Beginner: $0 per month
  • Lite: $16 per month
  • Pro: $35 per month

Webflow software is the choice of creators looking for a flexible and dynamic platform with powerful features.

In short, each platform has its specialty. Identify your needs and choose the best option to create your online presence.

Try for free Webflow

2. Weebly

Weebly software is perfect for entrepreneurs looking for an intuitive platform to start their online presence.

The site builder offers a combination of user-friendly tools and powerful features for your pages.

Weebly homepage
Weebly Software Home


  • Intuitive interface adapted to novices.
  • Integrated e-commerce site tools.
  • Responsive and professional themes.
  • SEO suite for better visibility of your pages every time
  • Site builder with an easy drag-and-drop editor.
  • Video integration to enrich the content of your pages
  • Reference and tailor-made host
  • Complete tutorial for any type of site


  • Free basic beginner plan.
  • $25/month for professional sites.
weebly pricing page
Weebly software pricing

Opt for Weebly software if you want a platform that is accessible but rich in features.

Try for free Weebly

3. Wix

Wix is one of the most popular platforms, known for its ease of use.

Perfect for beginners, Wix combines flexibility and power to help anyone understand How to create a site.

Wix homepage
Wix software interface


  • The Wix CMS is an intuitive drag-and-drop page editor.
  • Extensive library of predesigned templates on Wix
  • Integrated SEO optimization for better visibility
  • App library to add additional features to WiX.
  • Pages on responsive sites for mobile.
  • Secure hosting by the Wix site builder and free domain for the first year.
  • Full tutorial


  • Standard Price Range: From $4.50/mo to $26/mo.
  • E-commerce site package: Starting at $20/month.
  • Special Offer: $8.50/month for small businesses.
Wix pricing page
Wix software price

The Wix software is a complete solution for those who want a site quickly while having advanced options available.


As buying decisions are more and more often made online, every business needs a professional website. But many businesses don't take the simple steps to build your quality website.

In fact 38% of visitors stop using a website if they find the layout and design of the site unappealing. 88% of visitors do not return to a website after a bad experience. And many visitors simply leave a website if it takes longer than two seconds to load.

Luckily, there are plenty of great options for creating your website, like Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, and WordPress.

Remember to plan your site pages in advance, get familiar with SEO, set up your domain and hosting, create your own website, and start attracting customers.

For example, the Wix site builder takes care of SEO optimization, fast page load times, an intuitive user interface, and a seamless customer experience.

Why not create a new website today?

Other recommended reading: For more help creating a website, check out my ultimate guide to create and launch a blog, and my picks for the best web hosts, website creation tools and e-commerce platforms to be used this year.

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