Website Builders

Webflow : Full Review, Testing, and Presentation (2024)


Explore Webflow: the perfect fusion of visual design and coding. All-in-one design, affordable hosting, and powerful CSS classes. The Ultimate Choice for an Effective Website

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What is Webflow?

Webflow offers a powerful platform for creating Website and pushes the traditional boundaries of design.

Unlike other tools, Webflow combines the power of visual design with the robustness of code.

Wondering what sets it apart?

  • Unifying Visual Design and Code: Instead of dealing with design and coding separately, everything you create in the visual editor animates with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Reusing CSS classes: Once you've defined a style, it's easy to apply it to other elements or use it as a basis for variations.
  • All-in-One Platform: With Webflow, not only do you design, but you can also host your site, all in one place.
  • Affordable accommodation options: Starting at $12 per month, connect your own domain and for a small additional $4, use Webflow's CMS.
Founders of Webflow

A Look at the History of Webflow

  • Origins: Founded in 2013 by Vlad Magdalin, Bryant Chou, and Sergie Magdalin, Webflow's vision was to allow anyone to create for the web.
  • Founding missions: The team aimed to merge the world of design and development to eliminate traditional barriers in creating websites.

Webflow offers much more than just creating websites. It is a tool that allows everyone, whether designer or developer, to realize their vision without compromising.

For those looking for a truly integrated solution for their online projects, Webflow is an inevitable choice.

Webflow users

Webflow offers a revolution: the world of design of Website by offering an innovative no-code platform.

But who can really get the most out of this platform?

Check it out below.

Main user profiles

  • Web design professionals and agencies: Quality site design without having to juggle designers and developers.
  • Start-ups and small businesses: For those who want to get started quickly with a solid and scalable website.
  • Entrepreneurs and Freelancers: Ideal for those who want a personalized website without the burdens of traditional development.
  • Demanding individuals: For those who want a professional website without having to learn to code.

Major challenges solved by Webflow

  • Disconnection between design and code: No need to juggle visual design and coding anymore.
  • Complex interactions and transitions: Animating your sites has never been easier.
  • Multi-screen optimization: Make sure your website looks great on all devices.

Webflow is not just for experts. With its simplicity and power, it is ideally suited for everyone, from beginners to experienced users, whether it's creating an e-commerce site, a landing page or even a simple micro-site.

Ultimately, if you're striving for a quality online presence, Webflow is the tool to consider.


WebFlow is an exceptional platform designed for web designers, offering a perfect combination of flexibility, simplicity, and power.

Each feature plays a key role in creating professional and innovative websites.

1. Designer: Your Visual Creation Tool

WebFlow stands out thanks to its intuitive and powerful visual creation tool.

  • Creation No Code: Visual site design without writing code, while harnessing the power of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.
  • Flexibility: Edit the code as needed, with support for all CSS3 and HTML5 features.
  • Complex interactions: Trigger-based interactions that don't require JavaScript knowledge.
  • Naturally Responsive: Everything designed is suitable for all devices and compatible with all major browsers.

Webflow is the ideal tool for everyone, from beginners to professionals.

Its flexibility allows the creation of high quality websites, with a learning curve offset by its power.

2. CMS no Code: Content Management Made Easy

Design no code de site en ligne avec Webflow
Webflow allows you to create a no-code website

WebFlow offers an innovative and intuitive content management system (CMS).

  • Freedom of Design: More flexible than traditional CMS like WordPress or Drupal.
  • Ease of Use: Automatic updates, without the need for PHP installation.
  • Customization: Content adapted dynamically according to the visitor.
  • Integrations: Zapier integration options and custom webhook creation

WebFlow CMS offers unparalleled freedom to create unique and tailor-made websites, with a focus on ease of use and efficiency.

3. Hosting: Fast and Reliable

Design de site en ligne avec Webflow
Webflow allows you to create a no-code website

WebFlow offers to ensure that your site is accessible at all times.

  • Reliability: Hosting infrastructure with an uptime of 99.99%.
  • Speed: Pages loaded in milliseconds, support for high traffic sites.
  • Safety: SSL certificates and HTTP/2 compliant infrastructure included

WebFlow hosting is designed for professionals, offering speed, reliability, and peace of mind.

4. Editor: Easy Content Update

Design de site en ligne avec Webflow
Webflow allows you to create a no-code website

With the WebFlow editor, updates are a breeze.

  • Simplicity: Adding content is not easy as filling out a form.
  • SEO optimization: Without additional plugins, with instant insights for SEO.
  • Collaboration: Work as a team and track the history of changes.

With the WebFlow editor, you have total control over your content while keeping the process simple and smooth.

Design de site en ligne avec Webflow
Webflow allows you to create websites

5. Templates and Mockups: Basics for Your Site

WebFlow offers a range of templates and mockups to facilitate design.

  • Variety of models: Over 25 free templates, all responsive.
  • wireframe options: Three main models for more customization.

Whether it's e-commerce sites, blogs or portfolios, WebFlow offers resources to start your project with style and efficiency.

In conclusion, WebFlow is a smart choice for anyone who wants to create or redesign a website.

6. Marketplace

Design de site en ligne avec Webflow
Webflow allows you to create websites

The Webflow Marketplace is your one-stop shop to boost your site.

  • Apps : Give your site superpowers with adapted applications.
  • Libraries (BETA) : Build faster with powerful layouts designed by top Webflow creators.
  • Experts : Find the perfect partner endorsed by Webflow for your project.
  • Templates : Discover beautifully designed and adaptable templates.
  • Made in Webflow : Be inspired by the exceptional work of the Webflow community.

The Webflow Marketplace is the ideal place to find the resources needed to improve and personalize your site.

7. Webflow applications: Boost your site

Design de site en ligne avec Webflow
Webflow allows you to create websites

Discover the potential that Webflow applications can offer to your site, enriching its functionality and aesthetics.

  • App categories : A diverse range from content management to productivity.
  • New & Remarkable : Innovations not to be missed in our catalog.
  • Developer opportunities : Become a change agent at Webflow, access our resources or offer your ideas.
  • Top Apps to Discover : HubSpot for integrated marketing, Unsplash for stunning designs, and more.
  • Selection of essential apps : Clawdia for your privacy policies, LoginID Wallet for simplified authentication, Make to centralize your data, and more.

Thanks to these applications, your Webflow site is not only aesthetically appealing, but also functionally robust. Explore, implement, and watch your user experience transform.

8. University

If all of this seems a bit too complicated, don't worry. All you need to do is enroll at Webflow University!

This is Webflow's internal tutorial platform that explains all the ins and outs of the system better than I could. There are quick guides to explain the platform, tutorials to solve specific problems, and even apprenticeships, perfect if you want to become an even better web designer.

Design de site en ligne avec Webflow
Webflow allows you to create websites

Of course, I recommend starting with the beginner course, which will explain what Webflow is and what you can do with it. The videos are short, sweet, and rich in information.

They are also all transcribed, which makes them a bit easier to follow step-by-step.

cours de l'université webflow
Webflow allows you to create websites

Thanks to the excellent learning platform, Webflow is as easy to use as possible. With such creative freedom and so many possibilities, it almost reaches the ceiling for the usability of a platform.

9. Types of sites: Amplify your possibilities with Webflow

Jarvis AI

Webflow is not just another website creation tool, it's a complete ecosystem that offers features adapted to almost any web design need.

  • Types of sites : Webflow adapts to everything, from e-commerce to portfolios.
  • SaaS and professional websites : Businesses like Jasper, Pipe, and Ramp trust Webflow for their content marketing needs.
  • Media websites and blogs : A powerful CMS that promotes effective SEO, as illustrated by the success of Living Cozy.
  • E-commerce stores : A customizable solution for those looking beyond traditional offerings like Shopify.
  • Membership websites and marketplaces : With Webflow's new features, create members-only areas, marketplaces, or educational platforms.
  • Portfolios and personal websites : Express your creativity and gain visibility with award-winning designs.
  • Landing pages : A powerful tool for creating effective landing pages that are tailored to a variety of marketing needs.

With Webflow, each web project becomes an opportunity to show your creativity and professionalism. Explore its multiple features and take your website to the next level.

Customer Support

Webflow is much more than just a website design tool.

It offers a multitude of resources to help its users, from self-help to the active community. But what are the main elements of this customer service section?

  • Webflow University: A comprehensive center offering courses, tutorials, and resources for everything related to web design and SEO.
  • Webflow community: An open forum for exchanging ideas, asking questions, and getting answers from experienced peers.
  • Contact support: By completing an online form, or by registering a request for specific functionalities.
  • Webflow experts: While Webflow does not offer direct advice, they recommend a list of experts to guide users.
  • SLA and status: Users can monitor the status of Webflow systems in real time.

For those looking to build a website or improve their design skills, Webflow offers a comprehensive range of tools and resources to help you on your journey.


How much does Webflow cost?

webflow - tarifs site plans
Webflow price
webflow - tarifs Ecommerce plans
Webflow price

Webflow is a website builder that offers a free trial as well as monthly or annual paid plans, with a discount if you pay for a year in advance.

The plans vary depending on the number of visitors allowed per month, the number of form submissions, and the features of the CMS or publisher.

Webflow also offers templates for e-commerce stores as well as an e-commerce tool.

Here is an overview of the plans offered by Webflow:

  • Plans for individuals: three different plans depending on your needs in terms of the number of visitors and authorized form submissions per month.
    The basic plan does not include any of the CMS or publisher features with transaction fees starting at $15.
  • Plans for designers and freelancers: allow you to use Webflow tools to design your website and to bill your customers for the work done.
    The more expensive options allow you to export your code for use in other environments.
    Benefit from all the functionalities of Webflow as well as assistance for an unlimited number of projects.
  • Plan for teams and collaboration: includes sufficiently large collaboration tools and wholesale web hosting prices for your domain name (or subdomain).
    Take advantage of all Webflow features and work in collaboration with your team.

In addition to its plans, Webflow offers a comprehensive self-help section, including Webflow University, individual courses, and a community for finding ideas and answers to your questions. To contact support, you can fill out an online form Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-8).

Alternatives to Webflow

Using webflow is not always easy at first for everyone.

It is a tool with such a specific and very advanced grip that I can totally understand why you would want to go in a different direction.

That is why, at the very end of this Webflow review, I will also present some interesting alternatives, which are worth considering.

1. Wix

Wix is far from being as advanced as Webflow, but for beginners, it is close to making a showcase site.

Getting started with the Wix editor allows for pixel-perfect editing, custom animations, hundreds of diverse elements, over 700 free themes, and a huge app store.

If you're not confident enough to go with Webflow, Wix is a great option.

2. Shopify

If you are not looking to design a website, but to create a site for your online business, Shopify It is a great option.

This is a drag-and-drop e-commerce site (without manipulating the source code) with easy handling, Shopify has good SEO features to make your store visible on the web on search engines.

There are many beautiful themes, fully optimized for sale, that allow you to focus on this specific point and integrated payment systems (Google Pay, Apple Pay, etc.)

3. Squarespace

If you are a beginner, you should turn to Squarespace rather than to Webflow.

The Squarespace edition, as well as the features and extensions of Squarespace SEO, are limited, but this editor is extremely easy to use. Squarespace offers decent sales and marketing features, as well as templates designed by designers.

How do I get started with Webflow?

When considering creating a Website via Webflow, the first step is to understand its process. Here is a detailed guide to help you every step of the way, suitable for all levels.

Step 1: Registration and initial questionnaire

Question sur le démarrage de Webflow

As soon as you land on Webflow, a welcome questionnaire attempts to personalize your experience.

  • After registration, a questionnaire is presented to adjust Webflow to your needs.
  • This questionnaire helps the platform identify your goals of Website and your level of experience.

Be sure to respond truthfully to get the best possible setup for your project.

Step 2: Integration tutorial

Before diving in, it is recommended that you complete an introductory tutorial.

  • Webflow offers a tutorial to introduce users to its main features.
  • This visual guide makes it easy to understand the essential basics of the platform.

This tutorial is a great starting point for understanding the nuances of the platform.

Step 3: Explore the Webflow Designer Interface

tutoriel webflow

The Webflow interface is intuitive but vast, take the time to discover it.

  • The workspace is divided into panels for easy management and design.
  • The left panel centralizes the tools for adding elements and managing pages, while the right panel takes care of the design.

Familiarity with this interface is crucial for a hassle-free design experience.

Step 4: Start creating

Création d'un site webflow
Creation of a webflow site

It's time to bring your ideas to life.

  • Prefabricated elements are available to facilitate design.
  • You can also opt for pre-established layouts to structure your Website.

Webflow's flexibility allows you to choose the design method that works best for you.

Step 5: Content editing

passage à l'éditeur webflow

Adding content is a crucial step for any website.

  • A separate editing interface makes it easy to edit text, images, and other elements.
  • This platform is accessible, making adding and editing content quick and easy.

With Webflow's editing tools, you ensure that your content is presented in an optimal way.

Step 6: Website Management and Optimization

seo sur webflow

Managing your site is not important as creating it.

  • Webflow offers a set of tools to manage pages and optimize their performance.
  • Among these tools, the possibility of adding password protection or fine-tuning SEO options.

A well-managed site is the key to its long-term success.

Step 7: Manage collections

Organization is critical, especially when it comes to bulk content.

  • Collections allow you to group different types of content, such as articles or profiles.
  • It's an effective way to organize and manage your content on Webflow.

Collections are essential for maintaining a well-organized and functional site.

The adventure with Webflow has only just begun. Once you've mastered these steps, you'll be well equipped to further explore and perfect your Website according to your needs.


What technologies does Webflow use?

Webflow currently uses the following technologies for web development:

  • OpenResty; Varnish, an impressive web application accelerator
  • The Amazon S3 CDN (content delivery network)
  • NGINX; Amazon CloudFront
  • jQuery CDN and
  • UNPKG.

How much does hosting with Webflow cost?

Webflow, like any website builder, hosts your website for you and simply connects to any domain name (or subdomain).

This means that the cost of things like accommodation and security is covered by your monthly fee.

If you're using a self-hosted platform like WordPress, you'll need to pay for hosting separately from your domain name (or subdomain).

You Can Find Out More About The Best Web Hosts Here.

Final Verdict

Webflow is an excellent tool with a free version that allows you to create professional web pages in drag and drop (without source code manipulation), high-fidelity prototypes in responsive design, and invites team members and stakeholders to give their opinion.

The people who will be examining your prototype won't need to imagine how the finished product will behave and look - they will be able to experience it!

Using webflow is easy.

Its web editor simplifies the user interface and the experience with its powerful drag-and-drop, because you design products by dragging and dropping without writing a line of code.

You won't waste time using software to create prototypes and professional renderings to deploy your web pages.

Meet the new users and start using Webflow to create your site.

photo stephen mesnildrey
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