12 things you need to know before starting a blog (2024)

Here are the 12 things I wish I knew before launching my blog, which now has over 400,000 monthly readers and earns over 80,000 dollars per month.
hero image blog

They say the hindsight is 20/20 - it's hard to predict the future and easy to understand what to do after something has already happened.

That's true for new bloggers.

I often say to myself, “If only I knew then what I know now.” There are a ton of things I wish I knew before I started blogging.

This blog is not a success because I am smarter than anyone. In fact, the opposite is true — it's successful because I've learned from smarter people who knew more than me.

I tried, failed, tried again, and failed again until I knew enough to Make a lot of money blogging.

I just didn't know what I didn't know.

Even though this blog is a quick success, I still stumbled and fell along the way. I've wasted my time (and money) on a lot of things - and I don't want you to make the same mistakes.

I've interviewed numerous bloggers and this article provides answers to the 12 most common (and difficult) blogging questions. My answers include a lesson I wish I had known when I started and mistakes to avoid.

Here are the main things you need to know before deciding to create a blog.

1. Do not plan, but act.

Common blog question: I feel overwhelmed by the events. How do I start planning my new blog?

Let me talk about some of my planning failures.

In 2016, I created a dropshipping site to try and sell outdoor adventure gear. I called it “Rebel Peak” (cute name, right?) and the products were at the intersection of camping and adventure: truck tents, tailgating equipment, cooler enclosures, etc.

I spent countless hours planning every little detail: the company name and brand, the logo, the product line, the design - I even created a Facebook page and custom banner ads for remarketing (in all common Google sizes, of course).

I signed up for a e-commerce platform, I synced my products to my Shopify store from a dropshipping supplier and I launched my site.

I also announced (with embarrassment) the new business to my friends and family on Facebook.

People were very impressed by this great undertaking, which was nevertheless going to fail.

It was only after all this planning that I decided to create a blog on the site in order to gain audience. I started writing blog posts, but spent way too much time on them, thinking that they had to be perfect or that I would be judged by my (non-existent) readers.

I planned and tried to perfect every detail so as not to fail.

There was perfection on the surface but no real risk was taken underneath all that. I didn't know I was supposed to get backlinks, I didn't build relationships, thinking about it, I didn't come out from behind my computer to treat it like a real business.

To make a long story short, I failed.

I quickly realized that launching a new website was not the finish line. In fact, it's not even a foot out of the starting gate.

All the time I spent planning could have been spent on concrete actions. It's fun to look back and think about how much time (and money) I spent on all of this planning.

So for this blog, I did exactly the opposite.

I started by writing content, I sought to obtain guest articles and I didn't care about all the little details or perfection.

  • I put myself front and center and used my own name.
  • I didn't spend hours trying to find the perfect domain name - I picked my own name knowing that it wouldn't change and that I could rotate my content if needed.
  • I created my own logo for free online.
  • I only published a few posts and started to take aggressive steps to build relationships with other blogs.

Nothing was perfect, but I worked hard and put the right strategies in place. I went from perfectionism to vulnerability.

The lessons I've learned: Don't get stuck in the planning phase. Blogs are living documents that breathe and can be edited over time. Publish, challenge, and refine your content later.

🚨 Mistake to avoid : I originally started this blog on Squarespace. After quickly realizing its limitations, I migrated to Webflow.

2. Your passions won't take you far.

Frequently asked blog questions: How do I choose my niche?

Most bloggers will tell you to choose a topic you're passionate about in order to stay consistent and write about a topic you love.

I've tried this approach in the past and it hasn't worked for me. And since 95% of bloggers fail, I politely reject this common advice.

My “Rebel Peak” website above was about a subject that I was really passionate about: outdoor adventure.

However, it happens that actively participate in a passion and write about A passion are 2 totally different things.

For example, getting lost in nature while camping with friends has nothing to do with sitting at your computer writing about losing yourself in nature while camping with friends.

To create a successful blog, you need to both love writing and understand digital marketing. And more importantly, you need to find a suitable niche that has the potential to make you earn money:

How to Choose Your Blog's Niche

I believe passion is fuelled by success. If you start making money with your blog, you are more likely to continue.

What are the most lucrative niches?

If you need niche ideas and how to explore different blog categories and article ideas, I recommend that you check out this category page on G2.com.

G2 is a review site that makes money by recommending business software. Looking at their categories, you can see that there is an endless amount of niche topics to cover.

A successful blog organizes its content into groups of search engine optimization themes (SEO) with high added value, with high-level topics and sub-themes. It is also usually a mixture of article lists and practical guides.

Take NerdWallet as an example.

They have a high level listing post targeting the keyword “best credit cards.” Within this pillar post, they link to other related posts covering credit card-related subtopics, such as travel, cash back, rewards, balance transfer, and more.

These “best” keywords are great for affiliate earnings because people are looking for long-lasting review articles on blogs. These articles should quickly give the reader what they are looking for and make the content easily accessible through a table of contents and links that go down the page.

Then, NerdWallet releases how-to guides like “How to budget” and “How to save money.” These items don't generate affiliate revenue like their list items, but they do have a higher search volume, which attracts more readers who can navigate to one of their revenue generating pages.

Finally, they have comparison articles like “car insurance A versus car insurance B.” These articles rank for these vs keywords and offer comparison tables to compare options.

To summarize, new bloggers who want to start a blog in a lucrative niche should plan their keyword strategy based on list, how-to, and comparison articles.

These target keywords should have a decent monthly search volume (over 1,000) and not be too competitive. You can check the level of competition using theAhrefs Keywords Explorer and by consulting the statistics of the first 10 results.

If all the sites in the top 10 have a very high Ahrefs domain index (over 75), it will be difficult to compete. However, if you find a site in the top 10 with a lower Domain Rating (under 60), it's a good sign that you can compete over time with high-quality content.

The lessons I've learned: Choose your niche not based on your passions but based on business factors. You can read about my top four business factors and how to choose your niche in my 15,000+ word guide on how to start a blog hither.

🚨 Mistake to avoid : Don't choose your niche based solely on your hobbies. You are often more passionate about actively participating in this hobby than about writing about it for years.

3. Don't stray too far from your niche.

Common blog question: Should I write about topic A or topic B, or both?

Once you've chosen your niche, you need to maintain your expertise in only one area.

The Google Knowledge Graph is an engine he created to link online information. As Google evolves and gets smarter, it displays its search results in a more accessible way. Things like featured snippets, knowledge panels, and image carousels provide quick access to relevant information.

Gone are the days of ranking for a single keyword. Instead, you want to be ranked for a theme (or group) of keywords.

How to Pitch a Guest Blog Post

To do this, you need to have specialized knowledge in the topics you are writing about. For Google, this expertise is earned in several ways:

  • Links pointing to your site from authority sites in the field concerned.
  • Links from sites that score well in the SERPs
  • How well the semantic keywords on your page correspond to Google's Knowledge Graph.

My subject expertise translates into the marketing topics I'm ranked for: affiliate programs, blogging, earning money online, and various SaaS software exams.

When this blog was about six months old, I tested writing a few articles in the travel niche: the best travel backpacks, the best travel jobs, etc.

I quickly realized that it was much more difficult to rank for these keywords because I did not have expertise in this area in the eyes of Google. I didn't have good backlinks from travel sites, I didn't have a guest blog on these topics, and they strayed too far from the group of related topics in my niche.

The lessons I've learned: Don't stray too far from your niche. If one of your articles on a certain topic is highly ranked, write more content on related topics.

🚨 Mistake to avoid : Don't try to be everything at once. You can't be a blogger who specializes in travel, business, and marketing and rank highly in all three of these categories. Focus on your strengths.

4. Don't lock yourself in a box when choosing your niche and domain name.

Common blogging question: Is my niche too broad/narrow?

While your niche shouldn't be too wide, it shouldn't be too narrow either.

For example, if you start a marketing blog and choose the domain name Crmsoftwareguy.com, it might seem a bit odd when you start writing about the best e-commerce platforms or how to make money blogging.

You need space to rotate.

This goes against the usual advice for niche sites, but follow me.

Let's say you're creating the blog Crmsoftwareguy.com. You publish 20 blog posts about customer relationship management (CRM) software and related topics. For six months, you put a lot of effort into your content and link building, but you don't see results.

Maybe CRM software really wasn't the right idea.

Now you're stuck with this specific area and it's more difficult to pivot to a related niche.

The truth is, at the start of your blogging career, you may have no idea which posts will bring you traffic and which ones won't. Even if you do the best keyword research, analyze keyword difficulty scores and competitive data, and craft the perfect content, some articles will simply be better than others.

That doesn't mean you have to write about unrelated topics or throw a bunch of blog posts on the wall to see what sticks. It's just saying that you can't be certain which content categories will deliver the best results. So don't analyze all the details and don't get stuck. Give your blog the creative freedom to adapt if needed.

If you are having trouble establishing yourself in your niche, you can do it:

  • Publish your blog posts and allow Google to explore them.
  • Google will then give your blog posts a first ranking.
  • The higher your initial ranking, the more expertise you have in the relevant field, according to Google.
  • Direct your content and link building efforts to these current areas.

One of the reasons I've abandoned other blogs in the past is because I've cataloged myself with a narrow domain name. I didn't see quick results, I felt like I was stuck in a current field that I wasn't passionate about, and I gave up.

The lessons I've learned: Choose a domain name that covers a broad niche, then become more specific in your blog post categories. Allow your blog to pivot and change course if necessary.

🚨 Mistake to avoid : Choosing an ultra-specific niche that you're losing your passion for and can't change the subject when it doesn't work.

5. Use exits pop-ups to expand your email list.

Frequent question from bloggers: How do I build my mailing list?

When I started my blog, I knew I needed to create an email list. Since I didn't have a lot of traffic and didn't want to spend any money, I went with Mailchimp and put a simple form in the right sidebar.

I started getting a bit of traffic, but the number of email subscriptions was low (and the signup form wasn't very nice).

So I did some research and decided to sign up for OptinMonster. OptinMonster is an email list creation tool that generates registration forms and pop-ups that you can add to your WordPress blog.

All you need to do is create an account on their website and theninstall their WordPress plugin.

That's when I discovered the power of exit pop-ups.

Exit intent allows you to trigger a pop-up window when a blog visitor's mouse cursor moves within 10 to 20% of the top of the screen. This position of the cursor indicates his intention to leave your site.

These pop-up windows can be completely designed and integrated into a email marketing tool like ConvertKit. Once a reader signs up on your email list, you can send a series of automated emails to sell a product or service.

This strategy works because exit pop-ups reach your readers exactly where they are and at the right time. They don't have to manually find an email signup form somewhere on your blog. The form automatically appears in the middle of their screen.

Lesson learned: All bloggers should use exit intent pop-ups, whether with OptinMonster, Elementor Pro, or other options. You need to come up with a compelling offer with a lead magnet that has enough value to get readers to sign up.

🚨 Mistake to avoid : Don't skimp on your email marketing service provider and don't stick around with a free option for too long. While free tools like Mailchimp are good for new bloggers with low traffic, there are plenty of better options out there. If your financial resources are limited, you can start with a free tool and then switch to OptinMonster and ConvertKit when you start generating traffic.

There are also a ton of design options when it comes to creating popups, pages, and templates. Check out Elementor and others free plugins for Elementor, like Mighty Addons, to discover all the customization possibilities.

⚠️ Additional tip no. 1 : Use multiple triggers in your pop-up window settings. For example, my pop-up window is triggered when the user intends to leave the site or after a few minutes, whichever comes first. Pop-up windows also don't trigger if the user has already seen them in the last 30 days.

⚠️ Additional tip no. 2 : Another good rule is to avoid annoying your visitors by triggering your pop-up too early. Use Google Analytics to plan the timing of your pop-up. In most cases, the time it takes for a pop-up window to appear is the average time spent on the page, divided by two.

6. Learn how to outsource some of your content creation.

Frequently asked blog questions: How do I find a good writer and how much do I have to pay for them? How do you tell them exactly what to write?

My blog covers strategies on how to blog like a startup.

What does that mean exactly?

You need to use systems to grow your blog as a business, not as a hobby. Startups are rapidly increasing their website traffic by hiring and outsourcing work to accelerate the amount of content they post and the links they receive.

To manage their blogs, startups typically hire:

  • Content managers
  • SEO managers
  • Backlink creation specialists
  • Freelancers for writing guest articles

As an individual blogger, the common advice tells you that you should wear all these different hats: copywriter, digital marketing specialist, web designer, web developer, SEO expert, etc...

But if you want to treat your blog like a business, you can't do everything.

Guest Blogging

Think about it.

Would a CEO like Jeff Bezos be the one who writes new Amazon content or who changes the design of Amazon.com?

Absolutely not. It would activate levers to have maximum commercial impact in a minimum of time.

So what do you do as a blogger, especially if you already have a full-time job?

The first step is to outsource some of your content creation.

Writing blog posts takes a lot of time. Marketers spend on average 1 to 2 hours for each 500 words. If you need to write a 4,000-word article to be competitive, you need between 8 and 16 hours of writing.

And if you have a full-time job or kids, that task seems nearly impossible.

Why not hire a writer to do it for you?

There is a glut of ghost writers that you can find online. When I created my blog, I wrote my first long articles and then started entrusting the first versions to a freelance writer. (I continue to edit and update all of my articles. I also continue to write a lot of articles myself, like this one).

I wasn't sure exactly where to find a writer, so I posted a job ad on sites like ProBlogger. I mentioned the name of my blog, its niche, what I was looking for in general, and told the editors to apply and send me samples.

Within 24 hours, I had to sort through over 50 applications, which varied widely in price and quality.

I discovered that freelance writers charge per word, and prices range between $0.03 and $0.30 per word. At the lower end of the scale, the quality of writing is generally poor. At the top of the scale, writing is generally quite good, but expensive.

I found three good candidates in the range of 0.05 to 0.10 dollars and sent them a brief overview in the form of a paid assignment in order to be able to assess the quality of their work. I was looking for writers with marketing experience, good grammar and spelling, and quick turnaround times.

I chose one of these editors and she is still working for me today.

In total, I have a few editors, an assistant, a web developer, and a graphic design agency.

Once the editor selection process is complete, it is time to provide them with enough information so that they can write a quality article.

So how do you provide the detailed information that the writer needs?

You create a simple plan for them in Google Docs.

This plan should include:

  • The target keyword for your article.
  • The title of the article.
  • The number of words in the article based on competitive research.
  • The main H2 sections of the article.
  • Sample articles to highlight the writing styles you like.
  • Any other notes and information about what to include, such as statistics, comparisons, product characteristics, etc.

✅ The lessons I've learned : By entrusting different components of my blog to experts, I free up my time to focus on the most important tasks, such as building relationships with other bloggers and developing influence in my niche. There are also a ton ofAI-assisted copywriting tools that you can use to help yourself.

🚨 Mistake to avoid : Don't expect to get constant, ongoing writing help on platforms like Fiverr. Most of these editors have lots of other articles that they are working on at the same time and the quality may suffer as a result. Finding a good writer is a real one-on-one interview process, much like finding a job candidate. With so many writers available, you need to find the person who is the best fit for you.

7. Format your blog posts properly for featured snippets.

Frequently asked blog question: How do I format my blog posts?

This is an area that is often overlooked but vitally important. I think the way you format your blog posts is directly related to the amount of traffic you get.

When a search engine like Google looks through one of your blog posts, it needs to understand not only the words on the page, but also the most important words.

You need to make life easier for Google to understand the structure of your page. In addition, well-planned formatting gives you the best chance of getting featured snippets (zero position).

How do you do it?

First, you start by doing a keyword research and choosing a target keyword.

Once you've selected your target keyword, you need to know where to place it.

Here are the main places to place your target keyword when creating a blog post in WordPress :

  • In the title of your message (the sooner the better).
  • In the URL slug.
  • In the H2 sections.
  • In the contents of the body.

For example, let's say you want to rank yourself for “affiliate programs” like my post hither.

After placing the target keyword in my title and URL, I start with introductory paragraphs. Then, after my introductory paragraphs and my table of contents, I place my first H2 as a question:

Example: What are the best affiliate programs?

Then, underneath are my numbered H3's in a list format with the answers.

This H2/H3 format is ideal for list items and allows you to get featured snippets.

It's pretty simple when you think about it. Google wants to see an organized, hierarchical structure, with the right keywords in the right places.

✅ Lessons I've learned : You can outperform sites with higher domain authority if you write better content and format it properly.

🚨 Mistake to avoid : When I started my blog, I wasn't very good at keyword research and didn't format my posts properly. Be sure to use H2 and H3 titles in your content to tell search engines what's important. Also, don't insert too many keywords into your content - this no longer works for SEO and your content should be easy to read.

8. Don't skimp on design.

Your blog design is your brand.

I waited too long to create a professional design for my blog. It was ridiculous; I was earning $80,000/month and using a $60 WordPress theme.

Again, I started with Squarespace (first error) and then migrated my site to Weflow in 2019.

I've known for a while that my blog's design was nothing special, but I didn't do anything. After several months of blogging, I rolled up my eating habits and went to great lengths to create a custom theme.

✅ Lessons I've learned : Web design and user experience (UX) are crucial for your blog, so invest in a high-quality WordPress design as soon as you have the money to do it. It can improve your bounce rate and the average time on the page, which is good for SEO.

🚨 Mistake to avoid : Don't always use Fiverr or similar platforms for graphic design services. While logo creation is probably good, the quality is low on more advanced types of projects. For example, I spent $400 on a Fiverr infographic and now get 5-6 per month from BrandStrong for the same price.

9. Write more guest posts to build credibility (and backlinks).

Frequently asked blog questions:

How do I get guest posts if I'm a brand-new blogger?

Many blogging tips invite you to start your blog and then focus on your own content:

  • Maintain a consistent writing schedule.
  • Write X number of blog posts per month.
  • Create magnets to expand your email address list.
  • Share your articles on social media.

None of these tips are bad — I just want to point out that it's not the fastest way to accelerate your traffic growth. Even if you start your new blog and create amazing content that's better than anything else out there, it's hard to get traffic to it if your domain authority (DA) is low.

DA is a score developed by Moz. This is a number on a 0-100 scale that predicts how your site will rank compared to other websites (not to be confused with the DR d'Ahrefs, a similar metric). When your blog is brand new, your DA/DR is zero.

The aim is to increase this number over time by getting high-quality links from other websites (as you can see in my Ahrefs profile):

Backlinks, in the simplest sense, are votes of confidence from one website to another. Google explores these links and creates a trusted flow of semantically linked sites to understand the authority of the site.

The higher the DA is, the more authoritative the website is. A link from a high DA site is generally more valuable than a link from a low DA site.

When you start a new blog, rather than focusing all of your attention on creating more content for your own blog, develop a plan for building your DA.

This plan should include writing guest posts for other blogs in your niche to link to your site and strengthen your authority.

In 2019, I conducted an experiment of Guest blogging to report on the DA and traffic gains I would receive by publishing as many invited posts as possible in 15 days.

How do you get quality guest articles if you're just starting out and don't have an audience yet?

It's one of the hardest parts of starting a new blog. Without relationships, cold prospecting seems daunting.

However, once you've published a few guest posts, things will get easier. You can use your previous guest messages as work samples in your prospecting emails.

Publishing a guest post is mostly done by email and there are a number of steps you need to follow:

  • First, you need to find the sites you want to write for.
  • Then you need to find the contact information for the right person to contact.
  • Once you find this contact information, you send a prospecting email for a guest post. It is usually to' Cold emails, but there are tips you can follow to improve your chances of getting a response.
  • If the contact answers and is interested in a guest article, you suggest 3 or 4 topic ideas.
  • Once a topic is accepted, the site provides some editorial guidelines, including the length of the text, whether or not images should be used, the number of links allowed, etc. All sites have different length requirements; most range from 800 to 2,500 words. I estimate that the average is between 1,200 and 1,500 words.
  • You can now start writing the draft guest post in Google Docs, with a typical deadline of 2 weeks.
  • Once your project is complete, you email it to your contact to see if they have any changes to make and to suggest a publication date.
  • If your article is ready, wait for it to be published.

It's true that this process involves many steps and can seem daunting at first. However, the parts that take the most time are collecting the right contact information and drafting (or outsourcing) the project.

⚠️ Bonus tip #1 : Be sure to add 1 to 3 links to your own blog posts in the content of the article itself. You should also add an author bio, which may include a link to your home page.

⚠️ Bonus tip #2 : Search Google for “[your niche] sites accepting guest posts” to find articles that give ideas about the areas you should contact. Once you have your list, head over to the target website or do a LinkedIn search to find the right person to contact. Once you know its name, use a tool like Hunter.io to find out their email address and send your awareness email.

⚠️ Bonus tip #3 : Search Google for “article invitation templates” to find examples of messages to send to your target contacts. Make sure to personalize your emails by adding their first name and a short comment that's specific to them. You can also add samples of previous writing and your website statistics (if they're impressive).

⚠️ Bonus tip #4 : A more advanced approach is to link to some of your target sites in your previous guest posts. So when you contact them via email, you can tell them that you've already sent them a valuable return link. Remember that link building is always an exchange of value. Provide as much value as you can. If you just ask for a guest article without providing anything in return, your chances of being accepted are not very good.

⚠️ Bonus tip 5 : If you're just starting out and having trouble getting answers, you can pay for 2 or 3 sponsored guest articles to use as writing samples. In general, I don't recommend paying to write a guest post, but spending $100-200 to get an initial writing sample can help speed up your acceptance rate. Just make sure it's a high quality site with a good DA.

10. Don't tell friends and family about your blog too soon.

FAQ on blogging: How do I promote my new blog?

My answer: do nothing.

All kidding aside, there is no groundbreaking ceremony. A blog is a long-term investment - sending mass messages to friends, social profiles, and subreddits with links to your blog may get you some traffic in the short term, but not build lasting success.

So why not tell family and friends about your blog too early on?

It's simple psychology and it looks something like this:

You spend a ton of time and energy creating a new blog. You search for keywords, you set up WordPress, you create your logo, you build your web pages, you publish your blog articles, etc.

After all that hard work, you want to share your status as a new blogger with people you know. As social creatures, you and I both have an innate need to share our achievements and seek recognition for our work.

However, this is a psychological trap that often backfires. While launching a blog is a good start and something to be proud of, nothing has been achieved yet.

So, when you announce the launch of your blog to people you care about, you feel a sense of accomplishment without having achieved anything.

This sharing has the opposite effect. It actually makes you less likely to succeed.


You've already received the endorphins and instant gratification for your work. In other words, you received recognition at the starting line, making it more difficult to reach the finish line.

I didn't tell any friends or family members about my blog for a very long time.

✅ Lessons I've learned : When you first launch your blog, focus on the important post of invited articles, and acquiring backlinks to build your domain authority rather than social sharing. I published over 80 invited posts in 2019 and increased my domain authority from 0 to 74 in one year using this method.

🚨 Mistake to avoid : If you think telling family and friends about your new blog will empower you, go ahead and do it. Just try not to fall for the 95% of bloggers who fail and then pretend that they are just “amateur bloggers.”

11. Get your finances in order from the start.

Common blogging question: When should I create a business entity for my blog, and what type?

Bloggers make money (and are taxed) in different ways depending on the source of income.

For example, when you generate affiliate marketing revenue, you are considered an independent contractor, and forms 1099 and W-9 apply.

If you are consulting for clients, you may need a billing tool to collect payments and legal models to create contracts.

Then there is e-commerce. If you sell products such as online courses or digital downloads, you only charge sales tax if there is a connection with sales tax, that is, if you operate in the same state as your customer.

It can be confusing at first. Each state (and country) has different trade regulations.

For my part, I waited too long before moving my blog from a sole trader to a real business. I used personal credit cards to pay for my expenses and was paid into my personal bank account.

It wasn't really a problem until tax season came around and I had to manually review every transaction from three different accounts to add it all up.

Today, each transaction is synchronized with the company's bank account, making it easy to track all transactions.

✅ Lessons I've learned : Track every expense from day one. If you're a sole owner and don't want to start a SARL or S Corp yet, be sure to use a primary bank account for each transaction. In my opinion, an S Corp is the best option for bloggers. As a single-employee business, you can pay yourself a salary and deduct it from your taxes.

🚨 Mistake to avoid : Don't pay blog expenses from multiple accounts like your business checking account, a credit card, and PayPal. This will only make it more difficult to manage when tax season arrives. Start tracking profits and losses in a spreadsheet from day one.

12. Don't add affiliate links or ads to your blog too soon.

Blogging FAQ: When should I start monetizing my blog? When should I add affiliate links or ads?

I am a big proponent of using your time for work that moves the needle forward the fastest.

For example, if your blog receives 500 visits per month, it is not useful to sign up for Google AdSense: you will only earn a few cents per day.

It's also unwise to spend a lot of time joining affiliate programs and adding affiliate links with little traffic. Instead, you could spend your time building relationships with other bloggers and building your site's authority.

You need to monetize your blog with the right tactics at the right time.

In my guide to How to make money blogging, I explain in detail why you should offer a certain type of coaching or consulting service when you start your blog.

It's a simple numbers game.

If you have 100 visits per month, would you rather generate $0.30 with AdSense or land a $1000/month customer?

Although monetization times differ depending on the number of page views and revenue sources, here are some guidelines to follow (after starting your blog with 5 to 10 pillar articles):

  • Months 1 to 3 (or 0 to 2,500 visits/month): Focus primarily on guest blogging to get backlinks and create a service page to offer coaching, advice, or an online course (if you can).
  • Months 4 to 6 (or 2,500 to 10,000 visits/month): After getting links to your priority blog posts and generating some traffic, start signing up for affiliate programs.
  • Months 7 to 12 (or 10,000 to 50,000 visits/month): Continue to focus on marketing your blog content and getting back links. You should always focus on increasing traffic to your high-revenue pages.
  • Months 12 and up (or 50,000+ visits/month): Diversify your revenue streams by adding something else you don't already have, like a high value-added online course or sponsored articles.

✅ Lessons I've learned : It's more useful to develop your content creation and backlinks to ensure future traffic than to attempt to monetize a low-traffic blog.

🚨 Mistake to avoid : Don't add too much affiliate links to your intrusive posts or advertisements, especially when you are just starting out.


That concludes my list of the main things I would have liked to know before starting a blog. Hopefully they gave you some great ideas that you can implement when you start your own blog.

If you want to read more of my articles about starting a profitable blog this year, check out these guides:

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Digital & MarTech Innovator

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