Use Feedback as Growth Hacks

Sujan Patel managed to generate 513 leads just by commenting on blog posts. It's not about spamming or creating links, but about establishing credibility and providing value (to keep users coming back).

  • Type of marketing tactic: Low volume but high conversion tactic;
  • Expected result: Increase in traffic and credibility;

In the field of Growth Hacking, everyone knows the work of Sujan Patel.

The latter managed to generate 513 leads just by commenting on blog posts. It's not about spamming or creating links, but about establishing credibility and providing value (to keep users coming back).

Step-by-Step Approach:

  1. First, find relevant blog posts using Google Dorks, an example of a Google search: “Growth Hacking” inurl:blog
  2. Only high-quality blog posts are worth the time you put in.
  3. Check the number of comments on the article and if it's over 5-10, go ahead and find out how you can add value.
  4. Or, use the Moz extension to track the site's domain authority and comment on sites with a domain authority greater than 20.
  5. You can also comment on the most popular and relevant Slideshare presentations and Amazon book reviews, drawing inspiration from Sujan Patel himself.
photo stephen mesnildrey
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