How to optimize your entrepreneurial routine to succeed?

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When we move from a traditional job that often structured our days for us to the wild life of entrepreneurship, we can feel overwhelmed when it comes to establishing a routine.

As humans, we are creatures of habit by nature, and we thrive when we are able to optimize those habits day by day.

The problem is that our education doesn't really prepare us to establish “successful routines,” which is why too many people feel overwhelmed by the idea of having total control of their days.

A bit like a professional athlete, it's time to optimize your routine to give you more chances of success.

The truth is that having total control of your day is what sets you up for success right from the start. The truth is that having total control over your routine is what sets you up for success right from the start. The fact that no person, or system, is wasting your time for no reason will allow you to establish one of the most effective routines that produce success after success, every day.

Let's take a look at 5 ways to optimize your entrepreneurial routine to succeed.

5 ways to optimize your routine

1. Mornings deserve special attention

Morning is often considered to be the time when you get out of bed before starting the work day.

As much What entrepreneur, your mornings are your free time and should be treated as such. A morning ritual is very important for your success as What entrepreneur, as well as for your general state of mind when you get ready to work.

It's important to create a morning ritual that works for you, especially. Here are a few ideas that will help you energize your mind, body, and soul, even at 6 am:

2. Keep a journal

Journaling is a great exercise for the brain in the morning, and can help you identify your personal goals and obstacles to overcome. Writing in a personal journal can also help you remember what you're happy about, even in the midst of stressful work spells.

3. Meditation

Allow yourself to sit in a quiet space and close your eyes. Meditate or practice mindfulness. You can also combine this activity with yoga. Even if you only do it for 15 minutes each morning, you will notice a change in your mental state. You will become more calm and have better control over your thoughts.

4. Do some exercise

Our body needs to move. Countless studies have shown that exercising makes us more creative, more energetic, and happier. Whether you want to take a 45-minute walk, run, or lift weights, get your body moving before sitting in front of the computer.

5. Healthy foods for the brain

You are what you eat, and in the world of entrepreneurship, you're going to need lots of brain food to be ready for the day. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and superfoods are a great idea in the morning before you start your work.

Tips for optimizing your entrepreneurial routine

Wake up early no matter what

Even if it's 1 or 2 hours before the time you “normally” wake up, wake up early Give an advantage over the day. It also allows you to incorporate time into your schedule in case there are unexpected changes later in the day (you never know when you're your own boss).

Divide your time

We can't expect our brains to function at 110% if we try to be social media specialists, UI designers, content producers, and developers at the same time. We are more productive if we only do one thing at a time. Therefore, distribute your days for the sake of your brain.

Some people like to do their meetings or creative activities in the morning because they feel much more productive at that time, but that's not the case for everyone. Others prefer to do these tasks in the afternoon.

You need to find out which works best with your biological clock. By distributing your time, you will be able to devote yourself entirely to what you do, so you will not produce quality work, both for yourself and for your customers.

Leveraging automation tools

Technology is here to help you today.

Of MailChimp, which can sort and send emails on your behalf, to the chatbots built into Facebook Messenger that answer customer questions on their own, use these tools to free up your time.

The more tasks you manage to automate, the more time you will have to come up with new ideas and innovate. Don't be afraid to use technology as much as possible to succeed as What entrepreneur.

Automate only what works. Tools such as Zapier, Integromat or N8n will be of great help to you in automating numerous marketing and sales processes. A must-have!

It's good to say “no”

For many entrepreneurs, it can be hard to be a entrepreneur when everyone else in your life isn't. They may not understand the commitment and dedication you want to have for your business.

If you feel like you're being pushed away from your business when it needs you the most, it's normal to say no to projects. He was bornIt's also normal to say no to customers that will increase the consumption of your time tenfold compared to other customers. Tracer The dividing line Is a essential element of success on a daily basis.

Take breaks when you need them

Sometimes our brains ask us to stop, take a break, and take a walk. Listen to your body. Don't fight him. It tries to help you be more productive in the long run, which is why it's good to take breaks and relax.

Make sure you take at least one full day off per week to unplug and do something totally different. As much What entrepreneurs, we are more productive when we give our body and mind a moment to recharge. That's how our best ideas are born.

Create your own routine

Depending on your personal biological clock, your work ethic, and the services offered, your Entrepreneur routine will be unique.

Don't try to imitate someone else's routine, because everyone runs their own creative course. Listen to your body and listen when it tries to tell you something. We often don't realize that we were born with the tools we need to succeed, every day.

profil auteur de stephen MESNILDREY
CEO & Founder

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