Lead Generation

Leadfeeder : Full Review, Testing, and Presentation (2024)


Identify businesses visiting your site with Leadfeeder, a B2B lead generation tool that offers valuable data

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What is Leadfeeder?

Leadfeeder is a B2B lead generation tool that identifies businesses that visit your website and provides detailed information about their behavior.

Using IP address tracking technology, Leadfeeder reveals anonymous visitors to your site, turning traffic data into valuable business opportunities.

  • Identification of Visitors to the Website : Learn which businesses are visiting your site and how they are interacting with your content.
  • Visitor Behaviour Analysis : Get insights on pages viewed, time spent, and traffic sources.
  • CRM and Email Marketing integration : Integrate with CRM systems like Salesforce and email marketing tools for effective follow-up.
  • Custom Alerts and Reports : Get personalized notifications and create reports on potential leads.

Leadfeeder is ideal for B2B sales teams, marketers, and businesses looking to maximize their digital marketing ROI by identifying valuable leads.

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