Marketplaces: Get Your App Discovered

Get your app discovered by a wider audience by showcasing it on popular marketplaces and improving its visibility.

Marketplaces: Get Your App Discovered
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By listing your app on the “app stores” of SaaS giants, you will be able to Make it instantly known to thousands of potential users.

Not only vYou will gain visibility, but you You will also benefit from the credibility of the host platforms to reassure you about the quality of your tool.

Google Marketplace
Google Marketplace

In this article, discover how to exploit the potential of marketplaces to get your application off the ground:

  • The advantages of marketplace referencing
  • The main marketplaces to target
  • The procedure step by step
  • Our advice to optimize your product sheet

Ready to give your software a boost? Let's go!

Advantages of Marketplaces for your Application

Why list your app on a third-party marketplace? Here are three compelling reasons:

  • Immediate visibility: Marketplaces offer you instant visibility by taking advantage of their traffic and their reputation. You reach thousands of qualified visitors without spending on acquisition.
  • Strengthened credibility: Being on a well-known marketplace reassures users about the quality of your app. The platform validates your service, thus facilitating the conversion of your new users.
  • Increased activation and engagement: Reassured users take action more easily. Fewer barriers between discovery and active use, which quickly increases your engagement rate.

Marketplaces combine visibility, credibility and ease of activation. Take advantage of these benefits to boost your application and reach more users quickly.

Avantages des Marketplaces pour votre Application

Essential SaaS marketplaces

There are a multitude of marketplaces where to reference your SaaS application.

Each has its own specificities in terms of the type of apps, user profiles and business potential. Here is an overview of the main platforms to consider.

.marketplace-table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 20px;}.marketplace-table th, .marketplace-table td { border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 12px; text-align: left;}.marketplace-table th { background-color: #1c1c1c; color: white;}.marketplace-table tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #f4f4f4;}@media screen and (max-width: 600px) { .marketplace-table { border: 0; } .marketplace-table thead { display: none; } .marketplace-table tr { margin-bottom: 10px; display: block; border-bottom: 2px solid #ddd; } .marketplace-table td { display: block; text-align: right; font-size: 13px; border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccc; } .marketplace-table td::before { content: attr(data-label); float: left; font-weight: bold; }}
Marketplace Type of Apps Target Audience Potential
Salesforce AppExchange CRM, marketing automation, customer service... Businesses of all sizes using Salesforce ++++ (global leader in CRM)
G Suite Marketplace Productivity, collaboration, project management... SMBs, startups, freelancers using Google ++++ (millions of users worldwide)
Slack App Directory Communication, automation, integration... Teams using Slack for collaboration +++ (12M daily users)
Microsoft AppSource Business apps for Dynamics 365, Power BI, Teams... Large enterprises using Microsoft +++ (leader with large accounts)
Shopify App Store E-commerce, marketing, loyalty, logistics... E-commerce businesses, online sellers on Shopify ++++ (1M merchants in 175 countries)
Hubspot App Marketplace Marketing, sales, customer service, CRM... SMBs and marketing teams using Hubspot +++ (100,000 customers worldwide)
Zendesk Marketplace Customer support, ticketing, helpdesk, chat... SMBs and customer service teams seeking Zendesk solutions ++ (150,000 customers worldwide)
Atlassian Marketplace Apps for Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, Trello... Development teams, project management, IT... +++ (180,000 customers worldwide)
Zapier App Directory Automation and integration apps Advanced users and businesses of all sizes +++ (millions of users and 3000+ apps)
AppSumo All types of SaaS apps (limited time offers) Startups, entrepreneurs, freelancers, early adopters ++ (1M subscribers, high exposure)

Of course, this list is not exhaustive. There are still many specialized “app stores” based on verticals and types of apps.

To find what you're looking for, list the platforms most used by your target audience and see if they have a marketplace.

There is no shortage of market places!

Step-by-Step Guide to Referencing Your Application on a Marketplace

Ok, you know where to reference your application. Now, let's see what you need to do to take action!

Step 1: Verify that your application meets the requirements

Vérifiez que votre application répond aux prérequis

Each marketplace has its own eligibility criteria and submission process.

But as a general rule, your application should:

  • Offer native integration with the host platform
  • Bringing real added value to users
  • Respect data security and confidentiality rules
  • Have a landing page and solid documentation

Nothing very complicated but it's better to make sure before you start!

Step 2: Create your developer account

Most marketplaces require you to create a developer account to submit your app, including Salesforce, Slack or G Suite.

Simply have your professional email, your business ID and a payment method to pay any registration fees.

Also, remember to prepare a logo, description and visuals for your app. In short, everything you need to create a selling product sheet!

Application Supermetrics sur le Store Google
Supermetrics app on the Google Store

Show ImageExample of a partner page on the Slack marketplace

Step 3: Submit your application to the marketplace

Once your profile is created, it's time to submit your app.

Soumettez votre application à la marketplace

Each platform has its own form to fill out with information about your solution:

  • App name and description
  • Category and associated keywords
  • Price and billing model
  • Help resources (docs, FAQ, tutorials...)
  • Technical compatibility required
  • Marketing visuals and copies
  • ...

Fill all this out as seriously as possible, keeping in mind ASO (App Store Optimization) best practices. Do not hesitate to take inspiration from the sheets of the best rated apps!

Step 4: Wait for team validation

Once your app is submitted, it goes into the hands of the marketplace validation team. Some platforms validate in a few hours, others in several weeks.

You will then receive an email notifying you of the acceptance (or refusal) of your app. If changes are requested, make them as soon as possible to speed up the publication.

And if your app is rejected for no reason, feel free to ask for more details. A constructive exchange with the team may be enough to unblock the situation!

Step 5: Optimize your SEO

That's it, your app is online on the marketplace. Bravo! But that is only the beginning.

 Optimisez votre référencement de votre application

For it to generate a maximum of installations, some optimizations are necessary:

  • Work on your title, subtitle, and description with relevant keywords
  • Add screenshots and a demo video showing your app in action
  • Highlight the benefits for the user and the use cases
  • Choose the right category and the right tags
  • Encourage your first users to leave a review to reassure future users
  • Invest in a banner ad that links to your listing

In short, treat your product sheet as a real landing page. Because that's exactly what it is: a sales page for your app!

Show ImageAn example of a well-optimized product sheet on the App Store

How to create an efficient sheet for your application?

Optimizing your product sheet is essential to maximize your conversions. Here are our five commandments for success:

1. Choose a clear and concise title

Your application title should be short (3-5 words), descriptive, and memorable. Avoid word games, acronyms, or terms that are too generic.

Ideally include your app's main category or feature, for example: “Salesforce Inbox,” “Slack Time Tracker,” “Zendesk Chat.”

2. Writing an effective description

The description is a crucial asset in convincing undecided visitors.

In 2-3 paragraphs, it should:

  • Clearly present the benefits of your application.
  • Highlight its unique features.
  • Give concrete examples of use.
  • Mention your promotions and special offers.
  • Include clear calls to action (CTAs)

3. Illustrate with careful media

Screenshots are often the first thing visitors look at on an app page, so treat them like advertising visuals!

Choose images that show your interface at its best: bright colors, strong contrast, clear UI elements.

Accompany them with compelling captions to guide the reader. Videos, such as tutorials, demos, or testimonies, are also excellent for promoting your solution.

The more you show your app in action, the more you will convince yourself of its effectiveness.

4. Update your content regularly

Marketplace algorithms favor sheets that are regularly updated.

Don't let yours go out of fashion! Take the opportunity to inform your users about the improvements made to your product.

Each new version is an opportunity to communicate on your road map and associated benefits. For example: “New SMS feature in Zendesk Chat: interact with your customers by text message!”

5. Generate positive reviews

The notes and positive reviews are essential on a marketplace.

The more positive reviews you have, the more visibility and trust you gain among visitors.

Encourage happy users to leave a comment on your listing.

By email, in-app or social networks, remind them of the importance of their feedback.

A good strategy is to identify the main influencers of your target audience and invite them to test your application for free in exchange for a detailed opinion. Their reputation will be reflected on your product sheet.

6. Automating the process with ChatGPT

Here are ready to use prompts for ChatGPT. Copy-Paste them to automate all these actions for you :

Generate titles and descriptions

**Role: ** Expert in optimizing product sheets
**Background: ** You work for a company that develops mobile applications. Your goal is to optimize the product sheet of the “Time Tracker Pro” application on the App Store to increase conversions.
**Tasks: **
1. Suggest a clear and concise title for the application.
2. Write an effective description that highlights benefits, highlights unique features, provides concrete examples of use, and includes calls to action (CTAs).
**Objectives: **
- Improve the visibility of the application.
- Increase the conversion rate of visitors into users.
**Application Details: **
- App name: Time Tracker Pro
- Category: Productivity
- Main features: Time tracking, custom reports, synchronization with Google Calendar
- Target audience: Professionals and freelancers
As an expert in optimizing product sheets, could you suggest a clear and concise title for the “Time Tracker Pro” application? Next, write an effective description that:
- Presents the benefits of the application.
- Highlights its unique features.
- Give concrete examples of use.
- Includes clear calls to action

Create compelling captions for screenshots

**Role: ** Visual Content Writer
**Background: ** You are responsible for creating attractive visual content for the “Time Tracker Pro” application.
**Tasks: **
1. Write engaging captions for each screenshot in the application.
**Objectives: **
- Attract the attention of visitors.
- Highlight the key functionalities of the application.
As a visual content writer, could you write engaging captions for the following screenshots of the “Time Tracker Pro” app:
1. Capture 1: Main screen showing the dashboard with time tracking.
2. Capture 2: Custom report creation interface.
3. Capture 3: Synchronizing with Google Calendar.

Keep your content up to date

**Role: ** Product Communication Manager
**Background: ** You should inform users about the updates and new features of the “Time Tracker Pro” application.
**Tasks: **
1. Write an announcement text for the new application update.
**Objectives: **
- Inform users of improvements.
- Encourage user engagement and loyalty.
**Update Details: **
As a product communication manager, could you write a text announcing the new update of the “Time Tracker Pro” application with the following details:
- New feature: Integration with Microsoft Outlook.
- Improvement: Improved user interface for more intuitive navigation.
- Bug fixes: Various minor bugs fixed.

Collect user reviews

**Role: ** User Engagement Manager
**Background: ** You should encourage happy users of the “Time Tracker Pro” app to leave positive reviews.
**Tasks: **
1. Write an email and an in-app message asking users to share their experience.
**Objectives: **
- Increase the number of positive reviews on the product sheet.
- Strengthen the trust of new users.
**Prompt: **
As a user engagement manager, could you write an email and an in-app message to encourage satisfied users of the “Time Tracker Pro” application to leave positive reviews on the product sheet?

Personalized Invitations for Influencers

**Role: ** Influencer Relations Specialist
**Background: ** You should invite influencers to test the “Time Tracker Pro” application and leave a detailed review.
**Tasks: **
1. Write a personalized invitation for each target influencer.
**Objectives: **
- Increase the reputation of the application.
- Get detailed and credible reviews.
**Details of target influencers: **
- Influencer name: [Name]
- Field of expertise: Productivity and time management
- Audience: Professionals and freelancers
**Prompt: **
As an influencer relations specialist, could you write a personalized invitation for influencer [Name], an expert in productivity and time management, to test the “Time Tracker Pro” application and leave a detailed review? Mention how their return would be valuable and beneficial.

By using these optimized prompts, you can effectively automate the process of creating and updating your product sheets with ChatGPT, while ensuring the quality and consistency of your content.


How much does it cost to list your app on a marketplace?

Most marketplaces are free upon registration. On the other hand, they generally charge a commission on your sales, around 20-30% of the price of your app. It's up to you to pass on (or not) this cost to your rates!

Do you have to be listed on ALL marketplaces?

No, the trick is even to target 2-3 ecosystems max where your audience is massively present. No need to spread your efforts across 50 platforms if your customers are all on the same platform!

How do I know if a marketplace is relevant for my application?

Your goal is to reach users who have an immediate need that your app can fill. Analyze the profiles of customers you already attract: what tools do they use on a daily basis? This is surely where your future marketplaces are nestled!

My application has been refused, what should I do?

Don't panic! A refusal is not final. Most of the time, it's a problem with your app's compliance with marketplace guidelines. Quickly correct the situation according to the recommendations received and try your luck again, your app will finally pass!

What price should I show for my app on the marketplace?

As a general rule, keep the same price list as on your own site. Marketplaces serve as additional showcases for your app, not as a monetization lever. On the other hand, you can offer exclusive offers to make a difference!


By allowing reach a qualified and engaged audience with less effort, marketplaces are great growth drivers for SaaS apps.

By referring to it, you capture thousands of paid users ready to adopt your solution.

The main thing is to choose the right platforms where your target is used to looking for tools. Salesforce, G Suite, Slack, Zendesk... Each ecosystem has its own codes to master.

Once your app has been validated, treat your product sheet as if it were your personal App Store. Title, description, visuals, notes... Every element counts to convince the visitor to take the plunge.

And remember, it's far from being a “one shot” process. Marketplace referencing requires real follow-up over time : regular updates, feedback generation, continuous optimization...

In short, a real inbound strategy in its own right, but devilishly effective in increasing the reach of your app.

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