Hack Instagram 💻 by Scraping Competitors' Accounts with Python 🐍

Advanced Growth Hackers use Python to gather data. This Growth Hack will allow you to scrape leads from Instagram using Python

In this Growth Hack article on the Osintgram tool, you'll see an example of how powerful and fun it is to use.

What results should you expect from this Growth hack?

  • Scraping Instagram using a Python library
  • Obtaining emails from prospects on Instagram

Osintgram is a powerful tool that businesses can leverage because it can easily access public Instagram accounts and provide all sorts of useful data.

It's the perfect choice when you're looking to get valuable information about your target audience!

It works from a self-hosted Python3 script that you can install on your environment (Mac, Windows, or Linux) via Github.

Is Instagram scraping legal?

  • Will you be thrown in prison for a life without parole? No
  • Is it contrary to their terms of use (those of Facebook)? Yes.
  • Should you care? It is your decision.

How to do this Growth Hack for Instagram?


If you are looking for a guide to help you in the world of Hacking (Cybersecurity), there is a great resource on YouTube that you should not miss.

A really great content creator offers a series of videos that will take you step-by-step through the various commands and techniques to help you better understand computer security.

Although the videos are in English, the instructions are clear and easy to follow.

Also, if you are passionate about the field of Hacking, do not hesitate to watch more of his videos, because they are well done and informative.

Also, don't forget that there is a Osintgram Github page to help you.

⚠️ Quick warning! It is advised that you do not use your personal Instagram account for security reasons. Creating a fictional account dedicated to Instagram is the recommended solution to avoid any risk. This keeps your personal account private and secure. With a fictional account, you will be able to perform all the tests you want while making sure you are not blocked.

For your Instagram account to have maximum security and to be less exposed to the risk of being banned, it is best to create a PVA (Phone Verified Account) profile that is verified with someone else's number.

This way, you can be sure that your login credentials are secure and you will have better protection against the platform's ban hammer.

Do you need a new phone number quickly? Look no further than your smartphone! With just a few clicks, you can access applications from iOS or Google stores that provide you with free virtual numbers in seconds.

What is OSINT?

OSINT is a valuable tool for collecting and analysing information. It provides access to public data from sources such as social media accounts, platform names, and other online activities used in intelligence contexts. By effectively exploiting this technology, cyber defenders can get a head start on attackers by being well-informed about potential vulnerabilities before they are exploited.

Does OSINTGRAM work on all Instagram accounts?


  • If the account is public and real, Osintgram will be happy to extract all public information about users.
  • If the Instagram account is private, Osintgram won't work.
compte Osintgram piratage Instagram

Why use OSINTGRAM to hack an Instagram account

With varied needs, Osintgram is the go-to solution for anyone looking to easily find details such as usernames, emails, and IP addresses of people who follow a certain Instagram profile.

Not only as an alternative to Scrapebox, but also by allowing users with effective data recovery capabilities - you'll never have trouble staying in touch!

Here is the process for hacking an Instagram account:

  1. Finding popular Instagram accounts in a niche
  2. Get at least 5,000 of their followers (using the command -followers); and/or
  3. Get at least 5,000 emails from their followers (using the -fwesemail command).
  4. Then, go to your scrapped email list to invite them to your offers!

It's a simple approach, but it works...

OSINTGRAM commands

Unleash the potential of Osintgram with a world of controls!

With this repository, you can access in-depth information about various online ordering functions on GitHub. https://github.com/Datalux/Osintgram is your gateway to discover all sorts of information and data in seconds.

Growth Hack compte Instagram Python

Are there any limitations to using OSINTGRAM?

Osintgram helps you become an informed user; however, to get the most out of it without disappointing anyone, you have to make some sacrifices.


Because Instagram (Facebook) don't like these tools because they are, essentially, against their terms and conditions.

For example, you could get an error-free line like this:

ClientError Please wait a few minutes before trying again. (Code: 429, Response: {"message”: “Please wait a few minutes before trying again. “, “status”: “fail"}

Or like that:

ClientError checkpoint_challenge_required (Code: 400, Response: 400, Response: {"message”: “challenge_required”, “challenge”:

These 2 errors are mainly the result of a slowdown in using social networks without user access to Instagram servers or a simple authentication request.

Best way to use OSINTGRAM

If you are interested in hacking your Instagram account or scraping its data, one way to ensure that a positive signal is sent to Instagram's servers that you are legitimate and trustworthy is to connect another mobile phone number with the same password that was used on your own account. Osintgram can be very useful for this purpose, acting as an advanced tool when it comes to OSINT software security solutions - ensuring that any annoying security issues stay away!


How do I make an Insta bot?

If you're looking to improve your presence on Instagram, it's important to understand that automating activities on the platform can have consequences.

There are plenty of apps out there for creating bots, but using them can violate Instagram guidelines and cause your account to be suspended.

How to get 3000 followers on Instagram?

To gain more followers on Instagram, try using some of the best tricks!

Content quality is critical; create posts with eye-catching visuals and relevant captions. Incorporating relevant hashtags allows more users to discover your post outside of your current network.

Join engagement groups and collaborate with other accounts for cross-promotion - increasing followers can be easy once you start getting creative!

What bot for Instagram?

With the rise of bots on Instagram, finding a reputable and reliable option is essential if you want your account—or those of visitors—to remain secure. Luckily, there are plenty of them out there with features that will help you take your Insta game up a notch!

How do I use an Instagram BOT?

Instagram bots can increase followers in just a few clicks, but users should be careful: the abusive use of these tools can lead to problems for your account.

Stay up to date with the rules of conduct on Insta for maximum success!

Important note:

As an Instagram user, it is important to respect the privacy of other users and not to engage in illegal activities such as account hacking.

This includes tactics like brute force or pass decryptors, which can have serious repercussions if discovered.

Also, any attempt to circumvent security measures by using robots may result in your account being deactivated - so remember to always follow Instagram's policy for a safe social network!

photo stephen mesnildrey
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