Full Review - Explosive Growth, Cliff Lerner

Uncover the secrets of growth in this fascinating story of the rise, fall, and redemption of a startup

“Explosive Growth” is a captivating entrepreneurial story coupled with a practical manual for growing startups. Written by Cliff Lerner, founder of the successful startup SNAP Interactive, it's a deep dive into the ups and downs of building a fast-growing business.

The central themes covered include:

  1. The principles of explosive growth : the strategies and tactics that propelled SNAP Interactive from zero to 100 million users.
  2. The pitfalls of rapid growth : the challenges and pitfalls that hyper-growth startups often encounter, from cash flow management to team dynamics.
  3. The importance of entrepreneurial resilience : how to navigate the failures, setbacks and inevitable crises of the startup adventure.
  4. Leadership and decision-making lessons : Lerner's hard-won insights into what makes a great leader in times of growth and crisis.

Critical analysis

Explosive Growth” is a book that grabs you from the first pages and never lets go. It's an entrepreneurial story of rare honesty and vulnerability that doesn't hide anything about the exhilarating highs and devastating lows of startup life.

The highlights of the book:

  • The gripping story of the rise, fall, and redemption from SNAP Interactive, told with suspense and frankness that make it an addictive read.
  • Fascinating insights into growth hacking tactics that have fuelled SNAP's explosive growth, from optimizing conversion rates to viral partnerships.
  • Lerner's raw honesty about his own failures and misjudgments, offering valuable lessons about the pitfalls of ego, complacency, and poor risk management.
  • Leadership and resilience lessons that transcend the startup world and apply to anyone looking to navigate challenges and setbacks.

However, some readers may find the pace of the book to be a bit uneven at times. The passages about Lerner's personal life and the internal dynamics of SNAP, while interesting, can sometimes distract from key business lessons.

In addition, While the book is rich in tactical advice, some of the principles of growth may not apply to all startups. SNAP's unique context in the online dating app industry shapes much of its growth story.

Nonetheless, these criticisms are minor compared to the immense value offered by “Explosive Growth”. It is a book that combines the charm of a well-written story with the substance of a business manual.

Things to remember

  1. Explosive growth is no accident, but the result of deliberate strategies and disciplined execution. From product design to marketing, each lever must be optimized.
  2. However, rapid growth can be a double-edged knife. Without the right fundamentals and controls in place, it can quickly become unsustainable and destructive.
  3. Ego and complacency are the mortal enemies of the entrepreneur. Initial success can blind you to risks and lead to poor decisions.
  4. Resilience is the most essential quality of an entrepreneur. The ability to take a beating, learn from failures, and keep moving forward makes all the difference.
  5. Great leadership is at its most crucial in times of crisis. It is in adversity that the true character of a leader is revealed.

Similar books

  • “Blitzscaling” by Reid Hoffman and Chris Yeh
  • “The Hard Thing About Hard Things” by Ben Horowitz

Author Background

Cliff Lerner is a serial entrepreneur, investor, and growth expert, best known for his role as the founder and CEO of SNAP Interactive, a successful startup in the field of online dating applications.

Lerner started his career in finance, working as an analyst on Wall Street. But his entrepreneurial spirit and fascination with technology quickly led him to leave the world of finance to pursue his own ventures.

In 2005, Lerner co-founded SNAP Interactive, with the vision of creating better online dating apps. Under his leadership, SNAP grew by leaps and bounds, going from zero to over 100 million users in just a few years.

However, as Lerner recounts poignantly in “Explosive Growth,” this vertiginous rise was followed by an equally abrupt fall. Scalability challenges, toxic team dynamics, and poor strategic decisions nearly sank the business.

It was through this tumultuous entrepreneurial journey that Lerner acquired the insights and hard-learned lessons that he shares in “Explosive Growth.” His honest account of his own failures and errors in judgment, as well as the innovative tactics that fuelled SNAP's growth, makes him a narrator who is both believable and engaging.

Today, Lerner is an active investor and advisor to numerous startups. He is also a sought-after speaker and trainer, sharing his experiences and philosophy of growth hacking with audiences around the world.

Lerner's influence in the startup community extends beyond his own success with SNAP. His innovative approach to growth and his willingness to openly share his failures as well as his triumphs have inspired and guided many entrepreneurs.

With “Explosive Growth”, Cliff Lerner has offered much more than the history of a startup. He offered a testament of resilience, a growth manual, and an ode to the entrepreneurial spirit. Her book is both a warning about the dangers of unbridled growth and a celebration of the potential of innovation and persistence.

Lerner's legacy is that of an entrepreneur who dared to dream big, who experienced spectacular successes and failures, and who had the courage to share his story with disarming honesty. “Explosive Growth” isn't just a book title, it's an entrepreneurial life philosophy.


Do you need to have startup experience to appreciate “Explosive Growth”?

No, the book is available to anyone interested in entrepreneurship and business growth. Lerner explains technical concepts clearly and the story of his journey is universally engaging.

Does the book give practical tips for growing up or is it more of an autobiographical story?

“Explosive Growth” is a unique hybrid of the two. Lerner cleverly intertwines her personal story with tactical lessons about growth and leadership. The reader comes away with both an inspiring story and concrete advice.

Do the lessons in “Explosive Growth” only apply to tech startups?

While Lerner's story takes place in the context of tech startups, many of his insights into leadership, decision-making, and managing rapid growth are applicable to a broad range of businesses and industries.

Does the book cover the technical aspects of growth hacking?

Yes, Lerner goes into detail on many of the specific tactics used to fuel SNAP's growth, from optimizing landing pages to viral campaigns. However, his focus remains on the principles and lessons of growth rather than on technicalities.


In conclusion, “Explosive Growth” by Cliff Lerner is a rare book that combines the charm of a captivating entrepreneurial story with the substance of a practical growth manual. With its disarming honesty, fascinating insights, and hard-won lessons, it's essential reading for anyone looking to navigate the tumultuous waters of entrepreneurship and rapid growth.

Whether you're an aspiring startup founder, a marketer looking to master growth hacking, or simply someone who appreciates a good story of human resilience, “Explosive Growth” will inspire you, instruct you, and push you to think more deeply about what makes for entrepreneurial success and failure.

A powerful story and a must-have guide, “Explosive Growth” is a testament to the power of persistence, innovation, and lifelong learning in the face of adversity. A must-read for anyone who dreams big and dares to embark on an entrepreneurial adventure

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