T. Harv Eker, Secrets of a Millionaire Mind

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“Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth” is a personal finance book written by T. Harv Eker. In this book, Eker claims that how people think about money has a direct impact on their financial success.

He believes that most people have what he calls a “financial pattern” that determines their financial habits and results, and that by changing that pattern, individuals can achieve greater financial success.

To illustrate his point, Eker uses examples from his own life and the lives of successful people he has worked with, as well as anecdotes and case studies. It also offers exercises and tools that readers can use to identify and modify their own financial model:

1. “The state of mind”

In this section, Eker discusses the importance of mindset in financial success and how individuals can change their mindset to be more financially successful. He says that most people have limiting beliefs about money that prevent them from achieving financial success.

These beliefs may include the idea that money is hard to come by, that only certain people are able to succeed financially, or that being rich is selfish or bad. Eker believes that these limiting beliefs are at the root of many financial problems and that by identifying and changing them, individuals can overcome financial obstacles and achieve greater success.

Eker also discusses the “17 Wealth Files,” which are specific beliefs and habits that he believes are necessary for financial success. These include beliefs such as “I will succeed no matter what,” “I am responsible for my financial situation,” and “I am constantly learning and growing.”

Eker believes that adopting these beliefs and habits can help individuals change their financial plans and achieve greater financial success.

2. “Money Management”

In this section, Eker discusses the importance of managing money effectively and provides tips and strategies for doing so. It covers topics such as budgeting, saving, and investing. Eker emphasizes the importance of having a budget and sticking to it in order to effectively manage your money.

He suggests starting by tracking all income and expenses for a month in order to better understand where the money is being spent.

From there, he advises identifying areas where expenses can be reduced and setting financial goals to achieve.

Eker also discusses the importance of saving and investing for the future.

He advises setting aside a portion of your income each month for saving and investing, and recommends diversifying investments to minimize risks.

3. “Financial intelligence”

In this final section, Eker discusses the importance of financial education and provides tips and resources to improve financial knowledge and understanding. He argues that financial education is essential for making informed financial decisions and achieving financial success.

He recommends seeking resources such as books, courses, and financial advisors to improve financial knowledge and understanding.


Overall, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” is a practical and thought-provoking guide for anyone who wants to improve their financial situation and achieve financial success.

By identifying and changing limiting beliefs and adopting healthy financial habits and behaviors, individuals can take control of their financial situation and work toward their financial goals.