Rich Dad Poor Dad: Kiyosaki's Financial Freedom Guide

book cover Rich Dad Poor Dad: Kiyosaki's Financial Freedom Guide

“Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki teaches vital lessons on financial mindset and independence, a provocative guide to building wealth.

“Rich Dad, Poor Dad” is a book that revolutionized the way millions of people think about money and investing. Written by successful entrepreneur and investor Robert T. Kiyosaki, this book presents the contrasting lessons learned from his biological father (his “poor father”) and the father of his best friend (his “rich father”) about wealth and financial success.

The central themes covered include:

  1. The financial mindset : the difference in mindset between the rich and the poor/middle classes when it comes to money, assets and work.
  2. The difference between assets and liabilities : the rich acquire assets, the poor and middle classes accumulate liabilities that they mistake for assets.
  3. The importance of financial education : the school does not teach what you need to know to be financially successful. You have to educate yourself.
  4. Take control of your finances : do not rely on a job and a salary, but take calculated risks and invest in income-generating assets.

Critical analysis

“Rich Dad, Poor Dad” is a book that has the merit of challenging many assumptions about money and success.

It is a provocative and inspiring read that encourages you to think differently about your relationship with money and your life trajectory.

The highlights of the book:

  • The power of storytelling : by using the story of his two “fathers,” Kiyosaki makes financial lessons lively and memorable. It's a compelling story that speaks to the heart as well as to the mind.
  • Questioning preconceived ideas : Kiyosaki debunks many myths, such as the idea that hard work and education guarantee prosperity, or that one's home is an asset. It invites you to think outside the box.
  • Emphasis on mentality and education : more than technical advice, the book offers a paradigm shift. It highlights the importance of how to think about and learn about money continuously.
  • The call to action : Kiyosaki is not content with theory, he urges readers to take action, to take control of their finances and to invest in their financial education.

One caveat is that some of the specific investment advice may seem outdated or risky, especially for neophytes. The book advocates investing in real estate and starting a business, which are not right for everyone.

In addition, Some readers may find the tone of the book a bit repetitive or simplistic at times. Kiyosaki has a tendency to hammer out the same points and make generalizations that may seem simplistic.

Despite these limitations, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” remains a valuable book for anyone looking to challenge their relationship with money and take control of their financial future. It's a powerful call to get out of your comfort zone, to re-educate yourself, and to take action.

Key Points to Remember

  1. Your home is not an asset. An asset is something that puts money in your pocket. A house takes money out of your pocket.
  2. Money does not solve financial problems. Financial intelligence solves financial problems. Without financial intelligence, money disappears quickly.
  3. The poor and middle classes work for money. Rich people make money work for them.
  4. The number one enemy of financial creativity is the fear of failure. Overcoming this fear is crucial to success.
  5. Financial education is the lifelong learning process about money that everyone should undertake on their own. It never stops.

Similar books

  • “Think and get rich” by Napoleon Hill
  • “The Cashflow Quadrant” by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Author profile

Robert T. Kiyosaki is a successful entrepreneur, investor, and author, best known for his best-selling book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad.”

Kiyosaki has a varied entrepreneurial and investment background:

  • He started his career selling nylon and Velcro wallets for surfers, a business that ultimately failed.
  • He then invested in real estate, amenities, and businesses, with successes and setbacks.
  • Her experiences, both good and bad, fed her investment philosophy and her vision of financial education.

In 1997, Kiyosaki published “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” which quickly became an international phenomenon:

  • The book has sold over 40 million copies worldwide and has been translated into over 50 languages.
  • His success launched a “Rich Dad” franchise, including board games, seminars, video games, and over 20 other books.
  • The following books by Kiyosaki, such as “Quadrant Cashflow,” “A Guide to Investing,” and “Increase Your Financial Intelligence,” were also best-sellers.

Kiyosaki is also a sought-after speaker and trainer on the topics of investment, entrepreneurship and financial education:

  • He founded the Rich Dad Company, a private company that offers financial coaching services and educational products.
  • Its seminars and programs, such as “Build Your Own Cash Machine,” have attracted hundreds of thousands of participants around the world.

With “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” Robert T. Kiyosaki popularized innovative ideas about the psychology of money and the importance of financial intelligence.

His book questioned many conventional beliefs about employment, assets, and wealth creation, inspiring millions of people to rethink their relationship with money.

For Kiyosaki, true financial freedom does not come from paid employment, but from owning assets that generate passive income, such as real estate and businesses.

With this book, Robert T. Kiyosaki has established himself as one of the most influential and controversial thinkers in the field of personal financial education. “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” is not just a book, it's a philosophy of life that has changed the trajectory of many readers.


Do you have to be rich to apply the lessons of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”?

No, on the contrary. The key message of the book is that everyone, regardless of starting point, can and should take charge of their financial education and start investing in assets. Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of starting small and learning by doing.

Is Kiyosaki's advice on real estate and entrepreneurship right for everyone?

No, and that's a book limit. While the general principles of wealth creation are widely applicable, the specific paths recommended by Kiyosaki involve risks and are not suitable for all profiles or situations. It's crucial to do your own research and get personalized advice.

Some criticize the lack of practical details in the book. Is that a problem?

It's a valid review, but one that misses the main purpose of the book. “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” is all about changing the way people think and inspiring action, not providing a detailed technical guide. It is a starting point, not an end point.

Is Kiyosaki's success due to his investments or his books?

It is an open debate. Some say that Kiyosaki's main source of wealth is the sale of his books and seminars, rather than his investments. However, this does not necessarily discredit the value of his ideas. As with any financial advice, it's important to be smart.


In conclusion, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki is a provocative and inspiring book that has changed the way millions of people think about money, work, and investment. With its powerful lessons in financial psychology, call to action, and compelling storytelling, it's a must-read for anyone looking to take control of their financial future.

Whether you are an employee, entrepreneur, or investor, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” will challenge you to reassess your beliefs about wealth and give you a new perspective on the potential of financial intelligence.

A seminal book that launched a global movement for financial education. A book to be read with an open, critical mind and ready to learn. Your starting point for a new philosophy of money and success.

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