Productivity software

Glide : Full Review, Testing, and Presentation (2024)


Turn your Google Sheets into applications with Glide, a fast and intuitive code-free creation platform



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What is Glide?

Glide is a no-code application development platform that turns a Google sheet into a mobile application.

Primarily based on CRUD interactions, Glide makes it possible to create applications with an intuitive user interface directly from spreadsheets.

Each row in the spreadsheet becomes an item in the application, and users can choose from various templates for various uses, such as tracking expenses or managing events. The applications created are Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), running on iOS and Android, and can be shared easily via a link.

Although Glide does not offer a drag-and-drop editor like some other platforms, this contributes to quick application commissioning.

Who is Glide for?

Glide is a convenient, no-code platform for people who want to quickly create simple applications for work, travel, leisure, or setting personal goals (such as fitness and savings).

Thanks to the clever functions of the no code platform, different types of people can benefit from using Glide, including educators, HR/operations specialists, startup employees, small business owners, small business owners, foodies, and young parents.


1. Fast Application Creation

Glide is a revolutionary platform for creating no-code applications.

Glide Bubble Review of Customizable Template
Glide allows you to customize created templates.

It is distinguished by its simplicity and speed, allowing even beginners to create functional applications in a short time.

  • Drag and Drop Interface: Facilitates the design of applications by allowing elements to be placed simply by dragging them.
  • Predefined templates: Wide range of templates for various types of applications, speeding up the creation process.

Glide makes creating applications accessible to everyone, without requiring coding skills. Great for quick projects and prototypes.

2. Data integration

One of Glide's strengths is its ability to easily integrate data from a variety of sources.

  • Google Sheets connectivity: Allows you to use live data from Google Sheets, making it easy to manage and update information.
  • Data Import: Supports the import of data from Excel files, CSV files and other sources.

Easy data integration makes Glide a useful tool for data management applications.

3. Customization and Flexibility

Glide offers a great deal of customization to adapt applications to specific needs.

  • Visual Customization: A wide range of options for customizing the appearance of the application, including colors, fonts, and themes.
  • Interactive components: Added interactive features such as forms, surveys, and dropdown lists.

The extensive customization offered by Glide makes it possible to create applications that precisely match user expectations.

4. Publishing and Sharing

Once the app is created, Glide makes it easy to publish and share.

  • Instant Publishing: Apps can be published immediately and can be accessed via a unique URL link.
  • Sharing on Multiple Platforms: Possibility to share the application on platforms such as social networks, emails, and other digital channels.

Glide makes it easy to distribute applications, allowing them to be shared widely without complications.

Security and Confidentiality

Glide takes data security and privacy seriously.

  • Access Control: Possibility to define user permissions and accesses to secure access to sensitive information.
  • Data Security: Data is stored securely, with adequate protection measures.

Glide's robust security features ensure data protection and user privacy.


Glide offers monthly and annual subscription options with two price levels, as well as a free option.

All free and paid options include shareable and password-protected apps, unlimited users, and integration with Stripe and Zapier.

Gratuit : A potential downside to the free option is that you have to use the Glide brand, making the app less suitable for business purposes. Free users get 500 rows of data, 100MB of file and image storage, and other essential features.

Glide users pay a monthly subscription for each Pro or Business application they maintain on the no code platform.

Pro app : Those who choose the Pro app option pay $19 per app/month (annual billing) or $29 (monthly billing). Pro app users can remove the Glide brand and receive additional Pro components, including: 25,000 rows of data and 10GB of file and image storage, as well as a custom domain, brand login, and extended icon set. They can integrate their application with Google Analytics and G Suite Shared Drives.

Professional application : Business app subscribers get all Pro features, plus email support, a planning session with a Glide expert, 50,000 rows of data, and 100GB of file and image storage. The Business app is priced at $199 per app per month (annual payment) or $299 for monthly payments.

Alternatives to Glide

1. Adalo

Adalo is a platform for developing applications without code, focused on creating native mobile applications. It offers a balance between simplicity and functionality, ideal for developers and non-developers who want to build custom applications.


  • Drag-and-drop editor: Build apps with an intuitive user interface without writing code.
  • Advanced customization: Modify components for a unique design and a personalized user experience.


  • Free plan: Access to basic features, ideal for small-scale projects.
  • Paid plan: Starting at $50/month, offering advanced features and priority support.

Adalo is perfect for those looking for a balance of advanced features and ease of use, although cost can be a limiting factor for smaller projects.

2. Bubble

Bubble is a code-free web development platform, known for its flexibility and functional richness. It is ideal for creating complex web applications.


  • Visual programming logic: Design applications with complex logic without coding.
  • Integrated database: Manage and store your application data directly on Bubble.


  • Free plan: Suitable for personal projects and prototypes.
  • Paid plans: Starting at $29/month, offering more capacity and advanced features.

Bubble is a great alternative for those who want to develop web applications without limiting themselves to the constraints of traditional no-code, although the learning curve may be steeper.

3. AppSheet

AppSheet is a no-code platform focused on automating business processes and creating custom applications, easily integrating with Google and Microsoft services.


  • Integration with Google and Microsoft: Use data from Google Sheets or Excel as a database.
  • Process automation: Build applications to automate and simplify business processes.


  • Free plan: For individual users with basic features.
  • Pro Plan: Starting at $10/user/month, for more advanced features and priority support.

AppSheet is ideal for businesses looking to integrate applications with their existing systems, especially useful for automating business processes.


What is Glide app builder?

The Glide App Builder is a no-code tool that allows non-technical people to create functional and engaging mobile and desktop applications without having to write any code. It offers users the option of creating applications from scratch using its intuitive drag-and-drop editor or using pre-established application templates. Glide allows you to import data via Google Spreadsheet into your application to add logic and functionality.

What are the benefits of Glide?

Glide has all the benefits a low-code platform could have: easy to use, built models, and free to start with. These benefits will help owners launch their applications in minutes with an interactive user interface.

Is Glide good to use?

Glide is great to use, even if it's for personal use or for business start-ups.

Final Verdict

Honestly, we think Glideapps is amazing. The no-code platform gives you access to a whole new world: that of applications. You can create and publish your own application in minutes, meeting just about any need. Whether it's for your business or personal life, there's an app out there that can streamline any process.

To create your Glide app, you can choose from hundreds of beautiful templates, or contact a Glide Apps expert.

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