Overview of the most essential growth statistics in the e-learning sector
Let's review some of the most significant facts and figures about the growth of the e-learning sector.
1. The virtual learning sector has grown significantly by 900% over the past 22 years.
Since 2000, the e-learning sector has grown by 900%. The Internet is the main cause of this global expansion of the e-learning sector. The most recent studies indicate that the sector is expected to continue to grow at a steady pace.
(Source: Assets.KPMG)
2. The global e-learning market is expected to reach over $243 billion.
According to the latest forecasts, the global e-learning market will exceed the $243 billion mark.
(Source: Statista.com)
3. By 2026, the MOOC industry is expected to reach 374 billion dollars.
The massive open online courses (MOOCs) industry is currently booming. According to the latest reports, this industry will be worth 374 billion dollars by 2026.
(Source: Globenewswire.com)
4. Demand for online learning software systems and tools grew by nearly 400% during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The coronavirus epidemic has dramatically accelerated the adoption of digital technologies and IoT, and has led to exponential growth in the virtual learning sector.
Demand for online learning tools and systems grew by nearly 400% during the pandemic. More than 40% of millennials use e-learning as the solution of choice to acquire more skills in their free time.
5. The online learning market is now 22 years old.
The term “online learning” was invented the same year that Google was founded. Today, the modern e-learning industry is 22 years old and older.
(Source: Shiftelearning.com)
Key statistics on the power of e-learning
The most important advantage of e-learning is that it allows any Internet user to learn online at their own pace and convenience. In addition, it makes a wide variety of content available to anyone with an Internet connection. Internet users can choose how they want to interact with the content of the online training, through the communication channel of their choice.
Students can watch educational and training videos, read instructions via social media, emails, or texts, learn on the go, and tap into whatever content they prefer to reach their learning goals. The power of e-learning and mobile is immeasurable.
Let's look at facts and figures to understand the impact of e-learning in 2021 and beyond.
6. e-learning can help save 40 to 60% of employee time compared to more traditional learning methods.
The research of Brandon-Hall reported that modern e-learning methods could help save up to 60% of employee time compared to a traditional learning environment. Since students can absorb knowledge at their own pace, this online learning method requires 40 to 60% less time for employees.
(Source: Shiftelearning.com)
7. Compared to traditional learning methods, e-learning can increase consumer retention rates by 25 to 65%.
Compared to traditional learning methods, e-learning and mobile learning lead to much better consumer retention rates. Retention rates for face-to-face learning range from 8% to 10%, while retention rates for online learning range from 25% to 65%.
(Source: Shiftelearning.com)
8. e-learning allows students to save the time spent on training while learning a minimum of five times as much material.
Participants using a variety of e-learning and virtual learning methods were able to learn at least five times more information than students using traditional learning methods. In addition, e-learning allowed participants to save time by learning more over a shorter period of time.
(Source: Shiftelearning.com)
9. 42% of businesses say that using e-learning training methods can help increase revenue.
The latest statistics indicate that online training can help modern businesses increase customer retention and revenue. According to studies, 42% of businesses say that online training solutions have helped them increase revenue.
(Source: Shiftelearning.com)
10. Businesses that invest heavily in online employee training see their return on investment increase by $30 per employee.
A recent IBM research report showed that businesses could achieve a significant increase in productivity and revenue by investing in online training. For every dollar spent on online training, businesses get a $30 increase in revenue.
(Source: Shiftelearning.com)
11. Online learning methods can increase employee engagement by up to 18%.
Technology and online learning tools allow modern businesses to effectively train their staff and significantly boost employee productivity and engagement. According to a recent study by the Molly Fletcher Company, online training can help businesses increase employee engagement by up to 18%.
(Source: Shiftelearning.com)
Overview of the main financial statistics for e-learning
According to many modern businesses, saving resources is one of the fundamental benefits of e-learning for businesses. This is the main reason why many organizations are using online training methods to their advantage. Besides allowing employees to absorb information in the way they prefer, online training is not only more effective, it's also cost-effective.
Businesses can save money by providing better training to their employees. They can use these savings to impact their consumers and provide them with better products and services, better customer support, and a better experience at every stage of the customer journey.
Let's list the most remarkable statistics in online financial education to see how businesses are taking advantage of modern training methods.
12. IBM managed to save nearly 200 million dollars by switching to online training.
Businesses can save a lot of money by switching to online training. According to Dave Evans, IBM is a great example of how e-learning can benefit a business in terms of profitability. He reports thatIBM saved up to $200 million by introducing e-learning methods into its employee training strategies. Online training allows businesses to save resources on instructor fees, equipment, hotel rentals, travel, and more.
(Source: Shiftelearning.com)
13. The transition to e-training has enabled 42% of businesses to increase their revenues.
According to a 2017 survey, online training methods have helped businesses convert information into revenue. 42% of businesses surveyed reported an increase in revenue after adopting online training methods.
(Source: Shiftelearning.com)
14. The cost of creating an online course varies between $144 and $10,800.
According to the Sell Courses Online e-learning article, creating an online course can cost a business between $144 and $10,800, depending on the certification and the number of modules in the online course.
(Source: SellcoursesOnline.com)
15. Online course fees range from $177 to $10,000, on average.
Many online course offerings require little or no maintenance. That's reason enough for businesses to use online training to ensure a good return on investment. On average, the price of an online course can range from 177 to 10,000 dollars.
(Source: SellcoursesOnline.com)
16. E-learning can help students and schools get the most out of classroom studies, including language learning.
The language barrier remains one of the most important challenges when it comes to outsourcing and student exchanges.
Fortunately, e-learning can help overcome this barrier and open up new learning and business opportunities globally.
That is why, according to the latest projections, the global e-learning market is expected to exceed 243 billion dollars.

Main university information and statistics on e-learning
e-learning has taken the modern academic world by storm and has rapidly revolutionized the way students and academics receive information and progress in their learning. Let's take a look at some of the top university e-learning statistics for 2021 and beyond.
17. 75% of schools plan to adopt online learning methods by the end of 2021.
Currently, over 57% of students in the United States are already using or planning to start using an e-learning tool. As a result, 75% of schools are already online or planning to complete their digital transformation process.
(Source: THINKIMPACT.com)
18. Nearly 100% of educational institutions have modified their learning sessions to adopt an online or mobile framework.
If we look at the main statistics on e-learning today, we see that 80% of educational institutions have already purchased or plan to buy online learning equipment. 98% of institutions have already been offering online courses for two years.
(Source: THINKIMPACT.com)
19. 63% of K-12 high school students use digital technology to learn every day.
According to the latest studies, e-learning tools help most students learn every day. Statistics on the use of e-learning tools show that 45% of primary school students, 64% of middle school students and 63% of high school students use digital tools on a daily basis.
(Source: Newschools.org)
20. A 2016 survey showed that 43% of students used e-learning tools to help them with homework and study.
E-learning technologies, tools, and methods are beneficial for modern students, especially when it comes to doing homework, studying, and dealing with busy learning schedules. According to a 2016 survey, 43% of students found e-learning technology useful in fulfilling their obligations.
(Source: Statista.com)
21. 81% of students surveyed said that the regular use of online learning tools could help improve grades.
Because e-learning and digital tools allow students to access important information anytime and anywhere, they can help them improve their grades. 81% of modern-day students say that e-learning helps them do better at school.
(Source: Statista.com)
22. A survey conducted in April 2021 showed that 73% of students surveyed prefer online university courses.
Of the 73% of students surveyed who expressed their preference for online university courses, 46% of students strongly agree to complete all their university studies in a digital format, while 27% quite agree.

23. 41% of students prefer e-learning experiences to traditional ones.
e-learning is the preferred learning method for modern students, simply because it provides them with personalized learning experiences. Recent studies have shown that 41% of students prefer online learning methods over traditional methods due to a better user experience.

24. Between September 2020 and February 2021, the percentage of K-12 schools that used hybrid learning methods increased from 18.2% to 24.8%.
Since September 2020, the percentage of learning institutions, such as K-12 schools, that use hybrid instructional technology has increased by 6.6%. In February 2021, the percentage of K-12 schools using hybrid learning methods increased from 18.2% to 24.8%.
(Source: Statista.com)
25. In 2020, 25% of American online students surveyed were generally concerned about balancing school and daily life.
According to a survey conducted in 2020, 25% of former, future and current online students were concerned about the need to reconcile family, work, and home obligations with their studies. 15% of surveyed prospects expressed concerns about academic support and the quality of online education.
(Source: Statista.com)
26. 96% of students in kindergarten to grade 12 use online learning technologies because they are useful, user-friendly, and fun.
According to a 2019 survey, 96% of elementary students, 65% of middle school students, and 59% of high school students used e-learning tools because they are fun. 71% of high school students said that e-learning tools helped them learn at their own pace, while 51% expressed a desire to see e-learning technologies used more often at school.
(Source: Statista.com)
27. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the number of children with reading difficulties by 20%, to 584 million.
A study of theUNESCO raised significant concerns about children with reading difficulties. In 2019, there were 483 million children with reading difficulties. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has increased that number by 20%, to 584 million.
(Source: Statista.com)
28. Compared to traditional classroom learning, e-learning saves students up to 60% of time.
Students can save up to 60% of time by switching from traditional learning to studying online.
(Source: Papersowl.com)
Main statistics on e-learning in the business world
Digital technologies and the expansion of the Internet have revolutionized the way people teach, learn, and work. Employee training sessions no longer have to take place in a classroom, and modern employees and businessmen have access to educational content anytime and anywhere.
Mentors and business coaches have a wide range of digital tools at their disposal to distribute training and educational content using a variety of methods. Whether it's online courses, virtual learning systems, or professional training on mobile devices, digital businesses are reaping numerous benefits from e-learning. Here are the main statistics on e-learning in companies that confirm this.
29. Personalized and comprehensive corporate e-learning sessions allow for 24% higher profit margins and 218% higher revenue per intern.
According to a study of 2,500 business organizations, businesses that used e-learning technology to develop employee training programs achieved 24% higher profit margins and 218% higher revenue per employee trained.
(Source: eLearninginfographics.com)
30. 90% of businesses offer online learning and training opportunities to their employees.
According to the report of LinkedIn By 2018, 90% of businesses offer their employees e-learning and online training opportunities.
(Source: learning.linkedin.com)
31. By 2026, the e-learning business segment is expected to reach $50 billion.
According to the latest reports, the e-learning sector is constantly growing, reaching a growth of 15% every year. The adoption of e-learning by businesses is driving the growth of the sector. The industry is projected to be worth $50 billion by 2026.
(Source: Businesswire.com)
32. 82% of commercial organizations used an e-learning method to provide part of their compliance training in 2018.
2018 study reports indicated that 82% of companies used a variety of online learning tools to provide employees with some of their compliance training. Most businesses used e-learning to deliver specific compliance training modules, while 28% of businesses used e-learning to deliver all of their compliance training.
(Source: Rainingmag.com)
33. E-learning is the most effective way to close the skills gap, according to 62% of the companies surveyed.
E-learning can help businesses increase employee satisfaction, improve employee engagement, drive business growth, and fill employee skills and knowledge gaps. 62% of businesses said that e-learning helped their employees close the skills gap.
(Source: Blog.udemy.com)
34. 57% of employees say they are satisfied with their company's training and development programs.
A recent study indicates that 57% of employees are quite satisfied with their company's latest digital learning and development programs.

35. Nearly 42% of Fortune 500 companies use e-learning tools to train their employees.
E-learning technologies can be valuable assets for modern organizations, especially when it comes to employee training. A recent study showed that 41.7% of Fortune 500 companies train their employees using e-learning tools.
(Source: Skilldynamics.com)
The most relevant global e-learning trends and statistics
With e-learning technology offering huge potential for modern businesses, let's take a look at some of the most relevant global online learning statistics.
36. The German e-learning market is growing at an annual rate of 8.5%.
Germany is the leader in the European e-learning market, with the largest market share in Europe. The country's e-learning market is growing at a steady rate of 8.5% per year.
(Source: Businesswire.com)
37. The fastest growing e-learning market is Asia Pacific, with a growth rate of 17.3%.
According to the latest reports, e-learning is growing steadily worldwide, with an overall growth rate of 7.6%. The fastest-growing market segment is the Asia-Pacific region (17.3%), followed by Eastern Europe (16.9%), Africa (15.2%), and Latin America (14.6%).
(Source: Docebo.com)
38. The Chinese K-12 e-learning market has grown by 20% since 2017.
The K-12 e-learning sector in China is vast and growing constantly. According to the latest studies, the Chinese K-12 e-learning market is growing steadily, reaching a growth of 20% since 2017.
(Source: Marketresearch.com)
39. 23.15 million American households with underage children used e-learning to receive educational materials in 2021.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused many American schools to stop all activities, leaving 181,300 households with no means to participate in education. As of April 2021, 23.15 million American households with minor children (under 18) were using e-learning or virtual technologies to meet their educational needs.
(Source: Statista.com)
Why is the e-learning sector booming?
The e-learning sector is a fast-growing sector.
As the Internet is an integral part of our lives, it is not surprising that the sector is one of the fastest growing in the world.
From self-study to corporate learning, e-learning has become an important activity.
With online learning tools making learning easier than ever, these activities are likely to only increase in the future.
With an increasing number of people spending time online, there is no doubt that online courses are becoming more and more popular.
How to choose your e-learning platform
Even though some of the best e-Learning courses are available exclusively online, it can be difficult to decide if a course is right for you.
With this in mind, I wanted to give you a few questions to ask before registering for an e-Learning course.
We'll come back to that in the next section.
What are the instructor's qualifications?
It can be easy to spot an inadequate instructor in a traditional learning setting.
In a traditional classroom learning situation, you wouldn't want to have a teacher who can't speak or teach properly.
The same goes for online courses.
Ask yourself the following questions about your potential instructor:
- Is this person qualified?
- What are their qualifications?
- Do they have the experience to teach you what you want to learn?
If not, drop the online learning platform and look for someone more qualified.
What are the objectives of the course?
Whether you're taking a course to improve a personal skill or considering online business training, you need to know what to expect.
Having a well-defined set of online learning benefits, derived from the course objective, will allow you to get the most out of your e-learning experience.
It is at this stage that you will match your own needs to the goals of the course and the platform you are considering.
What other tools are needed?
While most online courses offer everything you need, some are more advanced than others.
Online learning tools such as learning management systems (LMS) are becoming more accessible to the daily user.
They can help improve your overall e-learning experience, including your course goals and what you get out of a course.
Having access to these tools will make it easier for you to take your online course and, ultimately, succeed.
What is the format of the e-Learning courses?
The online learning market opens up a whole world of different e-Learning courses.
Each course has a format that you should think about before registering.
Some are more focused on training, while others focus on education.
If you want to learn something specific, make sure that the format of the e-Learning course fits your needs and expectations.
What are the costs associated with online learning?
If money doesn't buy happiness, it can help pay for your online learning experience.
If you are looking for a good course, it is essential to consider the cost of the online learning platform and the cost of your online learning experience.
Educational institutions set course prices differently. So do your research before making a final decision.
Your e-learning experience is an investment in you, but that doesn't mean it has to be painful for your wallet.
How long has this business been in business?
Undergraduate students and graduates are increasingly turning to e-learning as a teaching method.
Higher education now offers more online courses than ever before.
However, with the increasing popularity of online courses, it can be difficult to know which businesses you can trust.
The more critical the focus of your course is, the more you need to know that you can trust your online learning platform to deliver on the promises made.
If you decide to go with a business that is not as well established as some larger businesses, you should be careful.
Do as much research as possible before enrolling in an e-learning course offered by a company that does not have a history of success or criticism.
With distance learning growing in popularity every year, it's critical to trust the company you choose for your e-Learning experience.
Can you take the course on your mobile device?
Mobile learning is becoming a priority for businesses of all sizes.
Having an e-Learning platform that is compatible with your mobile device and running on a mobile application can allow you to easily study on the go as soon as you have a free moment.
It will also enable educational tools such as videos, quizzes, and peer-to-peer communications — elements that would be better suited to a mobile device.
Can you take the course in the language of your choice?
There are many languages in the world, but not all of them are spoken the same way.
When looking for an online learning platform, it can be essential to consider the language in which your course should be delivered.
If you want to learn a specific subject or set of skills and your native language is not spoken by the people who deliver the course, you'll need to find an online learning platform that's right for you.
Does this e-Learning course correspond to your time constraints?
Not everyone has all the time in the world to devote to an online course.
If you're looking for something flexible, it's essential to look for online courses that you can take in your spare time.
Thanks to the different learning methods offered by companies, it is possible to take a course more or less quickly depending on your needs.
Do not hesitate to ask about the duration of the courses before registering.
Other high quality platforms
I've already talked about Udemy and Teachable. However, I also wanted to mention the platform of massive open online courses (MOOC).

This platform provides learning opportunities for diverse people around the world.
This means that MOOCs are a cost-effective way to learn something new within a community of people who share the same interests.
With the popularity of this platform in North America (and various other regions) experiencing an increasing rate of growth in e-learning trends, it seems that it will continue to expand in the coming years.
The MOOC market is also becoming popular with different age groups, including millennials, which is another good reason to take a course through them.
Besides MOOCs, there are several other providers to consider, such as Coursera, edX, and Udacity.
E-learning vs. Microlearning
Before concluding, one concept to take into account in this discussion is microlearning.
One of the most important differences between e-learning and microlearning is that e-learning courses are designed to have a specific start and end. On the other hand, microlearning is intended for consistent learning over a given period of time.
The aim of microtraining is to continue developing your skills while working, so as not to prevent you from being productive.
With mobile learning becoming a priority for businesses of all sizes, it should be easy to find a platform that allows you to do microlearning on the go.

With the rise of corporate training, this type of apprenticeship should become a common option for companies looking to train their employees.
With e-learning being a multi-billion dollar sector, it's critical to understand what learning trends will impact the future of education and how you can get involved in the action.
Before enrolling in an online course, remember to do some research to find out what you're getting into and if the new skill you're about to learn is the right one for you.
Online courses are here to stay, and with mobile learning becoming more and more mainstream, e-Learning is a sector that is just getting started.
Hopefully, the online learning statistics above have allowed you to see where e-learning is heading.
Were you surprised by any of the statistics above? Have you already used an e-Learning platform? Let me know in the comments section below.
Other recommended reading: If you want to compare some of the best online course platforms, check out my comparative articles on Thinkific vs Teachable and Kajabi vs Teachable.
In addition, you can find out about the How to create an online course if you want to start this path.