Pinterest: Key Statistics and Figures (2024)

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The visual search engine Pinterest was founded in 2010 and can attract 442 million active users. The year 2020 in particular was very successful for Pinterest, which cannot only be deduced from the evolution of the number of users.

That means Pinterest has grown an impressive 26 million users in the last three months: Inside. Over the past twelve months, Pinterest has grown by 110 million users: Inside.

Pinterest differs from social networks like facebook or instagram. It's where you can find inspiration and content discovery. In the past, Pinterest has established itself primarily as a traffic provider. This is partly due to the close connection with the websites.

After the official launch of Pinterest ads, Pinterest is also offering new approaches for brands and businesses. The advertising platform is constantly expanding and offers businesses more and more varied options, such as shopping pins.

Important facts about Pinterest statistics

  • More than 442 million people use Pinterest around the world
  • Female users represent 69% of total Pinterest visitors
  • 77% of active Pinterest users discovered new products or brands on Pinterest

Now that you've had a few insights, let's dive a little deeper into the heart of the matter and take a closer look at Pinterest facts and statistics.

General Pinterest Statistics

Global statistics

In total, over 240 billion pieces of content have been stored on Pinterest.

As of December 2018, there were 175 billion pieces of content. In two and a half years, another 65 billion pieces of content have been stored on Pinterest.

2 billion searches are made on Pinterest every month

Pinterest search is a critical part of Pinterest. Pinterest is not defined as a social network.

97% of the 1,000 most popular searches are not related to a brand.

General and broader search queries dominate Pinterest, offering brands and businesses a variety of options.

5 billion Pinterest boards have been created

The 240 billion pieces of stored content are thus spread across 5 billion Pinterest boards. Since 2018, an additional 1 billion Pinterest boards have been created.

Video views increased by 200% on Pinterest

Video pins are playing an increasingly important role on Pinterest, and video views have increased 200% year over year.

Pinterest generated $443 million in advertising in the third quarter of 2020.

As Pinterest ads rolled out in an increasing number of countries, ad sales initially increased and peaked at the end of 2019.

In the second quarter of 2020, sales were at the same level as the previous quarter. The corona pandemic has also bothered Pinterest. That's how impressive that Pinterest recovered in the third quarter. Or rather, has a new sales record of 443 million dollars. Like Snapchat, Pinterest could also be a winner of the Facebook advertising boycott. In addition, Pinterest has gradually expanded and improved its advertising platform.

The increasing number of users and the various advertising options significantly increase the interest of advertising customers.

On a year-over-year basis, sales increased by 58%.

User Statistics

Over 442 million people use Pinterest worldwide

The official number of Pinterest users, 442 million people, comes from third quarterly report 2020 .

As a result, Pinterest was able to grow again by 37% in the space of a year.

The number of Pinterest users grew by 37% compared to the previous year.

Growth from 322 million to 442 million active users: Inside represents a growth of 37% compared to the previous year. Excluding the United States, Pinterest grew by 46% internationally. If that is not a positive development.

69% of female Pinterest users

According to Pinterest Audience Insights, 69% of users are women, 25 & men, and 6% have given no information about their gender.

74% of Pinterest users are between the ages of 18 and 44.

The majority of active Pinterest users are between the ages of 18 and 24 (31%). Furthermore, 26% are over 45 years of age.

74% of active Pinterest users use the Pinterest mobile app.

Mobile usage is also dominating on Pinterest, and desktop usage is regularly changing to mobile usage. On the mobile site, there are 9 out of 10 Pinterest users.

Nonetheless, Pinterest usage on the desktop is relatively high (27%) compared to other networks.

Over 50% of active Pinterest users live outside of the United States.

Pinterest's international base is now growing faster than its American base. Last year, the number of international users grew by 35% to over 247 million MAUs. The platform expects the growth of international users to continue to Overtake that of the United States in the short term. In 2018, more than 80% of new Pinterest signups came from outside the United States.

E-Commerce Statistics

Over 25% of Pinterest usage is related to researching and buying products.

Targeted use for theBuying more products on Pinterest only on any other social network.

Pinterest users are 80% more likely to visit a retail store

If people are active on Pinterest, it also affects their buying behavior and significantly increases the number of visits to retailers.

Shopping on Pinterest with 144 million product downloads

Pinterest thrives on the quantity of content and products available. In order to develop shopping on Pinterest, for example, a partnership has been concluded with Shopify and product catalog downloads are reaching an all-time high.

Interactions with organic shopping pins on Pinterest are increasing by 44%.

The organic visibility of shopping pins is a big strength of Pinterest. The products are recommended over the long term via research and recommendations. Interactions increased by 44% year over year.

77% of active Pinterest users have discovered new products or brands on Pinterest.

Discovering new content and providing inspiration are at the heart of Pinterest. In addition, Pinterest is used for the decision phase when it comes to buying a product.

85% of active users discovered a brand or product on Pinterest

Pinterest is not only used for storing content, but also for everything related to the discovery of new content. The product offensive is bearing fruit, as the value has now risen from 68% (2018) to 85%.

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