Increase Organic Reach on Facebook

Boost your organic reach on Facebook with proven strategies that engage your audience and increase visibility.

Increase Organic Reach on Facebook
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You have created attractive content on your Facebook page but interactions are slow?

Do not panic, there is a simple and effective technique to boost your publications and attract the attention of your audience, even if you are just starting out: The boost in likes at launch.

In this highly detailed tutorial, we will guide you step by step to implement this strategy and boost engagement on your Facebook posts.

Even if you have no experience with the Facebook advertising interface, you can easily follow this guide thanks to the numerous screenshots and explanations.

Setting up the Likes Boost Step by Step

Now on to the practical part.

The trick to get as many likes as possible at a lower cost is to strategically target an audience located in countries where the cost per advertising action is very low.

For Very few With a budget, you can quickly reach hundreds of likes from these parts of the world.

Log in to the Facebook Ads Manager ( and follow the steps below carefully.

Step 1: Create your advertising campaign

  1. In the main menu, click on the green button”+ Create“to launch a new campaign.
  2. In the window that opens, click on”Select a goal“and choose”Commitment“in the options offered.
  3. A new window will appear. Click on” againCommitment“then select”Interactions with a publication“in the sub-categories.
  4. Give your campaign a name (e.g. “Boost Likes Post Tuto”) and click on”following“at the bottom right.

Step 2: Set up your Ad Set

You arrive at the screen for configuring the set of Ads (“Adset” in English).

This is where you will define the key parameters for distributing your boosted post.

  1. Give your Adset a name, such as “Boost Likes Tuto Adset”.
  2. In the game”Budget and Calendar“, define a daily budget (ex: €1/day) and a Duration (3 to 4 days are sufficient for the test).
  3. Do not touch the default options for the games”Audience“and”placements“. We'll come back to that later.
  4. In the game”Optimization and Delivery“, select”printouts“as Optimization event. This will cause Facebook to show your ad to as many people as possible.
  5. Click on”following“at the bottom right.

Step 3: Create a dedicated post

You are now on the screen for configuring the Advertising itself.

This is where you will select the publication you want to boost.

  1. Give your ad a name (e.g. “Boost Likes Tuto Ad”).
  2. In the game”Identity“, select the Facebook page concerned by the boost.
  3. In the section”Format“, click on”Create an ad“.
  4. Create a visual and text (use Facebook's AI recommendations to help)
  5. Previews of your ad appear on the right side of the screen. Check that everything is in order.
  6. Click on”following“at the bottom right. You fall on the screen.”Audience“.
Not inspired? Get inspired by your competitors' ads with this tip: Spy on competitors' ads

Step 4: Target Low Cost Per Click Countries

This is where the secret to getting likes at low prices lies.

You will restrict the distribution of your ad to countries where the cost per action is very low.

  1. In the game”Places“, click on the little edit pencil.
  2. A pop-up window opens. Remove the preselected country (s).
  3. In the field”include“, enter the following countries one by one: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, one by one: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Argentina, Albania, Algeria, Algeria, Argentina, Albania, Algeria, Algeria, Algeria, Algeria, Algeria, Algeria, Algeria, France, Algeria, Canada, Portugal, Algeria, Portugal, Algeria, Algeria, Algeria, Portugal, Algeria, Algeria, Algeria, Algeria, Algeria, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Pakistan, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Pakistan, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines, Philippines
  4. Click “Save” at the bottom right of the pop-up window.
  5. Back on the main screen, go down and click “Next.”

Step 5: Start your Likes Boost

You are on the final review screen of your ad. Take the time to check all the items carefully. If everything is fine, click on the green “Publish” button at the bottom right.

Congratulations! Your low-cost likes boost campaign is launched. Keep an eye on the results in the “Campaigns”, “Ad Sets”, and “Ads” tabs in the manager.

As soon as you reach 30 to 50 likes (often in under an hour), move on to the bonus stage to redirect your budget to a truly qualified audience.

Bonus Step: Redirect to your Primary Audience

Once your post proudly displays its first likes, it's time to reach your real audience, the one that is likely to be genuinely committed over the long term.

  1. Go back to the ad manager and click on the “Ads” tab.
  2. Find your Boost ad in the list and click on it to open it.
  3. In the left sidebar, click “Edit Ad.”
  4. Back on the “Audience” configuration screen, click on the “Locations” modification pen again.
  5. Remove all low-cost countries and add only the country or countries you are commercially interested in.
  6. Click “Save” and then “Next” until you reach the final review screen.
  7. Make sure that the changes have been taken into account and click “Publish”.

Your post, preloaded with likes, will now generate real and targeted engagement. The snowball effect is on!

IMPORTANT Recommandations ⚠️

You can get up to 400 likes on your posts with only €3 in advertising expenses.

Now, before you rush To reach the wrong conclusions, let me tell you two things:

  • Many of these accounts are created by “click farms” and won't commit
  • Never do this with “like” pages because it will be difficult to retarget with this group of people later. You don't want fake accounts.

The only use case where it's acceptable to follow this strategy is to create a few likes when LAUNCHING a NEW POST.

Go ahead and get 30 likes for 1 cent each. Then, go back to the settings and change the targeting according to your “real” target audience.

Thanks to previous engagement, new people will be more likely to engage with your message through social proof.


How do I automate responses to comments if necessary?

Use a solution like ManyChat to quickly engage the followers of your posts and motivate the algorithm to present your posts to as many users as possible.

FIND OUT MORE: Detailed Guide to Getting Leads on Facebook Pro with ManyChat

Why Are Likes Crucial on Facebook?

A post with numerous likes instantly appears to be popular and worthy of interest in the eyes of users.

They will thus be more likely to be interested in it, consult it and interact with it.

It's called social proof: if many like it, it must be good!

Priority in the Facebook Algorithm

The platform places great importance on quick interactions, and especially likes, to determine the quality and relevance of content.

A post that receives a lot of likes in a short period of time after publication will see its organic reach boosted by the algorithm.

It will thus appear in the news feed of as many of your subscribers as possible.

Snowball and Virality Effects

The first likes received will encourage other users to like, comment and share your post in turn.

It's the snowball effect: one like leads to others, and so on.

Well exploited, this mechanism makes it possible to reach an exponential virality and reach an audience well beyond your community.


By following this tutorial carefully, you are now in able to effectively boost your Facebook posts as soon as they are launched, even if you are a complete beginner in social media advertising.

Remember that this technique should be used sparingly and ethically. Cheap initial likes are just a spark to start the interaction machine.

Your true value lies in the quality of your content and the sincerity of your community engagement.

So get started, experiment, but always keeping your business goals and the interests of your audience in mind.

Ready to set fire to your next publications? On your keyboards!

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photo stephen mesnildrey
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