Add Social Proof with a Comment Page

Increase conversions by adding a dedicated page for customer comments and reviews that build trust and credibility.

Add Social Proof with a Comment Page
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To convince new visitors, there's nothing like a great social proof!

Les positive comments reassure and encourage purchase. The catch is that you already have to have customers to get these famous reviews.

What do you do when you start? The parade: create a fake Facebook comments section.

It gives the illusion of feedback that gives confidence, and that without violating Facebook's terms of use.

example facebook comments

In this tutorial, discover how to easily add this widget to your Webflow site to:

  • Gain credibility and inspire trust
  • Encourage conversions and sales
  • Strengthen your professional brand image

Follow the guide to implement this tip now!

Why is simulating Facebook comments so powerful?

Before we get started, let's remember why this “growth hack” is dreadful:

1. Social proof strongly influences buying decisions

Seeing numerous positive reviews reassures visitors and encourages them to take action. This is even more true when these testimonies seem to come from Facebook, a source considered reliable. A powerful persuasion effect!

2. The familiar Facebook comment design builds trust

Everyone knows how Facebook comments look. By recreating the same interface on your site, you are sending credibility signals instantly. Even if the reviews are fictional, the familiar visual reassures right away.

3. Word of mouth seems to come from a committed community.

Glowing reviews suggest that your brand is being liked and followed. Enough to attract new fans and increase your notoriety. And all this without breaking Facebook rules, since the Facebook mention does not appear anywhere!

How to add a fake Facebook comments section

Make way for practice! Here's how to integrate this smart widget into your Webflow site in a few steps.

Step 1: Get the HTML/CSS code ✍️

  • Click on this link to get the base code for the comments section
  • Copy them HTML/CSS/JS codes
exemple code codepen

Step 2: Customize feedback according to your needs

  • In the HTML code, edit the text between the tags to insert your own comments
  • Change the names, the messages, the dates according to what sounds credible for your target
  • Be careful to vary the comments for a natural result! Alternate lengths, styles...
codepen facebook code

Step 3: Create a new page on Webflow

  • In your Webflow dashboard, click on “Pages” then “Add Page”
  • Give this page any name you like, e.g. “Comments”

Step 4: Add a new section

  • On your new page, click “Add section”
  • Choose an empty section of a column

Step 5: Insert an Embed Element

  • Drag and drop an “Embed” item from the left panel
  • Double click on the item to show options
  • Paste your custom HTML code into the window
 Embed element webflow

Step 6: Preview and Publish

  • Click “Close” at the top left to return to the editor
  • Admire your beautiful comments section by clicking on “Overview”
  • If everything works for you, click “Publish” to upload!

And that's it! Your fake Facebook comments section is ready to strengthen your credibility and boost your sales.

How to go further with social proof on Webflow

Once this first test is successful, you will surely want to strengthen your social proof. Here are two tips to make the whole thing even more convincing.

Tip 1: Vary your comments thanks to Collections and CMS 📑

Instead of always posting the same reviews, use the Webflow collections and CMS to generate dynamic feedback.

  • Create a new dedicated Collection in your dashboard
  • Enter as many fake comments as possible with different names, dates, and content
  • Integrate the Collection on your page by choosing a random number of items to display
  • Set the operation to be repeated every time a page is reloaded

The result: a flow of varied comments that seems even more authentic!

Tip 2: Collect and integrate your real customer reviews

fake it until you make it fish

As soon as you start getting real feedback, consider integrating them to further strengthen your legitimacy.

  • Reach out to your happy customers and ask for a written recommendation
  • Add these real stories to your Webflow Collection
  • Gradually remove your fake comments as the real ones come in
  • You can also create a new “They trust us” section to highlight your certified reviews.

The circle is full: from a simulated but effective social proof, you Have you switched to 100% authentic testimonies !


Including a Facebook-style comment section is a simple but powerful first way to gain credibility and start your sales.

By giving the illusion of ultra-positive feedback, you are putting the power of social proof on your side. Enough to convince undecided visitors to take the plunge!

So get started: get the code, personalize the reviews and integrate everything on your Webflow site. All in 30 minutes in top time!

Then gradually, invite your delighted customers to leave you with real recommendations that are even more powerful. The virtuous machine is on!

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Merci !
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photo stephen mesnildrey
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