Distribute Impactful Flyers 📜 at the End of the Conferences to Generate Leads 🎯

This growth hack shows you how to create flyers to be distributed intelligently at the exit of conferences in your niche

Distribute Impactful Flyers 📜 at the End of the Conferences to Generate Leads 🎯

How to do this Growth Hack and what can it do for you?

It is Unbelievably simple.

All it takes is trust and a convincing attitude.

Expected results of this Growth Hack

  • Growth Hack Type: Use custom mugs
  • Expected result: Increased Awareness and Acquisition

Why do this Growth Hack?

Target a major conference or event (trade show, etc.) in your city and simply stand in front of the main entrance to hand out flyers.

That is all.

If the conference fits your niche perfectly and the message makes those you distribute the flyer want to take action, your results will be guaranteed.

This Growth hack is simple and very effective.

Of course, you'll need to make sure you're in a public place, but chances are you'll find a spot where delegates are blocked from entering the room.

To succeed in this Growth hack, use the psychological bias of negativity that I already mentioned on this site: Use negative language.

How do you do this Growth Hack?

To create a flyer, you can use professional templates on sites like Canva gold Vism So as not to reinvent the wheel.

growth hack - flyers

The benefits are obvious but worth highlighting. Sales people and conference attendees in your niche are clearly potential prospects, so what better place to find leads than a conference?

Of course, you can pay for a stand, but the idea is to enjoy the whole event by sitting at the entrance of the stand.

You can even be more brazen and present yourself as the “unofficial sponsor of the ABC event.”

Using “unofficial” is fine and should save you legal problems; just make sure you don't use logos or fonts similar to those used by the event for marketing.

You could visit the event venue the day before and see if you can park a car there. If that's the case, rent a van and set up a promotion stand on the street so everyone can see you. Believe me, for the cost of a parking ticket and renting a van, you could generate serious interest and business.

The moral of the story here is one of trust.

Nothing is more contagious than trust and this “offline” growth hack could lead to concrete results.

The Covid pandemic has ruined this hack somewhat as the events and conferences have been cancelled, but they are going to rebound and by the time you read this hack I am sure things will be back to normal.

photo stephen mesnildrey
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