Detailed Full Review of ProductPlan: All you need to know (2024)

ProductPlan is a very visual, advanced and comprehensive product roadmap tool for product managers or other cross-functional teams

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What is ProductPlan?

ProductPlan is a user-friendly platform for planning, visualizing, and communicating product management strategies and services through magnificent Roadmaps.

Launched in 2013, it stands out for its ease of use and interactive visualization features.

  • Intuitive Roadmap creation : Build visual roadmaps with an easy to use drag and drop tool.
  • Collaboration and Sharing : Collaborate with team members and share roadmaps with stakeholders.
  • Integration with Other Tools : Integrates with tools like JIRA, Slack, and Trello for seamless project management.
  • Monitoring of Progress and Priorities : Track progress and adjust priorities based on feedback and market changes.

ProductPlan is ideal for product managers, software development teams, and any organization that needs a clear and flexible solution for planning and communicating product strategy.


ProductPlan has features for planning, visualizing, and sharing product information.

1. Creating and Sharing Roadmaps

ProductPlan makes it easy to create and share roadmaps, which are essential for planning and communicating product strategies.

Product Timeline

Visual and Collaborative Roadmaps:

  • Visualize the strategic direction of the product with clear roadmaps.
  • Easily share with real-time updates and export options.

This feature is a major asset for team alignment and the transparent communication of product plans.

2. Prioritization of Initiatives

ProductPlan offers tools to effectively prioritize product initiatives, using recognized methods and frameworks.

Intuitive Prioritization Chart:

  • Evaluate each initiative using methods like OKRs, MoSw, RICE.
  • Categorize items objectively for optimal product planning.

This ability to prioritize facilitates strategic decisions and promotes stakeholder engagement.

3. Collaboration and Sharing

ProductPlan enhances team collaboration with flexible sharing options and interactive commenting features.

Effective Sharing and Feedback:

  • Share roadmaps with various audiences using secure private links.
  • Use feedback and @mentions to improve engagement.

This aspect reinforces team alignment and facilitates smooth and secure communication.

4. Easy construction of roadmaps

With ProductPlan, managers can easily create and adapt roadmaps through an intuitive user interface.

Simplified Design Features:

  • Use drag and drop to build and adjust roadmaps.
  • Respond to changes quickly with easy updates.

The ease of creating and adapting roadmaps makes this tool indispensable for agile product management.

5. Visual communication

ProductPlan excels at presenting strategies visually, making plans accessible and understandable for everyone.

Impactful Visual Presentations:

  • Create visual roadmaps for clear communication.
  • Facilitate understanding and consensus within the organization.

The visual strength of these roadmaps is an asset for internal communication and decision-making.

6. Standardization of roadmaps

ProductPlan ensures consistency in the creation of roadmaps, setting a standard for the entire organization.

Coherence of the Models:

  • Use a single template for all roadmaps.
  • Eliminate the dependency on disparate spreadsheets and presentations.

This standardization guarantees a unified and professional vision of the product strategy.

7. Improving Decision Making

ProductPlan improves decision making by providing a clear and transparent view of product goals and plans.

Transparency and Strategic Clarity:

  • Provide full visibility of plans for informed decisions.
  • Accelerate success through a shared understanding of goals.

By eliminating uncertainty, ProductPlan facilitates rapid and strategic decision-making at all levels.


Pricing is charged monthly, although annual billing is available for lower monthly payments.

The Business plan is $49 per publisher per month when billed monthly.

Otherwise, the plan is $39 per month when billed annually. Enterprise and Enterprise Plus plans have custom pricing. A FREE trial is available.


Is ProductPlan right for small businesses?

Yes, ProductPlan is suitable for small businesses looking to structure and visualize their product plans, although it is more beneficial for larger teams with more complex planning needs.

Can ProductPlan be integrated with other tools?

Yes, ProductPlan offers integrations with several popular project management and task tracking tools, improving workflow fluidity and communication across platforms.

Does ProductPlan offer customization options for roadmaps?

Yes, ProductPlan allows extensive customization of roadmaps, giving users the freedom to create visualizations that precisely fit their needs and project management style.

Final Verdict

ProductPlan is an effective tool for the strategic management of product roadmaps.

Her ability to create clear and dynamic visualizations helps teams align goals and communicate their vision effectively.

Although more suited to larger businesses with complex planning processes, ProductPlan can also be a valuable resource for startups looking to structure their product development.

Its ease of use and its multiple functionalities make it indispensable for consistent and results-oriented product planning.

  • Ease of Creation and Modification : Intuitive user interface for creating and editing roadmaps.
  • Visibility and Transparency : Provides a clear view of product strategy for all stakeholders.
  • Collaboration Features : Effective collaboration tools for teams.
  • Customization and Flexibility : Customize roadmaps to meet the specific needs of the organization.
  • Pricing : Paid plans can be a significant investment for small businesses or startups.
  • Learning curve : May require some adjustment time for new users.
  • Advanced Features Limitations : Some advanced product management features may be missing.

Founded in 2013

Headquarter in Santa Barbara (USA)

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