Spy on Competitors' Homepages 🕵️ and Get Inspired by Their Ideas 💡

This Growth Hack teaches you how to be agile by monitoring your competitors' websites or their best landing pages to see what works and what doesn't.

How to do this Growth Hack and what can it do for you?

We are going to use a tool to automatically receive alerts for each change made to a website.

Become more agile by monitoring the website of your competitors or their best landing pages to see what works and what doesn't.

visualping - supervision

To make changes more quickly and do not have a web presence yet, you can consult my articles on:

Expected results of this Growth Hack

  • Growth Hack Type: Supervise all the web pages or landing pages of your competitors automatically
  • Expected results: Better knowledge of your market and the actions that worked or did not work with your competitors

Why use this Growth Hack?

It allows you to see what your competitors are doing and the changes they are making to their important home page.

If a new product is launched, for example, or if there is urgent “new information”, it is likely that it will be displayed on the pages of their website.

Being aware of the activities of your competitors is obviously beneficial. For example, seeing their editorial messages, offers, etc., allows you to understand their strategy.

If the business changes its homepage after 2 weeks, you can be sure that their bounce rate has increased and that the message in question has not worked.

Conversely, if they keep the new home page for more than two weeks, it's clear that what they introduced worked.

What I mean is that your competitors have put a lot of effort into doing split testing, etc.

Another use case could be creating an alert for a particular sales page that lists the features it offers.

Most marketing sales pages have a list of features. Being able to monitor these changes will help you discover the new features they've launched. Perhaps, for example, they are offering a new incentive or a discount.

Regardless, this hack has great value when deployed properly.

visualping - bénéfices

How do you do this Growth Hack?

A tool like VisualPing will detect if changes have been made to the home page and if so, you will be notified.

visualping - page accueil

Create an account with VisualPing (www.visualping.io) to monitor the home page or landing pages of your competitors.

photo stephen mesnildrey
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