Remove Navigation Bars to Boost Conversions

Improve your landing page conversions by removing the navigation bar and keeping users focused on your offer.

Remove Navigation Bars to Boost Conversions
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You want to maximize the impact of your landing pages and convert as many visitors as possible into qualified leads ?

There is a simple but extremely effective tip: remove the navigation menu !

In fact, each element of your The sole purpose of the page must be to guide the user to the desired action, whether it is a download, a registration or a purchase.

Everything else is just a source of distraction. potential.

Percentage gain in the conversion rate of a landing page with and without a navigation bar

It's proven that by removing the menu, you can increase your conversion rate up to 100%!

Enough to significantly boost your results, without affecting your budget.

Ready to test this tip on your landing pages?

Let's get started.

Why Delete Navigation?

Before we get started, let's remember why this “growth hack” is so powerful:

  • You focus on what matters most: By deleting the menu, you eliminate any potential exit doors. The user thus remains focused on your offer and your call to action.
  • You speed up decision-making: Faced with fewer choices, the visitor makes a decision more quickly. It only has two options: convert or leave the page. Enough to boost your conversion rate!
  • You improve your overall metrics: Not only do you generate more leads, but you also improve their quality by eliminating unqualified visitors who are tempted to click elsewhere.

For example, this online store increased its conversion rate by 100% by removing its menu on its landing page (source: Unbounce):

Example of removing the navigation bar from a landing page
Example of removing the navigation bar from a landing page

In short, by removing all distractions, you maximize your chances of turning each visitor into an engaged prospect.

How do you delete your navigation menu?

Convinced? Here is how to proceed step by step to remove the menu on your landing pages with Unbounce, the reference tool:

Step 1: Create your Unbounce account

Start free trial Unbounce
  • Go to the Unbounce website ( and click on”Start Building for Free
  • Choose the formula adapted to your needs then click on”Start Building for free“(The Build formula will be perfect during this free trial)
pricing plans unbounce
  • Fill out the form with your information: email and password
signup page unbouce
  • Click on”Continue“to finalize your registration

Step 2: Create a new landing page

  • In your Unbounce dashboard, click on “Create New” then “Landing Page”
  • Choose the type of page (Landing page) and the template to use
  • Give your page a title and select the domain to associate
  • Click “Start with this Template” to open the Page Builder
Create a new landing page on Unbounce
Create a new landing page on Unbounce

Step 3: Remove the navigation menu

  • In the Page Builder, select the block containing your menu (often in the header)
  • Click on the icon”Delete“in the toolbar on the right
  • Confirm by clicking on”Delete“in the pop-up window
‍Delete the menu in one click on Unbounce
Delete the menu in one click on Unbounce

Tip: If necessary, you can leave a discreet “Back” link to return to the previous page or to the main site. Step 4: Save and publish your page

  • Click on”Save“at the top right to save your changes
Register and publish your page on Unbounce
  • Click on”Publish“then”Publish Now“to put the page online
publish now button unbounce

Save and publish your changes

And that's it! Your clean landing page is ready to convert even more visitors. Congratulations!

Analyze the Impact on Your Conversions

Once your page without a menu is online, closely monitor its conversion rate to quantify the impact of this change:

  • In Unbounce, go to”Pages“then open your landing page
  • Click on”Analytics“in the left menu
  • Monitor key metrics: conversion rate, bounce, time spent...
Unbounce dashboard statistics

Compare these KPIs before and after deleting the menu to accurately measure the gain obtained. If it is successful, apply this principle to your other landing pages!


Can I remove the menu on any page?

Removing the menu is especially recommended on landing pages, which are optimized to convert. Avoid doing it on your other pages (home, blog...) where navigation is still useful.

Should I remove all links from my landing page?

The idea is to keep only the essential links: your main CTA and possibly a discreet link to go back. Everything else is to be avoided!

How can I be sure that deleting the menu will boost my conversions?

Each audience is different! To validate the impact, Do an A/B test by comparing your page with and without a menu. Then analyze the conversion rates on a significant sample of visitors.


Deleting the navigation menu is a simple and very effective trick to maximize the conversions of your landing pages.

En channeling the visitor's attentionFocus on the essentials, you facilitate its passage into action.

So take advantage of tools like Unbounce to easily clean up your pages and concretely measure their performance gain.

And if this first test is successful, generalize this principle across all of your landing pages. Your overall conversion rate will only be better!

Do not wait any longer to “hack” your acquisition tunnel. Remove distractions, boost your conversions!”

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photo stephen mesnildrey
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