Keep an Eye 👀 on Your Social Media Visitors to Convert Them Better 📈

This Growth Hack teaches you how to use Sniply to boost the shares and results of your actions on social networks

Keep an Eye 👀 on Your Social Media Visitors to Convert Them Better 📈

How to do this Growth Hack and what can it do for you?

Sniply is a fantastic tool, a lot of marketers love it because it maximizes sharing and the results of actions on social networks.

Sniply accueil

What are the expected results of this Growth Hack?

  • Growth Hack Type: Using an advanced link shortener
  • Expected results: Better acquisition, simplified retargeting and returns on your website or Landing pages maximized

Why use this Growth Hack?

In general, if you link to quality content somewhere, for example from your Twitter feed, you will “lose” that person to another site. addresses this “loss” in a clean and perfect way: it simply adds a CTA (Call To Action) button on the website where you sent your visitor.

How do you do this Growth Hack?

Here's how it works.

  1. Create an account on Sniply
  2. Copy the URL you want to share.
  3. Paste it into Sniply to generate a shortened URL.
  4. Add a call to action button, aka a “snip.”

When a user clicks on the shortened URL, the page opens in a frame that includes a call-to-action button, also known as a “snip.”

The call to action button, or “snips”, can be customized: a button to a landing page, an email registration form, an advertisement, or any other link.

You'll see an influx of signups for your newsletter or anywhere else you'd like referral traffic to go.

Sniply offers you the possibility to perform A/B tests to maximize your conversions by obtaining valuable analytical data:

Sniply also offers you the possibility of using several types of CTAs:

I am sure you will love it; you just need to understand how it works to see the immediate benefit it will bring.

photo stephen mesnildrey
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