Reporting and analytics

Amplitude : Full Review, Testing, and Presentation (2024)


Amplitude is a web and mobile analytics platform that helps to understand user behavior. It is an intermediate level between raw data and dashboards.

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What is Amplitude?

Amplitude is an advanced analytics tool designed to analyze a broad range of data structures.

Officially launched in 2014 after participating in the Y Combinator program, Amplitude quickly established itself as a leading analytics product thanks to its ease of use.

In particular, it offers “Amplitude Engage,” which allows customer segments to be sent to messaging tools such as Iterable, Braze, and Marketo.

Amplitude also stands out for its extensive capabilities in visualizing user data and managing users, especially for B2B businesses.


Here are the details of Amplitude's popular features:

1. Amplitude Behavioral Platform

Discover the core of Amplitude's reports and features, an essential tool for in-depth analysis of user behavior.

  • Detailed reports : Access to a comprehensive range of reports for in-depth analysis of user behavior.
  • Ease of Use : Intuitive user interface allowing easy navigation and understanding of data.

Amplitude's behavioral platform stands out for its ability to provide detailed insights while remaining easy to use, essential for marketers and data analysts.

2. Segmentation

Segment and filter data to uncover key trends and insights.

  • Flexible analysis : Create a variety of charts by segmenting data according to different criteria.
  • Identifying Trends : Quickly detect significant trends and patterns in user behavior.

Segmentation in Amplitude is a powerful tool for breaking down complex data, essential for accurate market analysis.

3. Funnels

Visualize the user journey in your product and identify areas of friction.

  • Optimizing the User Journey : Understand where users are giving up or running into obstacles.
  • Conversion analysis : Track the performance of user flows to improve conversion rates.

Amplitude funnels are essential for optimizing user journeys and increasing conversions.

4. Retention

Assess user retention and identify key retention factors.

  • Fidelity measurement : Understand if your users are engaged and loyal to your product.
  • Identifying Vanishing Points : Detect issues that are causing users to lose.

Retention functionality is crucial for measuring and improving user loyalty, a key indicator of product success.

5. Composition of Users

Get an overview of the distribution of user attributes.

  • Demographic analysis : Visualize the distribution of users according to various attributes such as region, country, and platform.
  • Customizing Attributes : Define and analyze your own user properties.

User composition provides valuable insights into the demographics of your user base, which is critical for marketing targeting and personalization.

6. User sessions

Dive into product session details for a better understanding of usage.

  • Session measurement : Detailed analysis of user sessions to understand engagement.
  • Comparison with Google Analytics : Familiarity for those coming from Google Analytics, offering a smooth transition to deeper analysis.

The user session functionality is an asset for businesses looking to understand product engagement and usage at the level of individual sessions.

7. Personas

Use machine learning to segment users into distinct behavioral groups.

  • Smart segmentation : Create user groups based on specific behaviors.
  • Targeted marketing : Use these groups for personalized marketing campaigns and finer analytics.

Personas is an innovative tool for targeted marketing, allowing segmentation based on rich and varied behavioral data.

8. Pathfinder

Explore the different paths users take to reach key goals.

  • Journey Analysis : Learn what steps users take before reaching a key event, like a purchase.
  • Visualization of Paths : Get a clear representation of user journeys, facilitating the optimization of process steps.

Pathfinder is essential for understanding user journeys and optimizing the steps that lead to conversion or engagement.

9. Revenue LTV

Track revenue trends through key metrics like ARPU and ARPPU.

  • Income Measures : Get insights on ARPU and ARPPU for different user categories.
  • Trend Analysis : Track revenue trends over time and across user segments.

Revenue LTV is a powerful tool for businesses that want to track and maximize the long-term value of their customers, offering a clear view of revenue trends.

In summary, Amplitude offers a robust and diverse suite of features, allowing for in-depth analysis of user behavior, retention, user journeys, and more. Each feature provides unique and valuable insights, helping businesses make informed decisions and improve product and marketing strategies.


Amplitude offers plans adapted to the different stages of business growth, with the possibility of adding functionalities as needed.


  • Free: Suitable for individuals, explorers, and startups at the beginning of their journey.
  • Includes: Basic product analysis, campaign reports, unlimited feature flags.


  • Starting at $49/month: Great for growing startups and small teams.
  • Includes: unlimited product analysis, custom dashboards, behavioral cohorts.


  • Contact Sales: For teams looking for rapid growth.
  • Includes: Advanced behavioral analysis, custom metrics, SSO authentication.


  • For Large Businesses: Adapted to complex and specific needs.
  • Includes: Advanced data management, root cause analysis, dedicated support.

Each plan is designed to offer maximum flexibility, allowing businesses to choose the features that are right for their growth and specific goals.

Customer Support

Amplitude is committed to providing quality customer support to support its users in the optimal use of their analysis platform.

Online Support

  • Educational resources : Access to a comprehensive library of tutorials, user guides, and blog posts to help users better understand and use Amplitude.
  • FAQ and Documentation : A detailed FAQ section and comprehensive documentation are available to answer common questions and provide detailed instructions.

Technical support

  • Email Support : Users can contact the Amplitude support team via email for help with technical issues or specific questions.
  • Paid Plan Support : Users on Plus, Growth, and Enterprise plans get more in-depth technical support, sometimes including personalized support and a dedicated success manager for Enterprise customers.
  • Onboarding and Training : For higher plans, Amplitude offers onboarding and training sessions to help teams get the most out of the tool.
  • Customer Success Tracking : Enterprise customers benefit from regular monitoring of their success with the platform, ensuring optimal use and aligned with their business goals.

Community and Forums

  • User forums : Amplitude has forums where users can exchange advice, share best practices, and discuss how to use the platform.
  • Webinars and events : Organization of regular webinars and events to educate users on new features and best data analysis practices.

Amplitude customer support is designed to ensure that all users, whether on the free plan or paid options, have the support and resources they need to maximize the effectiveness of their data analysis.

Alternatives to Amplitude

1. Mixpanel

Mixpanel is an advanced data analysis tool, focused on analyzing user behavior and personalizing interactions.


  • Detailed Behaviour Analysis : Monitoring of user interactions for a thorough understanding of behaviors.
  • Advanced segmentation : Allows user data to be segmented for targeted analysis.
  • Retention reports : Offers insights into user retention and long-term engagement.


  • Free : Access to basic features with some limitations.
  • Paid rates : Customized plans according to business needs, with advanced options.

Mixpanel is particularly suitable for businesses looking for detailed behavioral analysis. However, its complexity can be daunting for new users.

2. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an essential web analysis tool, offering a wealth of data on web traffic and user behavior.


  • Web Traffic Tracking : Detailed analysis of traffic and sources of visits.
  • Conversion reports : Measures the effectiveness of user journeys and conversions.
  • AdWords integration : Allows a coherent analysis of the ROI of advertising campaigns.


  • Free : Full version available for free for users.
  • Google Analytics 360 : Enterprise version with additional features and advanced support.

Google Analytics is great for an overview of web traffic and basic analytics, but may lack the depth of behavioral analysis offered by specialized tools like Amplitude.

3. Heap

Heap offers a unique approach to data analysis, automatically capturing all user interactions without requiring manual coding.


  • Automatic Data Capture : Records all user interactions without the need for coding.
  • Behavioral analysis : Provides in-depth insights into user actions on the site or app.
  • Easy integration : Easily integrates with other tools for a more complete analysis.


  • Free : Limited access to basic features.
  • Paid plans : Offers advanced features for businesses, with a price based on specific needs.

Heap is a great option for businesses that want comprehensive data analysis without the hassle of manual coding. However, for more personalized and in-depth analyses, tools like Amplitude may be preferable.


What does the Amplitude software do?

The company strives to solve the business problem by providing them with a comprehensive report on their digital product, total clicks, product characteristics that lead to retention, loyalty, and lifetime value.

Why is Amplitude better than Google Analytics?

Google Analytics focuses primarily on web analytics and developers use it primarily to track bounce rate, clicks, impressions, and much more. While Amplitude focuses primarily on digital products such as digital courses, affiliate products, funnels, and much more. It helps us track total clicks, product characteristics that lead to retention, loyalty, and lifetime value.

Who uses Amplitude?

Amplitude is used by startups and businesses to track the growth of digital products. It helps them make the right decisions because they have accurate data to work on.

Final Verdict

If you need to develop products based on data, there's no doubt that it's one of the best tools out there. You should at least take a look at the free option.

Then, if you are convinced that the information you will get from Amplitude will bring you positive feedback, do not hesitate to embark on the adventure.

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