Forms software

Jotform : Full Review, Testing, and Presentation (2024)


JotForm is an online form builder that helps you create and publish forms, and gather responses.

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What is Jotform?

Jotform is a creator of online polls founded by Aytekin Tank in 2006 to simplify form creation and data collection.

It's a versatile tool that requires no coding skills, making it accessible for users from all walks of life.

  • Drag and drop interface: Easily create and customize forms by dragging and dropping elements.
  • Wide Range of Uses: Ideal for creating lead capture forms, contact forms, order forms, event registrations, quizzes, and surveys.

Jotform offers a variety of advanced features to make your forms more dynamic and functional.

  • Conditional logic: Add rules that change the behavior or visibility of form fields based on user input.
  • File uploads: Allow users to upload files directly through the form.
  • Third-party integrations: Easily integrate with popular apps like Dropbox and Google Drive.
  • Payment gateways: Accept payments through multiple platforms like PayPal, Stripe, and Square.

In summary, Jotform is a comprehensive online form builder that offers a wide range of features, making it a versatile choice for individuals and businesses.

JotForm Founder: Aytekin Tank

Whether you're looking to capture leads, register event attendees, or collect payments, Jotform offers a user-friendly solution to meet your needs.

Jotform Target Users

Jotform is a universal tool that caters to a wide range of users.

Whether you're a marketing professional, a teacher, a manager, or even an individual, Jotform has something to offer.

  • Versatility: Used in various sectors like e-commerce, healthcare, education, and even non-profit organizations.
  • Not just forms: In addition to creating forms, the platform also allows you to generate tables and PDFs.

Here are a few scenarios where Jotform could be particularly useful:

  • E-commerce brands: If you run an e-commerce brand and want to engage with your customers.
  • Businesses of all sizes: Whether you're a small business or a big business, Jotform can make it easy to manage forms and documents.
  • Managers: If you are in a management position and need to deal with forms and documents on a regular basis.
  • Health sector: Ideal for healthcare brands that need to collect personal patient information on a regular basis.
  • SaaS users: If you work with software as a service (SaaS) on a regular basis.
  • Surveys and polls: Perfect for those who need to conduct surveys, polls, or quizzes on a regular basis.
  • Education: If you work in a school and need to collect and tabulate student data.
  • Non-profit organizations: For those who need to keep track of expenses and donations.

Jotform is a versatile tool that can be adapted to almost any need for data collection, form management, and document creation. It is therefore an ideal solution for a multitude of professions and personal needs.


Jotform is a feature-rich tool that doesn't require even a single line of code to provide you with a multitude of benefits.

1. Getting Started and User Interface

Getting started with Jotform is a breeze, with an intuitive user interface that guides you every step of the way.

  • Registration and Access: Simple account creation and access to the user interface.
  • Form Design: Use templates or create from scratch with a drag and drop function.

Jotform's interface is great for beginners, but advanced users might want more complex features.

2. Data Management and Analysis

Jotform doesn't just collect data; it also gives you robust tools to analyze it.

  • Adding Questions: Spaces designated for adding questions and proofreading for clarity.
  • Collection and Analysis: Form sharing and response analysis on the Jotform interface

While Jotform offers great data management, more advanced analysis options would be a welcome addition.

3. Collaboration and Team Management

Jotform transcends individual boundaries to provide collaboration features that strengthen teamwork.

  • Jotform Teams: Enables collaboration and rights management.
  • Assign Forms and Multiple Users: Assign forms and manage multiple users.

The ease of collaboration is a strong point, but adding features like tracking changes would be beneficial.

4. Customization and Flexibility

Jotform gives you the power to create forms that accurately reflect your needs and brand.

  • Conditional Logic: Adds flexibility to forms based on user responses
  • Translate Forms and White Labeling: Supports multiple languages and customization of the appearance.

Customization is an area where Jotform excels, though more advanced layout options would be appreciated.

5. Payments and Signatures

With Jotform, collecting electronic payments and signatures becomes a natural extension of your form.

  • Jotform Sign: Collection of secure electronic signatures.
  • Payouts: Receiving payments via the form.

The ease of collecting payments and signatures is a plus, but more varied payment options would be a plus.

6. Integrations and extensions

JotForm screenshot - Form Apps

Jotform integrates seamlessly with a multitude of other platforms, eliminating data silos.

  • Jotform Apps: Extend functionality through integrations.
  • Jotform Approvals and Tables: Manages approval flows and organizes data.

The integrations are solid, but a few more native integrations could enrich the offer.

7. Documents and reports

Turn forms into actionable documents or detailed reports without leaving the Jotform interface.

  • PDF Editor and Smart PDF Forms: PDF conversion and editing.
  • Report Builder: Creation of custom reports.

Document management is well executed, but better integration with external reporting tools would be an advantage.

In summary, Jotform is an extremely versatile tool that offers a full range of features to meet almost any form creation, data collection, and integration need.


Jotform offers three paid plans in addition to the free plan, and you can pay via PayPal and major credit cards.

All plans come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

1. Bronze Plan

If you're an intermediate user with moderate form requirements, the Bronze plan could be a good starting point.

  • Rate: $34 per month if billed annually, or $39 as a monthly payment.
  • Submissions: Allows up to 1,000 submissions per month.
  • Forms: Creation of up to 25 forms.
  • Views: Over 5,000 views are available.
  • Storage: Up to 1GB of storage
  • Fields: Up to 250 fields in each form.

The Bronze plan is a great option for those with moderate needs looking to further explore Jotform's features.

2. Plan Argent

For businesses or healthcare professionals, the Silver plan offers more advanced features and HIPPA compliance.

  • Rate: $39 per month if billed annually, or $49 as a monthly payment.
  • Submissions: Allows up to 2,500 submissions per month.
  • Forms: Creation of up to 50 forms.
  • Views: Over 90,000 views are available.
  • Storage: Up to 10GB of storage
  • HIPPA compliance: This plan is in accordance with HIPPA standards.

The Silver plan is ideal for businesses and healthcare professionals who need more features and regulatory compliance.

3. Plan Or

If you have very high forms and storage requirements, the Gold plan is the best fit.

  • Rate: $99 per month if billed annually, or $129 as a monthly payment
  • Submissions: Allows up to 10,000 submissions per month.
  • Forms: Creation of up to 100 forms.
  • Views: Over 999,999 views are available.
  • Storage: Up to 100GB of storage
  • Fields: Up to 1,000 fields in each form
  • HIPPA compliance: This plan is also HIPPA compliant.

The Gold Plan is the best option for large businesses or institutions that have very high requirements for tenders, storage, and compliance.

4. Enterprise plan

For those with specific, unlimited needs, Jotform also offers an Enterprise plan. Pricing details are customized to suit your needs.

  • Unlimited forms: Create as many forms as you want.
  • Unlimited submissions: No limit on the number of submissions.
  • Unlimited storage: Unlimited storage space.
  • Unlimited views: No limit on the number of views.

The Enterprise plan is the ultimate solution for those who have specific needs and are looking to maximize the use of Jotform at scale.

Customer Support

Jotform support is available 24/7 via a simple form “Contact us” which also allows you to download a screenshot of your form (although optional) for faster problem resolution. There's no live chat or phone support, though.

Many form builders prioritize paid subscribers when offering support, but Jotform seems to be different. I submitted a support request at 6:52am and received a response at 8:39am - and I'm only using the free plan. Getting a response within two hours is pretty good - and the response even included a screenshot to help me solve the problem I was having.

How do I use JotForm?

1. Account creation

The first step to getting started with Jotform is simple: create an account.

  • Enrollment: Use your email address or any other preferred method to sign up.
  • Access: Once registered, you will have access to the form creation interface.

Creating an account is the first step in accessing all of the powerful features Jotform has to offer.

2. Using the Form Builder Interface

After signing in, you can start designing your form.

  • From Zero or Model: You can start from scratch or use one of the many templates available.
  • Drag and drop function: Add or remove fields using drag and drop.

The form creation interface is intuitive, making it easy to design forms according to your needs.

3. Adding Questions

The next step is to add questions to your form.

  • Designated spaces: Use the designated spaces to add your questions.
  • Review: Review the questions to make sure they are clear and free of errors.

Adding questions is a critical step in ensuring that your form gathers the required information.

4. Publishing and Sharing

Once you're happy with the design of your form, it's time to publish it.

  • Save/Publish: You can save or publish your form once it's ready.
  • Sharing: The form can be shared via a link or embedded on your website.

Publishing and sharing your form are the final steps to start collecting responses.

5. Collection and Analysis of Responses

After publishing, you can start collecting responses.

  • Form link: Share the form link to start collecting responses.
  • Jotform interface: Responses will be available on the Jotform interface for analysis.

Collecting and analyzing responses is facilitated by Jotform's intuitive interface, allowing you to take appropriate action.

6. Customer Support and Resources

If you need additional help, Jotform has what you need.

  • User guides: Jotform offers numerous video guides and tutorials.
  • Customer support: A customer support team is available to help you.

Jotform's customer support and online resources are there to help you navigate the platform easily, regardless of your level of expertise.


Is JotForm free?

Yes, JotForm offers a free plan. Additionally, there are also paid plans in the range of $24 to $79 per month that include advanced features.

Do I need to have coding experience to create a form on JotForm?

You don't need coding experience to use JotForm. However, the form builder allows you to go into the HTML code and make adjustments.

Final Verdict

Jotform is one of the easiest form builders to use, but it also comes with advanced features like app and widget integration. It is therefore ideal, whether you are a beginner or an expert in creating forms.

The huge selection of templates, widgets, and integrations is impressive, and Jotform's only downsides are its limits on the number of forms and submissions and its relatively high prices for paid plans. The mobile application for creating forms is a great feature that makes Jotform stand out from other form builders.

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