The Unstoppable Email Trick 📧 to Forget Attachments to Boost Your Open Rates 📈

When trying to increase the open rate of your email marketing campaign, try a realistic “human error” hack.

How to do this Growth Hack and what can it do for you?

When you're trying to increase the open rate of your campaign,Email marketing, try a realistic “human error” hack.

Expected results of this Growth Hack

  • Type of marketing tactic: Creating a well-thought-out human error
  • Expected result: Increase the opening rate of your emails

Why do this Growth Hack?

Besides the famous Growth Hack “Sent by my iPhone”, I often make slight spelling mistakes or capitalize the first two letters, like this:

“Just wondering if you got my email?”

Why would I do that?

Because it feels very personalized and natural, and I look human.

How do you do this Growth Hack?

Okay, I don't recommend integrating typos into ALL of your outgoing emails, but trying on a particular campaign and seeing.

The more human you are, the more people will identify with you.

For example, try sending an email with an offer or an update from your business that your audience might be interested in, and then, 5 minutes later, send another email with the following message: “Sorry! Forgot to include the link!” or “Sorry! I forgot the attachment - here it is” or even just “Sorry!”

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It will arouse curiosity and that's what we're trying to get in our recipient's inbox.

As always, give this hack a try - it might work for you!

As for me, I get a better opening rate on this email than on all the others!

photo stephen mesnildrey
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