Quickly Get 5-Star Reviews for Your App

Boost your app’s success by obtaining 5-star reviews quickly and improving your app store ranking with proven strategies.

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Quickly Get 5-Star Reviews for Your App
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You have just launched your app on the App Store or Google Play, but you are struggling to attract your first users ?

Don't worry, there is a simple tip to boost your visibility and your downloads: get 5-star reviews quickly !

In fact, the Ratings and reviews are the lifeblood on the blinds.

This is the first criterion that users look at before downloading an unknown application.

The more positive reviews you have, the more your app will inspire trust and attract new users.

Even better, Based on 5 reviews, your average rating appears publicly on your listing.

5 x 5-stars review

Enough to reassure prospects and encourage them to take action!

So, ready to take your app to the top of the charts in no time? Follow this step-by-step guide to easily collect your first 5 ⭐️ reviews.

Let's go!

Why Focus on Evaluations Right From the Start?

rating apps

Collecting evaluations right from the start has a number of advantages:

  • Increased visibility: Stores favor well-rated and frequently reviewed applications. Positive initial reviews improve your positioning, attracting more users.
  • Strengthened credibility: Faced with application choices, users prefer those with better evaluations. A great initial grade builds trust and increases your attractiveness.
  • Reduction of acquisition costs: Good reviews reduce the need to spend heavily on ads to gain downloads. This saves on marketing costs.
  • Virtuous cycle of evaluations: Highly rated apps encourage other users to leave reviews as well, creating a virtuous circle of positive reviews.

As you can see, reviews are the key to getting the ball rolling and getting your app off the ground. So how do you get those famous first 5 reviews to get the ball rolling?

Here are the steps to follow!

Step-by-Step Detailed Guide

Step 1: Identify 5 Relatives to Evaluate Your App

The first step is simply finding 5 trustworthy people who are ready to give you a positive review of your app. And what better way to give you that initial boost than the people around you?

5 Stars reviews

Family, friends, colleagues... Surely you have people in your circle who are willing to do you this small service. The ideal is to choose people who already use a smartphone and are used to downloading apps.

They will be more comfortable leaving a relevant review!

Here are some examples of profiles to target as a priority:

👨 ‍ 👩 ‍ 👧 ‍ 👦 Your immediate family

  • Tech-savvy parents
  • Connected siblings
  • Early Adopter Cousins

👥 Your group of friends

  • Friends who are fans of new things
  • Geeks always on the lookout
  • Trendy roommates, new technologies

💼 Your colleagues

  • Open business partners
  • Curious collaborators
  • Trusted service providers

The main thing is to constitute a varied and representative panel of your future users.

Avoid soliciting only specialized technical profiles, at the risk of getting too targeted opinions. Aim for a large and general public!

Make this list of trusted testers, and take the next step to properly brief them.

Step 2: Send a Clear and Motivating Email to Your Testers

Once your 5 beta testers have been identified, it is time to officially contact them to explain the process to them. A clear and warm email is ideal for that!

Here are the key elements to include in your message:

  • The context of the launch of the app and the challenge of the first evaluations
  • Precise, numbered instructions for downloading, testing, and evaluating
  • A reasonable period of one week to allow time to get started
  • Warm thanks and the offer of a thoughtful gesture

All with an engaging, grateful and professional tone that should effectively encourage your loved ones to take action. Of course, adapt the model to your context and relationship with each tester!

Here is an example:

example mail review app

And that's it, your email is ready to go! Send it to your 5 testers and cross your fingers for them to quickly play the game. Retry them gently after a few days to make sure the message got through.

Step 3: Collect and Analyze Your First Evaluations

A few days after your email, you should see your first 5 reviews appear on the page of your app.

rating app

But rest on your laurels is out of the question. The next step is to carefully analyze these initial feedback in order to draw valuable lessons:

List the highlights

Your testers have surely highlighted the aspects of your app that they liked best: design, features, price... It is a gold mine to identify your assets and highlight them to your future users!

Identify suggested areas for improvement

Even benevolent, your loved ones may have pointed out some faults: bug, slowness, missing feature... Don't take these remarks as criticism but as valuable advice to improve your app!

Integrate these insights into your roadmap

Feedback from your early adopters should guide your next developments. Prioritize the reported optimizations to meet their expectations as closely as possible. Your app will only be more desirable and recommended!

The idea is really to use this initial feedback to improve your app and maximize the satisfaction of future users. Your loved ones will be delighted to see that you take their suggestions into account!

Do's and Don'ts of This Tactic

do and don't

Finally, here are some tips to make the best use of these first 5 evaluations while staying on track:

Request 100% authentic feedback

Ask friends and family to download and test your app end-to-end for themselves. Sincere and detailed opinions will always be more credible than vague and superficial comments!

Don't write reviews yourself

Tempting as it may be, don't write reviews in place of your testers. Stores are able to spot fake reviews and could ban your app. Let your friends and family express themselves in their words!

Promote these opinions on your site and your networks

Once the 5 evaluations have been collected, highlight them on all your communication media. Your site, your product page, your social networks... Proudly display these testimonials to give credibility to your app and generate even more downloads!

Don't offer financial incentives

It can be tempting to offer compensation to your testers to thank them. But be careful, “sponsored” mentions on reviews are very frowned upon by stores. Just give heartfelt thanks, it's healthier!

In summary: play the card of transparency and authenticity with your evaluations. These first 5 reviews are the engine that will get you going with a bang, so pamper them!


As you can see, quickly getting 5 5-star reviews is the best boost to propel a new app. This allows you to instantly gain visibility, credibility and attractiveness... without breaking the bank on advertising!

So if you have just launched your app, go for it and mobilize your close circle to offer you this very valuable first feedback. Family, friends, colleagues... Surely you have 5 people ready to do this service for you in the blink of an eye.

The key is to guide them well in the process with an explanatory and motivating email.

By giving them a clear framework and precise instructions, you will increase your chances of getting these 5 coveted evaluations in less than two!

And once these opinions are collected, remember to analyze them closely to derive insights. Evolving your app based on the feedback of these early adopters is the best way to seduce your future users. Because nothing beats the feedback from those who want you well!

app mobile rating review
upvote triangle
Merci !
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photo stephen mesnildrey
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