Nostalgia is a powerful marketing strategy

We know instinctively that nostalgia gives our lives a sense of meaning and continuity, but you might be surprised to learn that it can also make us more flexible with our wallet.

How to do this Growth Hack and what can it do for you?

Expected results of this Growth Hack

  • Growth Hack Type: Medium to high volume and high conversion rate
  • Expected result: Increase in acquisition and activation metrics
Nostalgic Marketing: Evoking feelings from the past triggers memories in people of happy experiences, friendly people, and happy moments. Combine your ads with happy memories from the past that make people smile.

There is evidence that the Nostalgia is a strong generator of commitment.

Step by step approach to this Growth Hack

At a time when the The majority of marketing is strongly focused on the future, this type of marketing brings us back to a simpler place: The one where our current problems don't matter and where the hustle and bustle of modernity disappears.

Instead of anticipating the next big thing, nostalgic marketing encourages us to focus on the things we already know are great.

Do a thorough search of your audience:

  • How was he raised?
  • What are his deepest interests?

Take the time to do some research by developing buyer personas who grew up in certain generations to learn what makes them react.

Examples of nostalgic ads

1. McDonald's

When McDonald's removed antibiotics and artificial preservatives from its chicken this year, the company wanted an advertising campaign that not only informed consumers about these changes, but also tapped into the nostalgia surrounding its famous nuggets.

2. Motorola Razr

In the early 2000s, one of Motorola's most popular cell phones was a small, flat flip phone called the Razr. Despite its numeric keypad and small screen, people loved it for its design and simplicity.

In 2019, Motorola went viral by reintroducing a new and improved Razr that featured a touchscreen that was foldable when opened.

In the ad, we see an old-school Razr rise from a table and soar into the air as its old layers peel off to reveal a new design. The phone then opens to reveal the Android-like touchscreen.

3. nintendo

Many kids in the 80s and 90s remember playing Nintendo-like video games with their siblings. But for children who grew up with siblings, many also remember the sad feelings of separation or estrangement from a parent.

This commercial highlights both memories by telling the story of two brothers in love with Nintendo who distance themselves, quarrel as teenagers, and then joyfully reunite as adults to play the new Nintendo Switch together.

4. nike

In 1973, Billie Jean King won a tennis match against male player Bobby Riggs, which was called “The Battle of the Sexes.” This historic tennis match was the first time a female tennis player was up against a man.

In and before the end of the 1950s, men were considered superior athletes in society. Before the tennis match with King, who was only 25, Riggs said he could beat a woman at the age of 55.

King's tennis win proved Riggs wrong. During the match, King was wearing an iconic pair of blue Adidas tennis shoes. Years later, to celebrate the 45th anniversary of King's victory, Adidas launched a limited-edition BJK shoe line with the face and initials of the women's tennis legend on each pair.

To advertise the shoe line, Adidas launched a series of simple ads showing Billie Jean King spray-painting stacks of shoes.

5. microsoft

Although Microsoft's Internet Explorer is no more, this 2013 web browser spot has won viral recognition.

“You may not remember us,” the commercial narrator begins, “but we met in the 90s.” The ad then highlights all the things from the 90s: banana bags, Tamagotchi, haircuts by the bowl. Even the PC game Oregon Trail is making an appearance.

photo stephen mesnildrey
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