Prospecting software : Full Review, Testing, and Presentation (2024)

Hunter lets you find email addresses in seconds and connect with the people who matter to your business. Check or find new emails with Hunter.

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What is Hunter?

Finding new leads for your business or emails for your marketing and sales efforts can take a lot of time.

Thanks to lead generation tools like, you now have the ability to change your entire process. is an all-in-one prospecting platform that makes finding specific email addresses and sending bulk emails easier than ever.

  • speeds up the process of finding email addresses that are individual or grouped by domain.
  • It offers an email address verification feature, ensuring the validity of leads.
  • The platform allows you to discover the email addresses associated with the author of a particular article.
  • Included in, the “Campaigns” tool makes it easy to send bulk or cold emails.
  • is a complete suite, combining several tools to optimize your email marketing campaigns. is a comprehensive solution that makes email prospecting much easier, offering a set of integrated tools for searching, verifying, and sending emails.


How does work? is a robust online tool that uses cutting-edge technology to find and verify email addresses, making prospecting quick and effective.

  • analyzes the web, processing more than 700,000 pages per minute to extract email addresses from public and verified sources.
  • Users can search to locate all email addresses associated with a specific domain or individual via their full name and the domain name of their business or organization.
  • offers the possibility for a person to remove their personal information from their database and block their site from being indexed by the Hunter robot.
  • differs from other email address verification tools that often rely on undisclosed data sources, a practice that can lead to questions about the origin of this information.
  • To fill in the gaps in its database, uses a pattern matching system to estimate a specific person's email address.
  • For example, if a company uses the pre, can assume that the email address of a person named Jane Doe at this company is probably
  • Doing this task manually would be a laborious job, but offers this possibility with just a few mouse clicks.

In conclusion, is an innovative tool for collecting email addresses, which allows you to save time and optimize your prospecting efforts, even if this sometimes involves working with contact information based on assumptions.


Who uses the Hunter tool? is a versatile tool used by various professions and industries to facilitate lead generation, the creating SEO links, and much more.

  • Journalists looking for contacts, sales and marketing teams working on lead generation, and SEO specialists running link building campaigns can all take advantage of's features.
  • is particularly popular in affiliate marketing groups and forums, where the question of the best email search tool is frequently asked.
  • Among the renowned users of are major technology companies like IBM, Google, Microsoft, and Adobe, attesting to the reliability and effectiveness of this tool.
  • Whether you're a small business looking for tools to increase leads or a large business that requires a large-scale email search solution, meets your needs. is a first-choice email search tool that meets the needs of a variety of industries and sectors, from small businesses to tech giants to affiliate marketers. Features is a robust prospecting tool offering a complete suite of features. Let's explore in detail how each feature can improve and streamline your lead generation process.

1. Domain search

Recherche de domaines sur's domain search tool is an effective way to quickly find email addresses that are linked to a specific domain.

  • Simply enter a website URL to get a list of email addresses
  • Ideal for locating the email addresses of employees, decision makers, or specific departments

2. Email sources

Email source research is a powerful feature that allows you to locate and verify email address sources.

  • Provides verified sources of email addresses, like specific pages, blog posts, etc.
  • Possibility to export this information to a CSV file for later analysis

3. Save leads

Saving leads allows you to store the email addresses found for later follow-up and to manage your communications directly from the platform.

  • Save email addresses to a contact list for future follow-up
  • Send emails directly from if you have a connected Gmail account

4. Email search

Recherche d'Emails sur

Email search is a valuable feature for locating a specific person's email address.

  • Enter the person's full name and business website to locate the corresponding email address
  • Ideal for targeting specific individuals during your prospecting efforts

5. Email verification

Email verification ensures that you're not sending messages to invalid or inactive addresses.

  • Check validity, web availability, email account type, and email server status
  • Helps avoid wasting resources on invalid or inactive email addresses

6. Mass tasks

The bulk task feature allows you to check, search, and check a large number of email addresses simultaneously.

  • Enables mass checks, searches, and checks
  • Convenient for managing large email lists and saving time

7. Lead Management

Lead management helps you organize and filter your email addresses to optimize your prospecting process.

  • Organize your email addresses into different lists according to your needs
  • Export these lists to CRM or email marketing applications

8. Campaign manager

Hunter campagnes

The campaign manager allows you to effectively manage your prospecting campaigns, including sending follow-up emails.

  • Manage prospecting activities from
  • Includes options for sending follow-up emails, increasing the chances of a response

9. Hunter Chrome Extension

Hunter's Chrome extension makes finding emails even easier by integrating the feature directly into your browser.

  • Searches and verifies email addresses while browsing websites
  • Seamless integration with the Chrome browser for an improved user experience

10. Hunter for Google Sheets

The Hunter feature for Google Sheets makes managing your lead data easier and more effective.

  • Search email addresses by domain and automatically add them to Google Sheets
  • Ideal for those who regularly use Google Sheets to manage their prospecting data

After examining all the features of, it is clear that this tool is a major player in the field of prospecting.

Its range of features, combined with its ease of use and integration with other tools, makes it a smart choice for those looking to improve their lead generation process.


Hunter Pricing Price List

Considering an investment in requires a clear understanding of its pricing structure.

Here's a look at what the monthly plans will cost:

  • The main differences between paid plans come down to the amount of email searches and checks you can do each month.
  • The entry cost for a paid plan starts at 49€ per month, excluding the free option.
  • The most expensive plan approaches €400 per month.

It's important to note that the rates may seem high. However, the value is relative to the intensity of use and the specific lead generation needs of each user.

Support and on-boarding

Hunter Support Support

Getting started with a new tool can sometimes be a challenge, but has put measures in place to make this process as smooth as possible.

Here is what they offer to facilitate your integration and help you use their tool:

  • Additional resources: has a multitude of resources, such as its blog, a comprehensive FAQ, and even webinars to guide you. These tools are a gold mine of information to help you make the best use of their platform.
  • Tutorials for each feature: Each feature, already intuitively designed and easy to understand, has a step-by-step tutorial to guide you. It's a convenient way to get to grips with the tool quickly.
  • Email templates: To facilitate your prospecting campaigns, provides email templates that you can use and customize.
  • Chat support: If you ever encounter a problem or have a question, you can contact the support team directly via the chat in the bottom right corner of your screen. Their team is responsive and ready to help you solve your problems.
  • Knowledge base: If you prefer to find the solution on your own,'s knowledge base is a great resource. It contains detailed articles on a variety of common questions.

The support and integration at are well designed to allow you to quickly and effectively use the tool. You will feel accompanied and supported at every stage of your experience.


Security and Confidentiality

In today's digital world, data security and privacy have become major concerns.

Fortunately, takes these issues very seriously and has put measures in place to protect the information of its users.

  • Data protection: implements robust security protocols to ensure the protection of its users' data. All information is stored on secure servers and protected by state of the art technology to prevent any form of data breach.
  • Respect for privacy: is fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) of the European Union and is committed to respecting the privacy of its users. All information collected is used transparently and in full respect of user rights.
  • Possibility of complaint and deletion of data: Users have the right to claim or remove their personal information from's database. They can also block Hunter's robot from visiting their site, ensuring complete control over their information.
  • Ethical use of data: Unlike other tools that may use undisclosed data sources, only collects information from public, verified sources, which ensures ethical use of data.
  • Email verification: The email addresses collected are checked for availability and ability to receive emails, which limits the risk of sending unsolicited emails.

In conclusion, data security and confidentiality are key elements of's offering. It is reassuring to know that the platform takes all necessary measures to ensure the protection of your data and respect your privacy.


1. is an all-in-one platform for generating and verifying leads, ideal for marketing and sales professionals.


  • Email search: can identify email addresses for website domains and provide a list of contacts.
  • Email verification: The platform checks the validity of the emails collected, which reduces the bounce rate.
  • Sending emails: also offers an email sending solution, which facilitates the prospecting process.


  • Free: For occasional users, with 50 monthly credits.
  • Plan S: $33 per month for 1000 credits.
  • Plan M: $66 per month for 5000 credits.
  • Plan L: $141 per month for 25,000 credits.
  • XL Plan: $241 per month for 50,000 credits. is an interesting alternative for those looking for a more affordable and all-in-one solution for prospecting.


2. Clearbit

Clearbit is a powerful prospecting tool focused on providing business data in real time.


  • Data enrichment: Clearbit provides detailed information on prospects to improve prospecting efficiency.
  • Lead discovery: It allows you to find new prospects based on various criteria such as industry, size, location, and more.
  • Email verification: Clearbit checks the validity of email addresses to improve lead quality.


  • Clearbit does not publish its prices publicly. Users should contact the company for a personalized quote.

Clearbit is a great option for businesses that want rich data about their prospects and are ready to invest for it.

3. There's Norbert

There's Norbert is a simple and effective tool for searching and verifying e-mails.


  • Email search: Voila Norbert allows you to search for email addresses based on names and domains.
  • Email verification: It checks the validity of email addresses to avoid bouncy emails.
  • Integrations: Voila Norbert integrates with several popular CRM and email marketing tools.


  • Pay As You Go: Starting at $0.10 per lead.
  • Valet plan: $49 per month for 1000 leads.
  • Butler plan: $99 per month for 5000 leads.
  • Plan Advisor: $249 per month for 15000 leads.

Voila Norbert is ideal for anyone looking for a simple and flexible solution for email search and verification.

Final opinion is a wonderful tool that can help you optimize your prospecting efforts.

Overall, I would say is one of the easiest to use tools I've reviewed, so you won't have much trouble getting started with it. Their email search tool is as easy to use as Google.

Its domain search, verification, and email address search tools help you a lot.

In addition, its lead management and campaign functions are a great help for your needs when it comes to creating backlinks or sending cold emails.

So we suggest you try, it's free.

If you like it, paid plans are affordable, even when you pay month-by-month.

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