7+ ways to use AI-created art to make money

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Many consider the life of an artist to be a struggle and a poverty.

There's nothing very exciting about working long hours creating pieces that may or may not sell, while making very little profit if they do sell.

But what if you could be an artist using the help of a robot to create your art?

Even better, what if you could create art in just a few seconds?

Anyone can use the tools for creating art created by AI to create beautiful works of art by simply explaining your vision in English.

In this guide, I'm going to show you different ways you can use AI-created art to make money.

If you think the artistic life is for you (or even if you're just curious), keep reading to find out more.

How to use AI-created art to make money

Here are some of the best ways to monetize AI-created art.

1. Designing new creative characters

People like stories.

AI-generated art can help create fascinating new characters that can be used to develop book, movie, or game scenarios.

Think of artists who create AI-generated art and develop anime.


They can get paid for their work by selling the characters or accessories they make.

In addition, these characters can be decorated with various accessories to make them even more intriguing.

Artists can then use these characters to write a series of books that they can sell online.

Combined with AI story generators, money can be earned by developing creative writing services using digital art tools.

2. Create websites and mobile applications

AI-generated art can contribute to the development of websites and mobile applications that appeal to a range of different audiences.

With the images generated, artists have commercial rights to use them as they see fit.

As this new technology develops, more and more people will be looking for ways to create AI art.

In addition, with over 1.14 billion websites On the internet, there will always be a need for new and improved website designs.

In connection with mobile applications, you can also create mobile wallpapers for different screen sizes and on a specific theme.

Finding a niche market that is willing to pay for such services is the key to success.

3. Create marketing materials

Creativity and marketing go hand in hand; art created by AI can help give your marketing material a new look (or a whole new feel).

For example, the use of AI images within a real estate company could help create more realistic - and therefore more convincing - property listings.

real estate

AI art generators can also create logos and other brand elements.

Tons of businesses can benefit from high-quality AI-assisted art in website banners, social media ads, email headers, and more.

4. Write an ebook or guide on how to create AI-assisted art.

When you start creating AI works, you start to understand what's generating the exact output you want.

As you become more tech-savvy, why not start selling your knowledge?

E-books are a great way to share your expertise with a wide audience, and because marketers can sell them as digital products, they don't need to worry about printing or shipping costs.

Creating products that are easy to consume is a great way to make money with your AI art skills.

5. Offer private AI-created art classes or workshops

Traditionally, online retail platforms have helped people share their knowledge and creativity with the world.

In addition to creating e-books, artists can now share their knowledge and expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning in the form of tutorials through online course platforms.

Since mainstream AI is a relatively new field, those who teach AI art generation on platforms like Thinkific and LearnWorlds can get to the heart of the matter and be among the first to market their skills.

You can also teach AI art generation by specializing in a subset of this industry, such as concept art, character design, or landscape painting.

Human artists can also create courses that show how to use AI-created art in conjunction with traditional art forms to create unique pieces.

Such a blend of creativity and technical know-how is always in demand.

To make even more money, you could offer private lessons or workshops to teach people how to use AI tools to create their artwork.

6. Sale of prints, posters, and other products

AI tools make creating prints, posters, and other merchandise easy and affordable.

Whether it's for your projects or someone else's, selling art prints is a great way to make money with your AI art.

Whether it's selling T-shirts on Etsy Using a print-on-demand model or using art generators to create unique designs, there are numerous ways to sell AI art prints.

haloween t shirt

With the different holidays of the year, you can create greeting cards, gift wrapping, ornaments, and other seasonal items.

7. Serve as a consultant for businesses that use AI-created art.

As businesses become aware of the benefits of AI artwork on their bottom lines, the demand for consultants who can help them use this technology will only grow.

Not everyone wants or has the time to learn how an AI art generator works.

Therefore, AI artists can also become digital art consultants whose job will be to help businesses create and implement AI art strategies.

Whether it's a business with an online store that wants to create art and maximize its conversion rate or brick and mortar stores that are looking to use AI-generated storefronts, there is a wide range of potential customers for digital art consultants.

As an artist, you can also use websites such as Fiverr to advertise yourself, list your services, and connect with businesses that need help.

8. Sell images on stock photo sites

Stock image websites provide users with website backgrounds, illustrations, and photos.

These are great places to find royalty-free artwork for those who need online resources.

With AI-generated graphics, users can sell digital and physical prints of their work.

Websites like Shutterstock accept images created by AI, which opens up new possibilities for artists.

It is essential to know the terms of use of each website before submitting images.

9. Creating NFTs

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are types of cryptocurrencies that allow users to buy, sell, or trade digital assets.

NFT art is about creating unique pieces of art and listing them on the blockchain, using various NFT marketplaces to find buyers.

The appeal for many artists in this field lies in the ability to create unique works of art that can be sold at a high price.

Rights to use AI-assisted art

Most companies that allow users to produce images based on art created by AI say that they have all commercial rights to sell the images they create.

However, it could also open up a whole world of copyright issues.

If the final results generated look like a copyrighted image, the user may be held responsible for violating that right.

It is important to be aware of these risks before selling a living art object.

What started AI-created art?

OpenAI Has opened Dall-E 2 to the general public in 2022, opening a new world of possibilities for artists.

Platforms like Midjourney and GanBreeder have also helped pave the way and now allow users to create unique images that they can sell as works of art.

As the image quality of AI-generated works continues to improve, we will see even more platforms and tools appear in the coming years.

Platforms such as Jasper Art and Photosonic are now considered pioneers in the world of art created by AI.

Considerations for making money with AI-assisted art

Knowing a thing or two about pixels, Photoshop, and AI-generated images can help you market your work with AI-generated photos.

Here are the main considerations to consider when making money with AI-created art:

High-quality, well-designed images are essential

While there are multiple ways to make money with AI-assisted art, high-quality images are critical to success.

Learning how to make money with AI-assisted art requires understanding how to create and market high-quality images.

Knowing the basics of image correction, image scaling, and preparing images for printing can help you create better quality photos.

Think about how you are going to sell your work

Since AI-generated art is available to the public, the differentiating factor between those who succeed and those who fail will be marketing.

Consider how you're going to sell your work before you start creating it.

For example, are you going to create a website to present your work?

Will you use social media?

How are you going to generate traffic to your work?

Even though many sites will have their traffic, you are more likely to succeed if you can apply a marketing strategy for digital growth.

Be ready to work with customers

Finding customers through social media, online job boards, or word-of-mouth is a great way to get started.

Having proven models for creating AI art can also help attract potential customers.

For example, if you are good at creating avatars, you can create a template that potential customers can use to create their own.

Models allow you to charge higher labor prices because the customer knows they're getting a better return for the price they're paying.

Be prepared to put in the time and effort

Whether you're using a stock photo site to sell your work or dealing directly with customers, you need to be prepared to put in the time and effort.

Creating high-quality AI-generated images takes time.

You will only succeed if you are willing to do some trial and error or if you are willing to put in the extra effort.

Use text to image conversion functions

AI-generated art production depends on text-to-image conversion commands used by artists.

AI artists who can manipulate the tools available to generate high-quality images will be more successful than those who cannot.

The textual prompts introduced into the AI art tool play an important role in the final result.

Using the correct prompts can help achieve better results.

For example, Jasper Art allows you to choose or add various options such as:

  • Key words
  • swag
  • Inspiration
  • Medium
  • Humor
sunday morning photo

These help artists generate better results and personalize outputs according to user needs.


With the improvement of various AI-powered image generation tools, there is a gold mine of opportunities to make money selling AI-generated art.

The key to success lies in knowing the characteristics of different AI artistic tools, in how to create high-quality images, and in a solid understanding of the commercial aspect.

By following the tips in this article, you'll be on your way to making money with AI-assisted art.

What other ways can you think of to make money with AI-assisted art?

Let me know in the comments below.

To find out more: The AI writing tools can help you create content faster than ever.

With the various options available, it is essential to choose the one that fits your needs.

Additionally, AI writing software can help you sell your content by optimizing it for SEO and meeting the needs of prospects, ensuring that the right people see your content.

Finally, if you are looking for ideas for Earn money blogging, here's the best way to start a blogging business.

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